Quotes & Sayings About Attitude Of Gratitude
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Top Attitude Of Gratitude Quotes

Cultivate the attitude of gratitude. The attitude of gratitude is when you are grateful for every breath of life. — Harbhajan Singh Yogi

Comparison with something that is better is the thief of joy. Comparison with something that is worse is a joy - full of relief and gratitude! You cannot always choose what happens to you or your circumstances but you can always choose your attitude by what you choose to compare your experiences or circumstances to and therefore how you will feel!! We can make any experience either a heaven or a hell by what we compare it to. Our emotions are 'an inside job!' — Theodore Roosevelt

Meekness implies a spirit of gratitude as opposed to an attitude of self-sufficiency, an acknowledgement of a greater power beyond oneself, a recognition of God, and an acceptance of his commandments. — Gordon B. Hinckley

True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future, not to amuse ourselves with either hopes or fears but to rest satisfied with what we have, which is sufficient, for he that is so wants nothing. The greatest blessings of mankind are within us and within our reach. A wise man is content with his lot, whatever it may be, without wishing for what he has not. — Seneca.

God has given us the use of his resources for a short time here on earth, and we have much to be grateful for. Go through your day sometime just recognizing that everything is God's. Get out of God's bed and walk into God's bathroom, and turn on God's shower, and then put on God's clothes. Eat God's cereal* and drink God's coffee. Get in God's car and head to work. When we start to see all of our resources as God's it helps us develop an attitude of gratitude that leads to a heart of worship. — Kyle Idleman

Stormy or sunny days, glorious or lonely nights, I maintain an attitude of gratitude. — Maya Angelou

The attitude of gratitude is yoga. Ingratitude is "unyoga," like "uncola." Where gratitude is, there is yoga. Where there is ingratitude, yoga is gone. That mind which does not live in gratitude is just like a junkyard. There are great cars there, but they don't work; they are useless, because they are junk. What are you without gratitude? — Harbhajan Singh Yogi

Develop an 'attitude of gratitude.' Say thank you to everyone you meet for everything they do for you — Brian Tracy

It is not that it is religious or it is not religious, it is called attitude of gratitude, it is called thanking God for giving you elbows and knees, giving you ribs and the glandular system, giving you head and skull and brain. — Harbhajan Singh Yogi

Gratitude conserves the vital energies of a person more than any other attitude tested. — Hans Selye

Thanksgiving is an attitude that must be rooted in the 'gift of life' if we ever hope to be thankful for the 'gifts' of life. — Craig D. Lounsbrough

When a leader has an attitude of gratitude, it can create great differences in the lives of others. — Debasish Mridha

You are in charge of your own attitude whatever others do or circumstances you face. The only person you can control is yourself ... worry more about your attitude than your aptitude or lineage. — Marian Wright Edelman

I may not be the number one movie star, or my films might not be doing too good. I am grateful for what life has offered me. I have got a great family, parents are together, have a great sister, I get to holiday. All these things make me grateful towards life, for everything. I always say - have an attitude of gratitude. — Sonam Kapoor

Attitude and Gratitude...
always makes a different in your failure or success of everything you do in your life. — Timothy Pina

Who can pray this request and mean it? Only he who looks at the whole of life from this point of view. Such a man will not fall into the trap of superspirituality, so concentrating on God's redemption as to disregard his creation; people like that, however devoted and well-meaning, are unearthly in more senses than one, and injure their own humanity. Instead, he will see everything as stemming ultimately from the Creator's hand, and therefore as fundamentally good and fascinating, whatever man may have made of it (beauty, sex, nature, children, arts, crafts, food, games, no less than theology and church things). Then in thankfulness and joy he will so live as to help others see life's values, and praise God for them, as he does. Supremely in this drab age, hallowing God's name starts here, with an attitude of gratitude for the goodness of the creation. — J.I. Packer

It's easy and natural to be thankful when your expectations are met. The real test of your faith is when things don't go your way, or when you are in pain. — Maddy Malhotra

Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to
you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something
bigger and better than your current situation. — Brian Tracy

We can lift ourselves, and others as well, when we refuse to remain in the realm of negative thought and cultivate within our hearts an attitude of gratitude. — Thomas S. Monson

Appreciation is an art and a lifestyle and a source of happiness and fulfillment. It's called gratitude-an attitude of gratitude. — Harbhajan Singh Yogi

Your words are powerful containers, carrying blessings or curses depending on what is inside of you. If you harbour bitterness in you, you will speak spitefully and create hurt and hatred in those you speak with. If there is love inside of you, you will release pleasant and caring words that create appreciation, gratitude and warmth in those around you. — Archibald Marwizi

