Famous Quotes & Sayings

Amber In The Moment Quotes & Sayings

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Top Amber In The Moment Quotes

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Janet Taylor Lisle

They have achieved a level of organization far beyond others of their species. Unfortunately, it is being used for destructive purposes at the moment. Don't look so surprised my dear, it's in the nature of the beast.'
'But these squirrels are not beasts!' Amber protested.
'Oh pish-posh, we are all of us beasts,' the professor replied lightly. 'The trouble comes when we try to pretend that we're not. — Janet Taylor Lisle

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Vita Sackville-West

It is a sad moment when the first phlox appears. It is the amber light indicating the end of the great burst of early summer and suggesting that we must now start looking forward to autumn. Not that I have any objection to autumn as a season, full of its own beauty; but I just cannot bear to see another summer go, and I recoil from what the first hint of autumn means. — Vita Sackville-West

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Kurt Vonnegut

Take it moment by moment, and you will find that we are all, as I've said before, bugs in amber. — Kurt Vonnegut

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Riccardo Bruni

But that day it was raining, and since they couldn't very well sit on the rooftop in the rain to watch the flotilla parade, they stayed in the little room that led to the roof. It had just one tiny window through which the gray light of day filtered in. They sat on the floor, and Lorenzo's senses were aroused by the sound of the rain falling outside, the musky smell of his own body, and the fragrant scent of Caterina's hair. A single blonde strand wound down her slim neck.

They kissed, taking off their rain-washed summer clothes so that their bodies pressed, naked, against one another. Long, delicate lovemaking. Caresses, kisses, shivers, and sighs of delight.

Lorenzo would have gladly spend the rest of his life preserved in that single moment, as if in amber, abandoning reality to live in the memory of that one single day. — Riccardo Bruni

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Liz Kessler

But there would be no confrontation the next day. And for Tommy Williams, there would be no school, either. Because the moment he walked through the gap in the stones to leave the circle, something quiet unexpected happened.
Tommy, holding tightly on to his rock, took the step that divided the inside of the circle from the outside - and disappeared.
The woods suddenly felt colder than usual. The darkness hung more heavily.
The amber was gone - and now nothing would ever be the same. — Liz Kessler

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Robin Hobb

You want a mate who will follow your dream. You don't want to give up your own ambitions to make someone else's life possible.'
'I supposed that's true,' Althea admitted reluctantly. An instant later she demanded, 'Why is that so wrong?'
'It isn't,' Amber assured her, A moment later she added wickedly, 'As long as you're male. — Robin Hobb

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Kurt Vonnegut

Well here we are, Mr. Pilgrim, trapped in the amber of this moment ... — Kurt Vonnegut

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Matthew Crow

Amber was designed for life. She was designed for color and movement. She was not a girl born for the click of the camera's lens. No device could capture her, the way she was, the way she was meant to be. She was not born to be still or stationary. Without her color she was broken, a faulty image that could never be fixed. Without her voice she was nothing. Amber was gone. At that moment it was all clear to me. Everything to come was just a formality. — Matthew Crow

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Amber Dawn

I had spent so much time secretly scared of rape that in that moment I was hardly even afraid anymore. Or rather I had moved on to my next fear - what happens when it's over? Would I be left there, alone? Injured? Or worse? — Amber Dawn

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Linda Joy Singleton

Here I was with the guy I maybe-loved, relaxing by the ocean with salty crisp breezes and blue-gray sea curving into a for-ever horizon. We even had background music to add to the romantic ambience. And except for the "can't kiss because he's my brother" thing, this was the perfect romantic moment. — Linda Joy Singleton

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Julie Murphy

When I can't fall asleep at night it's not because of work or school or Amber or Bekah. It's you. You're the one that drives me crazy."
I shake my head because it makes no sense. "Have you ever thought about what people will think? What they'll say when they see us together holding hands?"
"You never struck me as the type to give a shit what everyone else thinks." His jaw twitches for a moment before he lowers his voice and says, "I want to go everywhere with you. I want to show you off. I want to wear a cheap suit and be your escort for that ridiculous pageant. — Julie Murphy

