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Asyndeton Examples Quotes & Sayings

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Top Asyndeton Examples Quotes

Asyndeton Examples Quotes By Sharon Kay Penman

May I offer you some advice?"
"I'd rather you offered me a fast horse and a head start," Richard said with a tight smile. "But I'll take the advice, too. — Sharon Kay Penman

Asyndeton Examples Quotes By Timothy Keller

Our truth-allergic, experience-addicted populace wants transformation but doesn't want the loss of freedom and control associated with submitting to authority within a committed community. Many "converts" seem to make decisions for Christ but soon lose their enthusiasm because they are offered quick programs for follow-up and small group fellowship rather than a lifelong, embodied experience of community. Many churches do not even have a process for becoming a member. As a result, converts' lives are often not visibly different from those in the culture around them. The older, more communal processes of traditional churches are better at bringing about a more thorough transformation of life. — Timothy Keller

Asyndeton Examples Quotes By Doris Kearns Goodwin

The very qualities that had led to Johnson's political and legislative success were precisely those that now operated to destroy him: his inward insistence that the world adapt itself to his goals; his faith in the nation's limitless capacity; his tendency to evaluate all human activity in terms of its political significance; his insistence on translating every disruptive situation into one where bargaining was possible; his reliance on personal touch; his ability to speak to each of his constituent groups on its own terms. All these gifts, instead of sustaining him, now conspired to destroy him. — Doris Kearns Goodwin

Asyndeton Examples Quotes By Kazuo Ishiguro

It was his reaction when I mention I was from Hailsham. He'd just come through his third donation, it hadn't gone well, and he must have known he wan't going to make it. He could hardly breathe, but he looked towards me and said: "Hailsham. I bet that was a beautiful place. — Kazuo Ishiguro

Asyndeton Examples Quotes By Eraldo Banovac

A completely satisfied person arises after the realization of a long
dreamed goal. — Eraldo Banovac

Asyndeton Examples Quotes By Linda El Awar

Do not be afraid to try something new. The cost of playing it safe all the time could far exceed the cost of daring to change. — Linda El Awar

Asyndeton Examples Quotes By Tony Palermo

I'm the drummer that kind of plays more on top of the beat. — Tony Palermo

Asyndeton Examples Quotes By Owen Hatherley

Again, we find that the space standards of twenty-first century luxury are below the required minimum for dockworkers in 1962. — Owen Hatherley

Asyndeton Examples Quotes By Blaise Pascal

Justice is as much a matter of fashion as charm is. — Blaise Pascal

Asyndeton Examples Quotes By Candice Accola

I love Amy Adams. She is wonderful. Evan Rachel Wood is a blast. I am also really excited about Ari Graynor from 'Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist' and 'American Crime.' I think it is an exciting time for young women in this industry. I am excited to make my own path. — Candice Accola

Asyndeton Examples Quotes By Jonathan Davis

I've been on Prozac for 12 years and I'm off it now. I know what it feels like to be excited and sad again. I haven't felt like this in 12 years; I'm like a giddy little kid. — Jonathan Davis