Every morning we wake up with the same choice: What will my attitude be today? Ask yourself that without fail. Decide that no matter what the day brings, your attitude will include three elements: an awareness of how far you've come, gratitude for where you are, and determination to keep moving in the right direction. — Toni Sorenson

Human beings consider themselves satisfied only compared to some other condition. A man who has owned nothing but a bicycle all of his life feels suddenly wealthy the moment he buys an automobile ... But this happy sensation wears off. After a while the car becomes just another thing that he owns. Moreover, when his neighbor next door buys two cars, in an instant our man feels wretchedly poor and deprived. — Alan Lightman

The ship of my life may or may not be sailing on calm and amiable seas. The challenging days of my existence may or may not be bright and promising. Stormy or sunny days, glorious or lonely nights, I maintain an attitude of gratitude. If I insist on being pessimistic, there is always tomorrow. Today I am blessed. — Maya Angelou

I am grateful for all the chances I took which lead to a great paths. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Sometimes you have tons of money, and still you are miserable, you are not satisfied. The bow of gratitude and arrow of mercy will give you everything. Gratitude will turn your attitude into mercy, mercy will bring you dharma, and dharma will give you solid prosperity. — Harbhajan Singh Yogi

All you need are these: certainty of judgment in the present moment; action for the common good in the present moment; and an attitude of gratitude in the present moment for anything that comes your way." - MARCUS AURELIUS, MEDITATIONS, 9.6 — Ryan Holiday

The more gratefully we fix our minds on the Supreme when good things come to us, the more good things we will receive, and the more rapidly they will come; and the reason simply is that the mental attitude of gratitude draws the mind into closer touch with the source from which the blessings come. — Wallace D. Wattles

Life is about having an attitude of gratitude. And grabitude. Seriously, you've got to take stuff. What, do you think someone's just going to hand you what you want? — Jarod Kintz

The habit of happiness is achieved through the attitude of gratitude. — Annette Zoheret

The essential attributes of a great leader are a positive attitude, humility, and gratitude. — Debasish Mridha

An attitude of gratitude increases abundance and diminishes fear. — Jeffrey Fry

Except for a couple of hours
in the morning
which I passed in the company
of a sage
I stayed in bed
without food
only a few mouthfuls of water
"you are a fine looking old man"
I said to myself in the mirror
"and what is more
you have the correct attitude
You don't care if it ends
or if it goes on
And as for the women
and the music
there will be plenty of that
in Paradise"
Then I went to the Mosque
of Memory
to express my gratitude — Leonard Cohen

I have enough of what I need. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Paul thanked God for the Corinthian believers. During the Thanksgiving holiday, we focus on our blessings and express our gratitude to God for them. But thanks should be expressed every day. We can never say thank you enough to parents, friends, leaders, and especially to God. When thanksgiving becomes an integral part of your life, you will find that your attitude toward life will change. You will become more positive, gracious, loving, and humble. Whom do you need to thank today? — Anonymous

What are you addicted to: being thankful for your blessings or moaning about your problems? — Maddy Malhotra

Happiness is being grateful for what you have and having an attitude of gratitude instead of an attitude of envy. — Ben Stein

When we develop a right attitude of compassion and gratitude, we take a giant step towards solving our personal and international problems — Dalai Lama

The attitude of gratitude is the highest way of living, and is the biggest truth, the highest truth. You cannot live with applied consciousness until you understand that you have to be grateful for what you have. If you are grateful for what you have, then Mother Nature will give you more. — Harbhajan Singh Yogi

What then is worship? Here's the definition I came up with: worship is the inner attitude of a redeemed heart that is reaching toward God in love, awe, trust and gratitude. — Donnie Brannen

Listing What You Have: Internalize the attitude that regardless of how many things you do not have, you can still be happy and grateful if you keep your focus on what you do have. Make a list of possessions, talents, and good qualities you have and whenever you catch yourself becoming obsessed with something you lack, review your list. — Zelig Pliskin

Live everyday like your birthday and drive your life with all varieties of appreciation. A life live with thanksgiving every day is never tired of being lived again and again! — Israelmore Ayivor

There is a fundamental spiritual quality to gratitude that transcends religious traditions. Gratitude is a universal human experience that can seem to be either a random occurrence of grace or a chosen attitude to create a better experience of life; in many ways it contains elements of both. Grateful people sense that they are not separated from others or from God; this recognition of unity with all things brings a deep sense of gratefulness, whether we are religious or not. — Angeles Arrien

Lead with your beautiful & equisite heart Dear Ones as it will lead you to the TREASURE that is YOU. — Suzie Abels

The very joyful thing about seeing ourselves and life from a place of gratitude instead of entitlement - is that this way of breathing allows us to be forgiving of difficult circumstances in life and of those people who delivered such difficult circumstances to us. Gratitude allows us second chances at joy; not with the same circumstances or those same people; but it alleviates the burden of bitterness that comes with not receiving what one believes he/she was entitled to have. We can instead look forward into life and see that there will be many good things and we will be grateful for them. — C. JoyBell C.