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Lilith Saintcrow

I turned my face into Japhrimel's shoulder. "You're going to disappear," I said into his coat, not even caring that I knew what it was made of. "Just stay for a moment, just please just for a minute, a second - "
"Dante." His fingers came up, tangled in my already-tangled hair. "I heard you calling me. I tried to answer."
"Just for a few seconds." I buried my face in his coat, his other arm closed around me. I inhaled the smell of cinnamon, of amber musk, the deadly smoky nonphysical fragrance of demons. Filled my lungs with the breath of life. "Before I have to burn this whole fucking place down."
"Be still," he answered. "I am here, I have never left your side. I told you, you will not leave me to
wander the earth alone. — Lilith Saintcrow

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Nancy Mitford

There they are, held like flies, in the amber of that moment ... — Nancy Mitford

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Matthew Crow

Colette looked at me and smiled. It struck me in that moment that Amber's mouth had been just like her mother's, and suddenly I was fifteen again, and in love again, and devastated. — Matthew Crow

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Kirk Vonnegut

Just like existence itself, the dream was complicated and absurd. — Kirk Vonnegut

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Sara Jaffe

I knew this was a test. It was as if someone had handed me a sword and said fight. My lungs worked. My arms sloughed off old water. My body pulled even with hers and we matched strokes with each other, scoop to kick and neck to neck. We were stopped in time. We inhabited the same moment in time. We were insects in amber and the water pushed against us and then I pulled ahead of her. — Sara Jaffe

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Kurt Vonnegut

- Why me?
- That is a very Earthling question to ask, Mr. Pilgrim. Why you? Why us for that matter? Why anything? Because this moment simply is. Have you ever seen bugs trapped in amber?
- Yes.
- Well, here we are, Mr. Pilgrim, trapped in the amber of this moment. There is no why. — Kurt Vonnegut

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Kurt Vonnegut

It would take another Earthling to explain it to you. Earthlings are the great explainers, explaining why this event is structured as it is, telling how other events may be achieved or avoided. I am a Tralfamadorian, seeing all time as you might see a stretch of the Rocky Mountains. All time is all time. It does not change. It does not lend itself to warnings or explanations. It simply is. Take it moment by moment, and you will find that we are all, as I've said before, bugs in amber." "You sound to me as though you don't believe in free will," said Billy Pilgrim. — Kurt Vonnegut

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Jonathan Kellerman

Thinking, as she had a thousand times: Special needs, she's like the others, gets more money for it. Followed by the question that bothered her: What's my special need? Bobby snorted and sputtered and coughed and Ramona rushed over and slapped his back softly until he stopped. Amber started to cry and Ramona said, "One moment, darling." Grace had wondered for a while about what made Bobby weak and have trouble breathing but knew better than to ask Ramona about something that wasn't her business. Instead, she snuck — Jonathan Kellerman

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Kurt Vonnegut

There is no WHY, since the moment simply is, and since all of us are simply trapped in the moment, like bugs in Amber. — Kurt Vonnegut

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Jayne Castle

You and I certainly had out issues, Cooper. But I never, for a moment, doubted that you could be trusted. My father told me once that your word was good amber. I have no reason to believe otherwise. — Jayne Castle

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Ezra Pound


Go, dumb-born book,
Tell her that sang me once that song of Lawes:
Hadst thou but song
As thou hast subjects known,
Then were there cause in thee that should condone
Even my faults that heavy upon me lie
And build her glories their longevity.

Tell her that sheds
Such treasure in the air,
Recking naught else but that her graces give
Life to the moment,
I would bid them live
As roses might, in magic amber laid,
Red overwrought with orange and all made
One substance and one colour
Braving time.

