Famous Quotes & Sayings

Approved For Adoption Quotes & Sayings

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Top Approved For Adoption Quotes

Approved For Adoption Quotes By Joan Didion

Adoption, I was to learn although not immediately, is hard to get right.
As a concept, even what was then its most widely approved narrative carried bad news: if someone "chose" you, what does that tell you?
Doesn't it tell you that you were available to be "chosen"?
Doesn't it tell you, in the end, that there are only two people in the world?
The ones who "chose" you?
And the other who didn't?
Are we beginning to see how the word "abandonment" might enter the picture? Might we not make efforts to avoid such abandonment? Might not such efforts be characterized as "frantic"? Do we want to ask ourselves what follows? Do we need to ask ourselves what words come next to mind? Isn't one of those words "fear"? Isn't another of those words "anxiety"? — Joan Didion

Approved For Adoption Quotes By Tom Kenyon

We create through our voice, through the power of our voice. So, when a person frees up their voice energies, from a yogic standpoint, they're increasing their potency as creators, to create in their life whatever it is they choose to create. — Tom Kenyon

Approved For Adoption Quotes By Robert Green Ingersoll

If there be an infinite Being, he does not need our help - we need not waste our energies in his defense. — Robert Green Ingersoll

Approved For Adoption Quotes By Joey Harrington

That's what being a leader is all about. If the other players see you in a non-positive mind set, that affects them. I have to present an air of confidence at all times. — Joey Harrington

Approved For Adoption Quotes By Lemony Snicket

Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another. — Lemony Snicket

Approved For Adoption Quotes By William Shakespeare

Wrong hath but wrong, and blame the due of blame. — William Shakespeare