Famous Quotes & Sayings

Apple And Banana Quotes & Sayings

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Top Apple And Banana Quotes

Apple And Banana Quotes By Shel Silverstein

Eighteen luscuios scrumpitous flavors,
Chocolate,Lime and Cherry
Coffee,Pumpkin, Fudge-Banana,
Caramel Cream and boysenberry.
Rocky Road and Toasted Almond,
Butterscotch,Vanilla Dip, Butter Brinkle,
Apple Ripple,Coconut,and Mocha Chip, Brandy Peach and Lemon Custard.
Each scoop lovely.smooth and round. Tallest cream cone in town lying there on the ground. — Shel Silverstein

Apple And Banana Quotes By Heather Demetrios

To have a point, to have a purpose, was its own kind of freedom. — Heather Demetrios

Apple And Banana Quotes By Erica Jong

I am thinking of the onion again ... Not self-righteous like the proletarian potato, nor a siren like the apple. No show-off like the banana. But a modest, self-effacing vegetable, questioning, introspective, peeling itself away, or merely radiating halos like ripples. — Erica Jong

Apple And Banana Quotes By Idontknow

English minions

hello! bello
goodbye! poopaye
thankyou! tank yu
I'm hungry me want banana
ugly bananonina
I swear... underwear
fire! bee do bee do bee do
we love you tulaliloo ti amo
I hate you tatata bala tu
for you para tu
toy baboi
chair chasy
what poka
apple bable
ice cream gelato
butt butt
one hana
two dul
three sae — Idontknow

Apple And Banana Quotes By James Corden

Fondue is not a good date food. You end up with cheese dripping down your face. — James Corden

Apple And Banana Quotes By Steven Magee

I stopped snowboarding as I started to recognize symptoms that corresponded with radiation sickness when at high altitude ski resorts. — Steven Magee

Apple And Banana Quotes By Jane Heller

The "difficult" female character can-and will-do the shocking, the unexpected and, as a consequence, will give your story an immediate jolt of energy. She is the character who doesn't fit the mold. — Jane Heller

Apple And Banana Quotes By Peter Mandelson

If the constitutional treaty is rejected it will be back to square one, just at a time when we want Europe to be a more effective force for good in the world, when we need to buttress ourselves against the pressures and insecurities of globalization. — Peter Mandelson

Apple And Banana Quotes By Rajneesh

It is impossible to pursue happiness. Nobody has ever pursued it. One has to wait for it. And it is not a right at all. No law court can force you to be happy or force happiness to be with you. No government violence is capable of making you happy. No power can make you happy ... — Rajneesh

Apple And Banana Quotes By Elle Kennedy

Hell. I was like the serpent shoving the apple at Eve. Or rather the banana... — Elle Kennedy

Apple And Banana Quotes By Brad Warner

The very idea of higher states of consciousness is absurd. Comparing one state of consciousness to another and saying one is "higher" and the other is "mundane" is like eating a banana and complaining it's not a very good apple. — Brad Warner

Apple And Banana Quotes By Mark Leyner

So where does the name Adam's apple come from? Most people say that it is from the notion that this bump was caused by the forbidden fruit getting stuck in the throat of Adam in the Garden of Eden. There is a problem with this theory because some Hebrew scholars believe that the forbidden fruit was the pomegranate. The Koran claims that the forbidden fruit was a banana. So take your pick
Adam's apple, Adam's pomegranate, Adam's banana. Eve clearly chewed before swallowing. — Mark Leyner

Apple And Banana Quotes By Jo Frost

1 cup milk plus: 1. Small bowl cold cereal + blueberries + yogurt 2. 1 egg, scrambled or boiled + 1 slice toast + strawberries 3. 1 cut-up chicken sausage + toast + ½ banana 4. ½ bagel + cream cheese + raspberries 5. 1 slice ham on toast + ½ orange 6. ½ tortilla rolled up with cheese + melon + yogurt 7. Small bowl oatmeal + cut-up bananas and strawberries Lunch and Dinner 1. 1 salmon cake + carrots + rice 2. Fish pie + broccoli 3. 3 oz salmon + cup of pasta + peas 4. 2 fish sticks + cup couscous + veg 5. ½ breast of chicken + veg + small potato 6. Roast chicken + dumplings + veg 7. 1 meat or peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich + apple + yogurt 8. 1 small homemade pizza + fruit 9. Pasta with tomato sauce and cheese + veg 10. Chicken risotto + veg 11. Ground beef + potato + peas 12. Small tuna pasta bake + veg 13. 4 meatballs + pasta + veg 14. Chicken stir-fry with veg + rice — Jo Frost

