Famous Quotes & Sayings

Als Quotes & Sayings

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Top Als Quotes

Als Quotes By L. Neil Smith

As Al Franken has demonstrated, liberals give lousy talk radio. — L. Neil Smith

Als Quotes By Jay Leno

I don't want to say Gray Davis is on the run, but today he released an audiotape on the Al Jazeera network from his underground bunker somewhere in the Sacramento area. — Jay Leno

Als Quotes By Dick Cheney

There's overwhelming evidence that there was a connection between Al Qaeda and the Iraqi government — Dick Cheney

Als Quotes By Sebastian Janikowski

Al Davis treated me like son. That man helped me become the man I am today. — Sebastian Janikowski

Als Quotes By Barack Obama

My first term I sang Al Green ... in my second term, I'm going with Young Jeezy . — Barack Obama

Als Quotes By Hilton Als

For black people, being around white people is sometimes like taking care of babies you don't like, babies who throw up on you again and again, but whom you cannot punish, because they're babies. — Hilton Als

Als Quotes By Conan O'Brien

Al Gore announced he is finishing up a new book about global warming and the environment. Yeah, the first chapter talks about how you shouldn't chop down trees to make a book that no one will read. — Conan O'Brien

Als Quotes By Janet Napolitano

It is fair to say there are individuals in the United States who ascribe to al-Qaeda-type beliefs. — Janet Napolitano

Als Quotes By Hilton Als

Claudia Rankine's Citizen comes at you like doom. It's the best note in the wrong song that is America. Its various realities-'mistaken' identity, social racism, the whole fabric of urban and suburban life-are almost too much to bear, but you bear them, because it's the truth. Citizen is Rankine's Spoon River Anthology, an epic as large and frightening and beautiful as the country and various emotional states that produced it. — Hilton Als

Als Quotes By Charles Maurice De Talleyrand

It is the beginning of the end.
[Fr., C'est le commencement de al fin.] — Charles Maurice De Talleyrand

Als Quotes By Barack Obama

Al Qaeda, the Taliban, a whole host of networks that are bent on attacking America, who have a distorted ideology, who have perverted the faith of Islam, and so we have to go after them. — Barack Obama

Als Quotes By Steve Gleason

Life is difficult. Not just for me or other ALS patients. Life is difficult for everyone. Finding ways to make life meaningful and purposeful and rewarding, doing the activities that you love and spending time with the people that you love - I think that's the meaning of this human experience. — Steve Gleason

Als Quotes By Sherrilyn Kenyon

So what are you in the mood for? (Sunshine) How about naked Sunshine al dente covered in whipped cream and chocolate? We could even put a cherry on top. (Talon) — Sherrilyn Kenyon

Als Quotes By Barack Obama

There was no such thing as Al Qaeda in Iraq, until George Bush and John McCain decided to invade Iraq. — Barack Obama

Als Quotes By Jon Stewart

(Terrorists) are planning to disrupt our democratic process. It's scary I know, but we're not going to let al Qaeda tell us what to do. In fact, our government has decided that if al Qaeda attempts to disrupt our democratic process, we are going to respond by disrupting it first. — Jon Stewart

Als Quotes By Geoffrey Chaucer

Hyt is not al golde that glareth. — Geoffrey Chaucer

Als Quotes By Hilton Als

I think it's cultural racism more than anything, which dovetails with actual racism, but the cultural racism to me is even more shocking. — Hilton Als

Als Quotes By Jan Jansen

We will never be able to whistle as the birds, but in return they will never be able to talk same Like us. So be never unsatisfied but positive For the things to come or going happen.

Wij zullen nooit zo kunnen fluiten als de vogels, maar daar tegenover staat dat zij nooit zo zullen kunnen praten als ons. Dus ben nooit ontevreden maar positief voor wat er gaat komen of gebeuren. — Jan Jansen

Als Quotes By Osama Bin Laden

Your security is not in the hands of Kerry, Bush or al-Qaida. Your security is in your own hands. — Osama Bin Laden

Als Quotes By John Michael Greer

I've long suspected that one of the reasons why human beings haven't yet figured out how to carry on a conversation with bottlenosed porpoises, African gray parrots, et al. in their own language is quite simply that we're terrified of what they might say to us - not least because it's entirely possible that they'd be right. — John Michael Greer

Als Quotes By Hilton Als

Nothing is more flattering for a writer than when someone knows your work. — Hilton Als

Als Quotes By Yoweri Museveni

I've changed my mind, even against Omar al-Bashir. Whether he has to be charged or not, the Sudanese shall decide or the Africans. — Yoweri Museveni

Als Quotes By Robert Baer

Did bin Laden act alone, through his own al-Qaida network, in launching the attacks? About that I'm far more certain and emphatic: no. — Robert Baer

Als Quotes By Robert Solow

If God had meant there to be more than two factors of production, He would have made it easier for us to draw three-dimension al diagrams. — Robert Solow