" ... One can learn to focus on 'opportunity' as the gift within every given moment. This attitude towards life always improves the situation. Even in times of sickness, someone who habitually practices grateful living will look for the opportunity that a given moment offers and use it creatively." — David Steindl-Rast

An attitude of gratitude goes a long way when it comes to physical and emotional healing. — Jill Bolte Taylor

Master the attitude of gratitude and the pathway to abundance will open for you. — Pooja Ruprell

Happiness is the condition of who we are and how we think and what we believe and how we live. — Auliq Ice

The only way to stop the blaming-complaining cycle is to start being truly positive. No matter how bad your day is, always find something to be grateful for everyday. And expect only the best from people. — Kevin J. Donaldson

We have to learn to apply wisdom in every situation and not "spiritualize" every temptation. Sometimes we need to overcome temptation by prayer and receiving grace; other times we need to put on some cheery music, open the curtains, and make a pot of coffee. God has given us the blessing of food when we are hungry, Advil when we have a headache, and Starbucks when we need a serious perk-up. We should avail ourselves of these blessings with gratitude to God our Creator, and not think we are somehow being unspiritual if we look to His creation for help and comfort. — Nancy Wilson

Preserve a sense of proportion in your attitude to everything that pleases you, and make the most of them while they are at their best. — Seneca.

An attitude of gratitude creates blessings. — John Templeton

Learn to pay attention to your body with the relaxed attitude of gratitude, trust, curiosity and unconditional love rather than being pushed around by habit, fear, anxiety, social customs, other people's schedules and other people's ideas about what is good for you. — Wallace D. Wattles

In that instant, I realized that if I focused on the pain and misery, it would take me longer to heal. When chronic pain is my most often companion, it can be challenging to keep looking for the good. I needed to figure out a way to focus on the positive moments of each day. I needed to see where I was improving and healing. — Sharon E. Rainey

For some reason she found that Allan Harrington's attitude of absolute detachment made the whole affair seem much easier for her. And when Mrs. Harrington slipped a solitaire diamond into her hand as she went, instead of disliking it she enjoyed its feel on her finger, and the flash of it in the light. She thanked Mrs. Harrington for it with real gratitude. But it made her feel more than ever engaged to marry her mother-in-law. — Margaret Widdemer

I woke up this morning as I do every morning, with an attitude of gratitude. — Tony Williams

Appreciation empowers not just money transactions, but all interactions. Gratitude is one of the greatest meditations of a lifetime, the fastest attitude uplifter I know. Be grateful for all the good in your life and your good will only increase, along with your happiness. — Alan Cohen

The purpose is to be in gratitude forever. Live with applied consciousness, prosperity will break through the walls, flood you with it. You do prayer when you are in difficulty. Pray when you are not in difficulty! That is the attitude of gratitude. — Harbhajan Singh Yogi

Did you have to understand life to plunge in? Even kindness, when he encountered it, was a riddle half the time. If you walked into a door and bloodied your nose, it was one thing, but empathy for handicaps had never been his thing when he himself had none. Empathy had been for people of good cheer. — Edward Hoagland

Love yourself unconditionally.Do what you love to do.Be grateful for what you do have.Happiness is an attitude of gratitude.Love all of life. — Jan Porter

The Neo-Pagan Ten "Commandments"
1. Thou art God/dess.
2. As above, so below; as within so without.
3. Spirit abides in all things; words & names have power.
4. Maintain an attitude of gratitude (walk the talk).
5. Honor the ancestors, teachers, elders, and leaders.
6. All life is sacred.
7. All acts of love and pleasure are sacred.
8. Whatever you send out returns threefold.
9. Love is the law, love under will.
10. For the greatest good, an' it harm none. — Marian Singer

Of all the 'attitudes' we can acquire, surely the attitude of gratitude is the most important and by far the most life-changing. — Zig Ziglar

No better words than "thank you" have yet been discovered to express the sincere gratitude of one's heart; when the two words are sincerely spoken. — Alfred Armand Montapert

A smart manager will establish a culture of gratitude. Expand the appreciative attitude to suppliers, vendors, delivery people, and of course, customers. — Harvey MacKay

I was always spiritual, even as a child. I was taught to pray, show gratitude. We had an attitude of gratitude. Even if life was ugly, bad or sad - we prayed. — Shilpa Shetty

You cannot control all of what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward all of what happens to you ... You can choose to be happy and grateful rather than disappointed and bitter, by focusing on how it could have turned out worse but didn't, rather than how it could have turned out better but didn't. — Brian Tracy

When you start noticing even a small portion of all there is to be grateful for, you'll find there is no room for lack, hurt, or want. The attitude of gratitude: the great, full feeling. — Peter McWilliams

An attitude of gratitude brings great things. — Yogi Bhajan

Always start your day with positive thoughts and attitude of gratitude. — Debasish Mridha

The Attitude of Gratitude can raise your Altitude. Being Thankful is a magical way to reach the Top. - RVM. — R.v.m.