Apple And Banana Quotes By Terry Pratchett

Vimes died. The sun dropped out of the sky, giant lizards took over the world, and the stars exploded and went out and all hope vanished and gurgled into the sinktrap of oblivion. And gas filled the firmament and combusted and behold! There was a new heaven - or possibly not. And Disc and Io and and possibly verily life crawled out of the sea - or possibly didn't because it had been made by the gods, and lizards turned to less scaly lizards - or possibly did not. And lizards turned into birds and bugs turned into butterflies and a species of apple turned into banana and a kind of monkey fell out of a tree and realised life was better when you didn't have to spend your time hanging onto something. And in only a few billion years evolved trousers and ornamental stripey hats. Lastly the game of Crocket. And there, magically reincarnated, was Vimes, a little dizzy, standing on the village green looking into the smiling countenance of an enthusiast. — Terry Pratchett

Apple And Banana Quotes By Gabriela Isler

I always make my favorite pancakes with milk, and I also add some fruit - like a banana or apple with some cinnamon sprinkled on top. I also sometimes put peanut butter on my pancakes! — Gabriela Isler

Apple And Banana Quotes By Victor Robert Lee

No person is just one person. Everyone is a crate of fruits, a crate of mixed fruits. The apple in there may have worms, a peach may be mildewed, a banana may be too green, a pear may be in perfect ripeness, and a melon may have the sweetest smell. — Victor Robert Lee

Apple And Banana Quotes By Holly Hood

Frankie scanned her eyes. I don't ask for things. I take them. — Holly Hood

Apple And Banana Quotes By Michelle Marcos

Lady Ponsonby was right. The forbidden fruit isn't shaped like an apple. It's shaped like a banana. — Michelle Marcos

Apple And Banana Quotes By Alisa Marie Fleming

PB&J-dilla - Spread some natural (organic) PB (or other nut or seed butter) on one side of your tortilla. Top with jam of choice. Add some fruit, if you want (sliced banana and green apple work nicely). Fold. Place in a hot skillet and toast about 2 minutes per side. Remove from pan, cut into quesadilla-style wedges and serve or pack into lunchboxes. — Alisa Marie Fleming

Apple And Banana Quotes By Miles Davis

Naw, I wasn't going to sell my principles for them. I wanted to be accepted as a good musician and that didn't call for no grinning, but just being able to play the horn good. And that's what I did then and now. Critics can take that or leave it. — Miles Davis

Apple And Banana Quotes By Sarah J. Maas

His pupils flared. "Is there a reason you do that, Princess?" "Is there any reason not to? — Sarah J. Maas

Apple And Banana Quotes By Jong S. Jun

The social construction of public administration concerns itself less with how policy — Jong S. Jun

Apple And Banana Quotes By Kelley Armstrong

As we sat, Derek pulled a handful of energy bars from his pocket, and gave me one.
"Oh, right. You must be starving." Simon reached into his pockets. "I can offer one bruised apple and one brown banana."
"You guys are weird," Tori said.
Simon sat on the crate beside me. "That's right. We are totally weird and completely uncool. Your popularity is plummeting just by being near us. So why don't you - "
"Chloe?" Derek interrupted. "How's your arm?"
"Her - ?" Simon swore under his breath. "Way to keep showing me up. First, food. Now her arm." He turned to me. "How is it?" — Kelley Armstrong

Apple And Banana Quotes By Sydney J. Harris

The personality of man is not an apple that has to be polished, but a banana that has to be peeled. And the reason we remain so far from one another, the reason we neither communicate nor interact in any real way, is that most of us spend our lives in polishing rather than peeling... Almost everything in modern life is devoted to the polishing process, and little to the peeling process. It is the surface personality that we work on - the appearance, the clothes, the manners, the geniality. In short, the salesmanship: We are selling the package, not the product. — Sydney J. Harris