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Attitude In Pocket Quotes & Sayings

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Top Attitude In Pocket Quotes

Attitude In Pocket Quotes By Stephen King

-the half-grasped but never spoken idea that maybe, when you got right down to the place where the cheese binds, there is no such thing as marriage, no such thing as union, that each soul stood alone and ultimately defied rationality. That was the mystery. And no matter how well you thought you knew your partner, you occasionally ran into blank walls or fell into pits. And sometimes (Rarely, thank god) you ran into a full-fledged pocket of alien turblence that can buffet an airliner for no reason at all. An attitude or belief which you had never suspected, one so peculiar (at least to you) that it seamed nearly psychotic. — Stephen King

Attitude In Pocket Quotes By Stephen King

when you got right down to the place where the cheese binds, there was no such thing as marriage, no such thing as union, that each soul stood alone and ultimately defied rationality. That was the mystery. And no matter how well you thought you knew your partner, you occasionally ran into blank walls or fell into pits. And sometimes (rarely, thank God) you ran into a full-fledged pocket of alien strangeness, something like the clear-air turbulence that can buffet an airliner for no reason at all. An attitude or belief which you had never suspected, one so peculiar (at least to you) that it seemed nearly psychotic. And then you trod lightly, if you valued your marriage and your peace of mind; you tried to remember that anger at such a discovery was the province of fools who really believed it was possible for one mind to know another. — Stephen King

Attitude In Pocket Quotes By Leonardo Da Vinci

You should often amuse yourself when you take a walk for recreation, in watching and taking note of the attitudes and actions of men as they talk and dispute, or laugh or come to blows with one another ... noting these down with rapid strokes, in a little pocket-book which you ought always to carry with you. — Leonardo Da Vinci

Attitude In Pocket Quotes By Adhish Mazumder

There lived a poet in the lands of gold,
Wrote along poems unaffected by warmth or cold,
His words spoke truth and pen's stroke was bold,
His only motive: lives to mould — Adhish Mazumder

Attitude In Pocket Quotes By Erik Bundy

I was a modern young woman, fearless and capable (with mace spray in my robe's right pocket), and I didn't care who knew it. Attitude was everything when dealing with dwarfs. — Erik Bundy

Attitude In Pocket Quotes By Flann O'Brien

Mr Corcoran, whom by chance I was observing, smiled preliminarily but when about to speak, his smile was transfixed on his features and his entire body assumed a stiff attitude. Suddenly he sneezed, spattering his clothing with a mucous discharge from his nostrils.
As my uncle hurried to his assistance, I felt that my gorge was about to rise. I retched slightly, making a noise with my throat similar to that utilized by persons in the article of death. My uncle's back was towards me as he bent in ministration.
I clutched my belongings and retired quickly as they worked together with their pocket-cloths. I went to my room and lay prostrate on my bed, endeavouring to recover my composure. — Flann O'Brien

Attitude In Pocket Quotes By Archibald Marwizi

Your age reflects or measures the rate at which you have been spending life. Every one born into this world is given life and that life is measured in units of time. Spending time means spending life, wasting time means wasting life. Getting value out of time means, getting value out of life. Time does not stop moving because we stopped working with purpose, meaning life does not stop or take a break even when you plan to go on vacation. You never stop spending time, even when you don't have a penny in your pocket. — Archibald Marwizi