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Apology Quotes Quotes & Sayings

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Top Apology Quotes Quotes

Apology Quotes Quotes By Ian Kelsey

Oh, what a better way to express your love than a plasticbag full of air. — Ian Kelsey

Apology Quotes Quotes By Richelle E. Goodrich

Love is an afternoon of fishing when I'd sooner be at the ballet.
Love is eating burnt toast and lumpy graving with a big smile.
Love is hearing the words 'You're beautiful' as I fail to squeeze into my fat jeans.
Love is refusing to bring up the past, even if doing so would be a slam dunk to prove your point.
Love is your hand wiping away my tears, trying to erase streaks of mascara.
Love is the warm hug that extinguishes an argument.
Love is a humbly-uttered apology, even if not at fault.
Love is easy to recognize but so hard to define; however, I think it boils down to this ...
Love is caring so much about the feelings of someone else, you sacrifice whatever it takes to help him or her feel better.
In other words, love is my heart being sensitive to yours. — Richelle E. Goodrich

Apology Quotes Quotes By John Prendergast

I'm probably a little too impatient with ensuring that the networks and organizations I'm part of are doing the right thing, and pushing the right thing the right way. — John Prendergast

Apology Quotes Quotes By Neil Gaiman

Sometimes, "I told him, as the darkness swirled closer and closer, "you just have to say you're sorry."
It's more than that, and I think by then I knew it. It's more than saying sorry.
It's meaning it. It's letting the apology change things. But an apology is where it has to begin. — Neil Gaiman

Apology Quotes Quotes By A. Giannoccaro

I am too selfish to be a mother, I can barely tolerate being his lover at this point. I am selfish and I make no apology for that. ~Shannon~ — A. Giannoccaro

Apology Quotes Quotes By Evinda Lepins

An apology given just to appease one's conscience is self-serving and better left unspoken! — Evinda Lepins

Apology Quotes Quotes By Umar Ibn Al-Khattab

Acquire knowledge, and learn tranquility and dignity. — Umar Ibn Al-Khattab

Apology Quotes Quotes By Matshona Dhliwayo

No one is too big to apologize, but some are too little. — Matshona Dhliwayo

Apology Quotes Quotes By Dick Francis

A jump jockey has to throw his heart over the fence - and then go over and catch it. — Dick Francis

Apology Quotes Quotes By Eckhart Tolle

Your life's journey is no longer an adventure, just an obsessive need to arrive, to attain, to "make it." You no longer see or smell the flowers by the wayside either, nor are you aware of the beauty and the miracle of life that unfolds all around you when you are present in the Now. — Eckhart Tolle

Apology Quotes Quotes By Jasleen Kaur Gumber

Follow the ideal doing,
grind the beans just before brewing.
Use spring water,
for softened water,
makes a horror.
A parley perfect,
between the coffee,
and the milk,
with some,
brown sugar thick."
(Poem: An apology of a coffee lunatic, Book: Ginger and Honey) — Jasleen Kaur Gumber

Apology Quotes Quotes By Randal Marlin

The specific media my change, but the principles of human nature have remained fairly constant over the millenia. — Randal Marlin

Apology Quotes Quotes By Auliq Ice

You just can't apologize for being you nor for your emotional self, nor for your intellectual self, nor for spiritual self, nor for your physical self. It's all a part of who you are, signal that you don't value who you are, once that occurs you have a serious work to do, to get back to where you need to be in order to move on in life. — Auliq Ice

Apology Quotes Quotes By Bruce Lee

Forces. What utter treachery!" Hitler then makes misleading statements about how he and Mussolini had agreed to defend Sicily. The Fuehrer also offers a backhanded apology to the Japanese for allowing a large amount of the Italian Navy to fall into Allied hands. However, it is Hitler's current plan for the defense of Italy that interests Washington. Oshima quotes him on this as saying: "[The Allies] have two courses: either they will go north in Italy or they will try to land in the Balkans. I am inclined to believe they will take the latter course. I — Bruce Lee

Apology Quotes Quotes By Pope Francis

Dear young people, Christ asks you to be wide awake and alert, to see the things in life that really matter. — Pope Francis

Apology Quotes Quotes By Nico J. Genes

Writing is one of the best therapies that exist. Either on paper, computer, phone or tablet, in any form it is helpful. Whenever you feel like writing, just do it. Let the words flow out of your mind and heart. It doesn't have to make sense to anyone but you. Some people may find easier to express themselves in writing than verbally. While you will have time to choose the best words, you will also escape the fear of immediate reaction. Take your time and play with the words until you feel you got them right. One can write about anything. About a dream, a fantasy, a love story, happenings during the day, an apology or a greeting, everything is permitted in the world of writing. There it is no good or bad. — Nico J. Genes

Apology Quotes Quotes By Anonymous

Z by grace you have been saved a through faith. And this is b not your own doing; c it is the gift of God, 9 d not a result of works, e so that no one may boast. 10. For f we are his workmanship, g created in Christ Jesus h for good works, i which God prepared beforehand, j that we should walk in them. — Anonymous