Famous Quotes & Sayings

Anniyan Movie Quotes & Sayings

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Top Anniyan Movie Quotes

Anniyan Movie Quotes By Dzintra Sullivan

Arkadia wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head upon the muscular cliff face he called his chest. — Dzintra Sullivan

Anniyan Movie Quotes By Nouman Ali Khan

Every Hour has its own value. Every minute is precious. Every second is irreplaceable. Thank Allah for the time you have, be it little. If you thank Allah for something, He will surely increase it in its blessings. — Nouman Ali Khan

Anniyan Movie Quotes By Samwise


Anniyan Movie Quotes By Jimmy Smits

For minority actors, developing our own projects has to be the eventual path. We have a lot of stories to tell and a really unique voice. But none of that is going to be heard as long as we're just the hired hands, acting. — Jimmy Smits

Anniyan Movie Quotes By Quentin Crisp

The very purpose of existence is to reconcile the glowing opinion we hold of ourselves with the appalling things that other people think about us. — Quentin Crisp

Anniyan Movie Quotes By George Orwell

There was no reproach either in their faces or in their hearts,
only the knowledge that they must die in order that he
might remain alive, and that this was part of the unavoid-
able order of things. — George Orwell

Anniyan Movie Quotes By Matt Taibbi

Democracy doesn't require a whole lot of work of its citizens, but it requires some: It requires taking a good look outside once in a while, and considering the bad news and what it might mean, and making the occasional tough choice, and soberly taking stock of what your real interests are. — Matt Taibbi

Anniyan Movie Quotes By Yves Bonnefoy

Our hands full or not:
The same abundance.
Our eyes open or shut:
The same light. — Yves Bonnefoy

Anniyan Movie Quotes By Frank Abagnale

I don't use a debit card. The safest thing is a credit card because you're using the bank's money. If someone accesses your information, they are stealing the bank's money, not yours. — Frank Abagnale

Anniyan Movie Quotes By Oliver J. Tooley

It is ever the case in war that beauty is destroyed in the stampede for victory." His — Oliver J. Tooley

Anniyan Movie Quotes By Brandon Routh

You want to keep it in there because you feel like it's yours but to be able to see that sometimes some stuff needs to go and I think it's for the benefit of the film. — Brandon Routh

Anniyan Movie Quotes By Scott Eastwood

You never believe your own hype. As quick as somebody can be 'the guy' in Hollywood, he can be gone the next minute. For me, it's about doing great work. And then hopefully you keep working forever. — Scott Eastwood

Anniyan Movie Quotes By Edith Hamilton

To rejoice in life, to find the world beautiful ... was a mark of the Greek spirit ... — Edith Hamilton