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Art Is Subjective Quotes & Sayings

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Top Art Is Subjective Quotes

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Danny Huston

There's a point where art is not subjective, and my example for that is Picasso. If you don't like Picasso, that's your problem. — Danny Huston

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Hermann Hesse

Art is contemplation of the world in a state of grace and imaginatively reflecting that subjective understanding. — Hermann Hesse

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Kathleen Hanna

Defining art is huge; I feel like it's such a subjective thing. It's more like what's not art. You know what I mean? I think there can be an art in the way people live their lives, and art can be a gift someone gives to somebody. — Kathleen Hanna

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Gerard De Marigny

There's a difference between the 'art' of writing and the 'craft' of writing. Art is subjective, its beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, but craft is objective. There is a right way and a wrong way to craft. — Gerard De Marigny

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Robert Black

I have little or no concern at how people interpret my writing, my only concern is to write it. — Robert Black

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Mark Rothko

Therefore we can posit this generalization: That a painting is the representation of the artist's notion of reality in the terms of the plastic elements. The creation of a plastic unit reduces all the phenomena of the time to a unity of sensuality and thereby relates the subjective and objective in its relevance to man. Art therefore is a generalization. The use of the plastic elements to any other ends, which are most usually particularizations and descriptions of appearances, or which serve the stimulation of separate senses, are not in the category of art and must be classified in the category of applied arts. — Mark Rothko

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Tyrone Guthrie

That your own interpretation of a work of art is flagrantly subjective seems to be regarded as an arrogant attitude. But the truer view is that the interpretative artist can only make his own comment upon the work. — Tyrone Guthrie

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Jerry Saltz

Money is something that can be measured; art is not. It's all subjective. — Jerry Saltz

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Egon Friedell

Art is the subjective, preferential treatment of certain elements of reality; it selects and resets, distributes light and shade, omits and underlines, softens and emphasises. — Egon Friedell

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Jen Selinsky

Who says that art and science cannot coincide? Art is seen as subjective, and science is seen as objective. Paintings, drawings, and sculptures can contain geometric patterns. Most anything you can mix in a beaker or a Petri dish could be displayed as art. The point is that there is art in science, and there is science in art. — Jen Selinsky

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Michael Audain

If some of this art is not for you, that's fine. Art appreciation is a subjective matter, and we each bring our own experience, knowledge and taste to the party. — Michael Audain

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Michelle Malone

Art is so subjective
it means something different to every person. The important thing for it to do is to touch on the senses and emotions. — Michelle Malone

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Georges Braque

I couldn't portray a women in all her natural loveliness.. I haven't the skill. No one has. I must, therefore, create a new sort of beauty, the beauty that appears to me in terms of volume of line, of mass, of weight, and through that beauty interpret my subjective impression. Nature is mere a pretext for decorative composition, plus sentiment. It suggests emotion, and I translate that emotion into art. I want to express the absolute, not merely the factitious woman. — Georges Braque

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Liu Cixin

Zero dimensions! Have you seen such a thing done?" "No. We've only witnessed two-dimensionalization. We've never even seen one-dimensionalization. But somewhere, some Zero-Homers must be trying. No one knows if they've ever succeeded. Comparatively, it's easier to lower the speed of light to zero, so we've seen more evidence of such attempts to lower the speed of light past zero and return it to infinity." "Is that even theoretically possible?" "We don't know. Maybe the Zero-Homers have theories that say yes, but I don't think so. Zero-lightspeed is an impassable wall. Zero-lightspeed is absolute death for all existence, the cessation of all motion. Under such conditions, the subjective cannot influence the objective in any way, so how can the 'hour hand' be shifted past it? I think the Zero-Homers are practicing a kind of religion, a kind of performance art." Cheng — Liu Cixin

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Kim Holden

Ask one hundred people to explain love. And you'll get one hundred different answers. Because love is like art, it's subjective. Fluid. Ever-changing. Evolving. Case — Kim Holden

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Georg Brandes

The historian is looked upon as objective when he measures the past by the popular opinions of his own time, as subjective when he does not take these opinions for models. That man is thought best fitted to depict a period of the past, who is not in the least affected by that period. But only he who has a share in building up the future can grasp what the past has been, and only when transformed into a work of art can history arouse or even sustain instincts. — Georg Brandes

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Marcel Proust

For everyone who, having no artistic sense-that is to say, no submission to subjective reality-may have the knack of reasoning about art till doomsday, especially if he be, in addition, a diplomat or financier in contact with the 'realities' of the present day, is only too ready to believe literature is an intellectual game which is destined to gradually be abandoned as time goes on. — Marcel Proust

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Robert Adams

There is always a subjective aspect in landscape art, something in the picture that tells us as much about who is behind the camera as about what is in front of it. — Robert Adams

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Anonymous

Aristotle is the last Greek philosopher who faces the world cheerfully; after him, all have, in one form or another, a philosophy of retreat. The world is bad; let us learn to be independent of it. External goods are precarious; they are the gift of fortune, not the reward of our own efforts. Only subjective goods - virtue, or contentment through resignation - are secure, and these alone, therefore, will be valued by the wise man. Diogenes personally was a man full of vigour, but his doctrine, like all those of the Hellenistic age, was one to appeal to weary men, in whom disappointment had destroyed natural zest. And it was certainly not a doctrine calculated to promote art or science or statesmanship, or any useful activity except one of protest against powerful evil. — Anonymous