Als Quotes By Bob Tyrrell

The liberals' present furor over the CIA's covert operations against al-Qaida suggests that they harbor a death wish not only for themselves but also for the whole country. — Bob Tyrrell

Als Quotes By Mordecai Ham

If you vote for Al Smith, you're voting against Christ and you will all be damned. — Mordecai Ham

Als Quotes By Steve Gleason

I have been diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). It's a terminal disease with an average lifespan of two to five years post-diagnosis, and scientists don't know what causes it. ALS prevents your brain from talking to your muscles. As a result, muscles die. As a result, every 90 minutes people die. I am a person. — Steve Gleason

Als Quotes By Virgil Green

My favorite older movie of all-time is "Scarface." Al Pacino played that role so well. It's a longer movie, but I like it. — Virgil Green

Als Quotes By Robert Bryce

On the science of global climate change, I'm an agnostic. I've seen Al Gore's movie, and I've read reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. I've also listened to the 'skeptics.' I don't know who's right. — Robert Bryce

Als Quotes By Hilton Als

I'm a draftsperson. And also, I really respond to love. — Hilton Als

Als Quotes By Gina Gershon

I'm involved in Project ALS which is trying to get money for stem cell research. That's one I've been pretty involved with because if you can cure that, you can cure so many other diseases. — Gina Gershon

Als Quotes By Bruce Chatwin

A Sufi manual, the Kashf-al-Mahjub, says that, towards the end of his journey, the dervish becomes the Way not the wayfarer, i.e. a place over which something is passing, not a traveller following his own free will. — Bruce Chatwin

Als Quotes By Richard Branson

In Syria, if [Bashar al-] Assad had just been a statesman and handed over the reigns in time, Syria would not be heading down the nightmare that it is today. — Richard Branson

Als Quotes By Hilton Als

I think that if you feel imaginatively towards a subject, you really shouldn't do it in a journalistic context, because then you're just fabricating, and that's crazy. — Hilton Als

Als Quotes By Al-Ghazali

The essence of knowledge is to know what obedience and worship are -Abu Hamid al — Al-Ghazali

Als Quotes By Hilton Als

One of the things I noticed when I worked at Vibe was that backstage at a fashion show, they always referred to the black models as "black girls." I thought, "They never say 'white girls.'. — Hilton Als

Als Quotes By Bryan Bishop

ALS is, in my opinion, the cruelest disease. At least with cancer, there's a glimmer of hope. You can come up with a game plan and you can fight. ALS is terminal. In all cases. Nobody has ever beaten ALS. I don't say this to be callous or melodramatic; indeed, I saw its effects up close. Worst of all, it affects only the body, so as people become progressively and inevitably more paralyzed, they are keenly aware of everything that is happening to them. Think about that: You are 100 percent aware of your own paralysis. The — Bryan Bishop

Als Quotes By Tom Ridge

Credible reporting indicates that Al Qaeda is moving forward with its plans to carry out a large-scale attack in the United States in an effort to disrupt our democratic process ... — Tom Ridge

Als Quotes By Jay Leno

As they do every year, al-Qaida has threatened to disrupt and ruin Christmas. You know, we already have a group that disrupts and ruins Christmas every year. They're called relatives. — Jay Leno

Als Quotes By Hilton Als

There were so few black men who were successful and who successfully conveyed black male fear - how America can make you feel crazy, and how America can create interesting levels of contradiction. — Hilton Als

Als Quotes By Roberto Baggio

I received a shot and broke my tooth. Unfortunately, we Italians only eat pasta al dente. — Roberto Baggio

Als Quotes By Joe Lieberman

There are extensive contacts between Saddam Hussein's government and al Qaeda. — Joe Lieberman

Als Quotes By Hilton Als

Great sadness can be off putting, hard to comprehend, especially if it hasn't been your experience. It's amazing for me to know now that AIDS, for instance, is something a lot of people don't "get," whereas it entirely shaped my social life since the time I was twenty until I was almost forty. — Hilton Als

Als Quotes By Geoffrey Chaucer

Fo lo, the gentil kind of the lioun! For when a flye offendeth him or byteth, He with his tayl awey the flye smyteth Al esily, for, of his genterye, Him deyneth net to wreke him on a flye, As cloth a curre or elles another beste. — Geoffrey Chaucer

Als Quotes By Stephen Hawking

The doctor who diagnosed me with ALS, or motor neuron disease, told me that it would kill me in two or three years. — Stephen Hawking

Als Quotes By Michael Scheuer

In an odd way, we have really destroyed two of our strongest allies against the Islamists. Saddam Hussein, and we've probably fatally undermined Bashir al Assad in Syria. — Michael Scheuer

Als Quotes By Pat Robertson

There are thirty to forty thousand left-wing professors in the United States who are racists, murderers, sexual deviants and supporters of Al-Qaeda. — Pat Robertson