Behind every creative act is a statement of love. Every artistic creation is a statement of gratitude. — Kilroy J. Oldster

Attitude of gratitude. — The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints

Wealth can also be that attitude of gratitude with which we remind ourselves everyday to count our blessings. — Chris Gardner

Your level of gratitude determines your level of happiness, as well as your potential for success. It's difficult to be happy without gratitude. — Bob Burg

Gratitude is an attitude that hooks us up to our source of supply. And the more grateful you are, the closer you become to your maker, to the architect of the universe, to the spiritual core of your being. It's a phenomenal lesson. — Bob Proctor

Think of a world where "Detachment", "Gratitude" and "Empathy" were subjects included in every grade school's curriculum. A new generation would emerge with an attitude of peace, contentment and an overall appreciation for everything and everyone — Gary Hopkins

The good news is that being in gratitude does not require time and money. All it requires is an attitude of being grateful. — Vishwas Chavan

Gratitude is a divine attitude in the wisdom traditions. It takes you out from the ego self and takes you into the higher self. That higher state of consciousness initiates self repair, self regulation and healing. — Deepak Chopra

If you just feel happy for what you have, have an attitude of gratitude, and be grateful, then it will come true, you will be great and you will be full. — Harbhajan Singh Yogi

Embracing an attitude of gratitude is nourishing to the soul. When we allow ourselves to be engulfed in gratitude, this abundant soul nourishment overflows to your relationships, careers, and day to day lives. Act in gratitude today ... If you are grateful to those you love, show them. If you are grateful to those who have helped you, show them. If you are grateful to your creator, to your family, to your friends, and you want it to be known, let it be shown! — Steve Maraboli

Wealth is an inner feeling. More precisely, wealth is an outlook, an attitude, a belief. And the most obvious measurement of wealth is gratitude. — Bo Sanchez

An attitude of gratitude fills a heart with happiness. — Debasish Mridha

Gratitude makes the world a softer, kinder place. It softens that brittle shell of defence. There is always something to be grateful for, no matter how small or simple. — Janey Colbourne

Fill your hearts with love and gratitude. Life gives us what we need and not necessarily what we want. It follows its own wisdom, which is often incomprehensible to our gross minds. We should learn to accept situations in life. This attitude of acceptance is the secret to happiness. — Mata Amritanandamayi

Peter of Blois, a medieval theologian who died nearly three hundred years before Luther was born, expressed a sense of gratitude for the Christian writers of antiquity which should also characterize our attitude toward the reformers of the sixteenth century: "We are like dwarfs standing on the shoulders of giants; thanks to them, we see farther than they. Busying ourselves with the treatises written by the ancients, we take their choice thoughts, buried by age and human neglect, and we raise them, as it were, from death to renewed life. — Timothy George

It's okay to be sad, but it's not okay to be ungrateful. Cultivating gratitude is the attitude that makes room for happiness; given the space for happiness to grow, gratitude has a way of surmounting the misery of disaster and adversity, and healing our soul. Take heart, the future is brighter when you look for and seek the light in it. — Michael Brent Jones

Happiness is long-lasting, a condition of the soul, the foundation on which the circumstances of life are experienced, endured, or enjoyed. — Auliq Ice

The same tongue that tastes a cube of sugar when it is placed in a small cup of water and appreciates it is the same tongue that tells the same cube of sugar how tasteless it is when it is placed in a large volume of water. — Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

So, here's the short version of my predetermined biblical procedure manual all in one place: Alarmed, I resolve to remember who I am. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Stay in the flow - my job is obedience; God's job is results. Shift from an attitude to gratitude. My reactions determine my reach. — Lysa TerKeurst

Gratitude is more of a compliment to yourself than someone else. — Raheel Farooq

A sunny temper [an attitude of gratitude for what blessings and mercies there are] gilds the edges of life's blackest cloud. — Thomas Guthrie

To start with, you should have an attitude of gratitude. Without an attitude of gratitude, neither prosperity nor pleasure, joy nor happiness means anything, and it works this way: to those who have an attitude of gratitude and who do it with innocence, Mother Nature brings all the wealth, health, and happiness. — Harbhajan Singh Yogi