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Jennifer Aniston

Art is so subjective, and people can react however they want. — Jennifer Aniston

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Anuradha Bhattacharyya

In the example of the navigator, no writing was essential to draw the meaning of observing the object at a distance from the ship. In the real the
observation has been noted and that is enough to give it a meaning, a subjective meaning, a meaning exclusively important for the navigator himself. — Anuradha Bhattacharyya

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Deepak Chopra

For thousands of years, human beings have been obsessed with beauty, truth, love, honor, altruism, courage, social relationships, art, and God. They all go together as subjective experiences, and it's a straw man to set God up as the delusion. If he is, then so is truth itself or beauty itself. — Deepak Chopra

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Ken Danby

Art is completely subjective. It's up to the viewer to judge whether or not it has merit. — Ken Danby

Art Is Subjective Quotes By R. Buckminster Fuller

Here is God's purpose - For God, to me, it seems, is a verb not a noun, proper or improper; is the articulation not the art, objective or subjective; is loving, not the abstraction "love" commanded or entreated; is knowledge dynamic, not legislative code, not proclamation law, not academic dogma, not ecclesiastic canon. Yes, God is a verb, the most active, connoting the vast harmonic reordering of the universe from unleashed chaos of energy. — R. Buckminster Fuller

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Piet Mondrian

The only problem in art is to achieve a balance between subjective and objective. — Piet Mondrian

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Billy Boyd

I think all art is subjective - that whoever's watching it or listening to it will decide whether it's good or bad. — Billy Boyd

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Morgan Rhodes

Magnus pondered the twelve people taking up residence at the Hawk and Spear Inn, realizing that nearly half of them wanted him dead.

"And you're definitely one of them," he muttered as Nic trudged through the meeting hall, glaring as he passed the prince. Magnus was sitting alone at a table in front of a sketchbook he'd found in a drawer in his room. "Cassian, look," he called. "I drew a picture of you."

Magnus raised the sketchbook. His fingers smeared with charcoal, he held up a page on which he'd drawn an image of a skinny boy hanging from a noose, his tongue dangling from his mouth, two morbid Xs where the eyes should have been.

Nic, allegedly a very friendly fellow to everyone else in the world, shot Magnus a look of sheer hatred. "You think that's funny?"

"What? You don't like it? Well, they do say art is subjective. — Morgan Rhodes

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Tim Crouch

Art is a subjective thing, and it should be a subjective thing. And the difficulty of subjectivity is that it becomes hugely problematized when you start applying large sums of money to art objects. That's where it all starts to get a bit sticky. — Tim Crouch

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Rajneesh

Look at the paintings of Picasso. He is a great painter, but just a subjective artist. Looking at his paintings, you will start feeling sick, dizzy, something going berserk in your mind. You cannot go on looking at Picasso's painting long enough. You would like to get away, because the painting has not come from a silent being. It has come from a chaos. It is a by product of a nightmare. But ninety-nine percent art belongs to that category. — Rajneesh

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Ad Reinhardt

The one object of fifty years of abstract art is to present art-as-art and as nothing else, to make it into the one thing it is only, separating and defining it more and more, making it purer and emptier, more absolute and more exclusive - non-objective, non-representational, non-figurative, non-imagist, non-expressionist, non-subjective. the only and one way to say what abstract art or art-as-art is, is to say what it is not. — Ad Reinhardt

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Leo Tolstoy

Art is the uniting of the subjective with the objective,
of nature with reason, of the unconscious with the conscious, and
therefore art is the highest means of knowledge. — Leo Tolstoy

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Susanne Katherina Langer

The arts objectify subjective reality, and subjectify outward experience of nature. Art education is the education of feeling, and a society that neglects it gives itself up to formless emotion. Bad art is corruption of feeling. — Susanne Katherina Langer

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Erich Fromm

The faculty to think objectively is reason; the emotional attitude behind reason is that of humility. To be objective, to use one's reason, is possible only if one has achieved an attitude of humility, if one has emerged from the dreams of omniscience and omnipotence which one has as a child. Love, being dependent on the relative absence of narcissism, requires the developement of humility, objectivity and reason.
I must try to see the difference between my picture of a person and his behavior, as it is narcissistically distorted, and the person's reality as it exists regardless of my interests, needs and fears. — Erich Fromm

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Sara Blecher

Art is incredibly subjective. What is great art to one person isn't necessarily to another. — Sara Blecher

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Ron Brackin

There's no such thing as great art or poor art. Art is subjective expression. As such, it can be judged only as popular or unpopular. What is banned in Boston may one day receive a million-dollar bid at Christie's. Art has, therefore, no use for critics but frequently finds itself amused by commentators. — Ron Brackin

Art Is Subjective Quotes By Miranda Hart

Art is subjective and art as a form of entertainment escapism is as high art as any. — Miranda Hart