Tell her that goes
With song upon her lips
But sings not out the song, nor knows
The maker of it, some other mouth,
May be as fair as hers,
Might, in new ages, gain her worshippers,
When our two dusts with Waller's shall be laid,
Siftings on siftings in oblivion,
Till change hath broken down
All things save Beauty alone. — Ezra Pound

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Emma Richler

It is perfectly scientific,' Lev protests, rising to draw the heavy dining room curtains against the streetlamp light, reducing it to a glow that bleeds amber round the edges and between the panels of plum brocade. Lev turns back into the room but stays by the window a moment to observe the new play of light, the chandelier casting shards of glitter upon mahogany and bold shadows across the high brow and long sharp plains of Katya's timeless face. Oh my wife. — Emma Richler

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Ray Bradbury

And for a moment, Vinia thought that she and Jim might be caught by a sudden drop of great masses of honey from above, sealing them into this tree forever, enchanted, in amber, to be seen by anyone in the next thousand years who strolled by, while the weather of all ages rained and thundered and turned green outside the tree. — Ray Bradbury

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Kasie West

Dancing wasn't quite the same as running ... or any sport, for that matter. I didn't feel like I had a purpose, a goal. But after a while I let my mind relax and realized not everything had to have a point. Some things could just be for the fun of it. I looked over at Amber dancing next to me. She smiled, then hooked her arm in mine and twirled me around. My surroundings blurred and I soaked the moment in, deciding this night was something I could do again. — Kasie West

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Amber Heard

At the end of the day, I think there is an important moment happening in our society right, and I have to do the right thing. At the end of the day, I don't label myself one way or another. I come from a place where I find it hard to identify with a label. I've dated men in the past, and now I'm dating a woman, and I see it as ultimately no big deal. — Amber Heard

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Lauren Oliver

Maybe he sees it on my face, that fraction of a second when
I let my guard down, because in that moment his expression softens and his eyes
go bright as flame and even though I barely see him move, suddenly he has
closed the space between us and he's wrapping his warm hands over my
shoulders - fingers so warm and strong I almost cry out - and saying, "Lena. I
like you, okay? That's it. That's all. I like you." His voice is so low and hypnotic
it reminds me of a song. I think of predators dropping silently from trees: I think
of enormous cats with glowing amber eyes, just like his. — Lauren Oliver

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Amber Dermont

In a moment like this, there were so many beautiful and uncommon things worth saying. Aidan would have said them all, stealing this spectacle from the men who'd paid for it, making it her own. — Amber Dermont

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

..."That is a very Earthling question to ask, Mr. Pilgrim. Why you? Why us for that matter? Why anything Because this moment simply is. Have you ever seen bugs trapped in amber?" "Yes." Billy, in fact had a paperweight in his office which was a blob of polished amber with three lady bugs embedded in it. "Well, here we are, Mr. Pilgrim, trapped in the amber of this moment. There is now why. — Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Kevin Fedarko

if there is a point to being in the canyon, it is not to rush but to linger, suspended in a blue-and-amber haze of in-between-ness, for as long as one possibly can. To float, to drift, savoring the pulse of the river on its odyssey through the canyon, and above all, to postpone the unwelcome and distinctly unpleasant moment when one is forced to reemerge and reenter the world beyond the rim-that is the paramount goal. — Kevin Fedarko

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Kurt Vonnegut

Here we are, trapped in the amber of the moment. There is no why. — Kurt Vonnegut

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Amber Dermont

I rushed off to Whitehall and assumed Aidan would head back to Astor. But when I turned around briefly, I saw Aidan uncoiling her black scarf from around her neck. She held each end of the scarf above her head, the silk capturing the wind, arching above her like a parachute. Aidan released one end, kiting the scarf. The wind swirled around her for a moment before Aidan let go completely. She was an excellent student. The light silk caught a thermal and rose, sailing above the water. A dark black bird against the blue sky. — Amber Dermont

Amber In The Moment Quotes By Nadege Richards

Give me this moment," Kahl said to me. I glanced up at him and couldn't fathom the depths of his taunting amber irises.
"You have it."
"Be my angel ... Leave with me," he whispered. In that moment, when thoughts of the boy I loved left me and fissures of pure bliss consumed me, I knew I was in trouble. — Nadege Richards