Als Quotes By Rudy Giuliani

Did business with Qatar, a US ally which protects al-Qaeda. — Rudy Giuliani

Als Quotes By Condoleezza Rice

I do think people have suggested that it would be a good thing if the reporting were accurate on Al-Jazeera and if it were not slanted in ways that appear to be at times just purely inaccurate. — Condoleezza Rice

Als Quotes By Dick Cheney

I have not seen Al Gore's movie. — Dick Cheney

Als Quotes By Robert Jordan

You trouble me so, Rand al'Thor. Light, sometimes I think the Creator made you just to trouble me. — Robert Jordan

Als Quotes By Durjoy Datta

ALS stands for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, but she has replaced that with her own version-Always live strong — Durjoy Datta

Als Quotes By Michael Chertoff

Al Qaeda is very media-savvy and very focused on what goes on in the global media. — Michael Chertoff

Als Quotes By LeCrae

The church didn't know what to do with Ray Charles or Al Green. And so they were kind of ostracized. — LeCrae

Als Quotes By Joan Rivers

Al Roker said I am 80 years 'young'; it's like saying Al Roker is 320 pounds 'thin'. — Joan Rivers

Als Quotes By Condoleezza Rice

There clearly are contacts between al Qaeda and Iraq that can be documented; there clearly is testimony that some of the contacts have been important contacts and that there's a relationship here — Condoleezza Rice

Als Quotes By David Ignatius

Well, I think the U.S. has been careful not to go too far in attacking Iran's allies, in particular in attacking Hezbollah forces in Syria, which have been propping up the regime of Bashar al-Assad. — David Ignatius

Als Quotes By Hilton Als

I think Northern California is the most beautiful place on earth. And I adore New Orleans, but there's something about the air in SF, for instance. It changes from moment to moment, like one's thoughts. — Hilton Als

Als Quotes By Gary Gulman

Would it be ironic if we had to go back to Iraq to rid it of the Al Quaeda that wasn't there before we got there to rid it of Al Queda? — Gary Gulman

Als Quotes By Hilton Als

Every time I put a collection together I'd scrap it because there was no "meaning," until I wrote about the two black men - friends - in the beginning of the book. So much of their experience was ABOUT trying to find friends in the authors/artists I wrote about - subjects that were/are a source of comfort, somehow, since none of them "fit," either — Hilton Als

Als Quotes By Jan Jansen

There is nothing so changeable as our own live.

Er is niets zo veranderlijk als ons eigen leven. — Jan Jansen

Als Quotes By David Letterman

Al Gore has endorsed Howard Dean for president. That's pretty fitting, the guy that didn't beat Bush endorsing the guy who won't beat Bush. — David Letterman

Als Quotes By Ilana Mercer

The National Education Association is the al-Qaida of education. — Ilana Mercer

Als Quotes By Jay Leno

There was also talk of bringing Al Gore to California to help out, but there was concern that Gray Davis and Al Gore in the same state would cause some kind of rolling personality blackout. — Jay Leno

Als Quotes By Jay Leno

Howard Dean was endorsed by Al Gore. Now, if Dean could get Gray Davis to campaign for him, that would put him over the top. — Jay Leno

Als Quotes By Chris Matthews

I still think a reasonable question is, would we be better off with [Muamar] Gadhafi and Bashar al-Assad still in there and Mubarak still there and Saddam [Hussein] there than the crap we have got looking at us now? — Chris Matthews

Als Quotes By Ted Nugent

Jesse Jackson and Al Not-So-Sharpton would be lisping their ebonic mumbo-jumbo that the policy and the president are racist and bigoted. — Ted Nugent

Als Quotes By Oswald Mosley

Als it is hard for America to fight wars in the name of freedom, if those people themselves choose for nonfreedom. Can America and England save India from communism, if they vote communist themselves. — Oswald Mosley

Als Quotes By Barack Obama

We will kill bin Laden. We will crush al Qaeda. That has to be our biggest national security priority. — Barack Obama

Als Quotes By Christoph Martin Wieland

I have often thought that however learned you may talk about it, one knows nothing but what he learns from his own experience.
[Ger., Da dacht ich oft: schwatzt noch so hoch gelehrt,
Man weiss doch nichts, als was man selbst erfahrt.] — Christoph Martin Wieland

Als Quotes By Hilton Als

Recalling, for me, is a great way of living, so not to forget. — Hilton Als

Als Quotes By Michael Scheuer

I think we'll see it mostly in the United States. We're getting to the point where al Qaeda is ready to again attack us inside America. I think we're basically defenseless. — Michael Scheuer

Als Quotes By Jack Kirby

You had to grow up sometime. The fellows who grew early, they were in jeopardy. They became the cops and the crooks, and the crooks became the gangsters. The crooks became the Al Capones. — Jack Kirby

Als Quotes By Edmund Spenser

No daintie flowre or herbe that growes on grownd, No arborett with painted blossoms drest And smelling sweete, but there it might be fownd To bud out faire, and throwe her sweete smels al arownd. — Edmund Spenser

Als Quotes By Bruce Hoffman

Al-Qaeda's obituary has been written countless times over the decade. Each iteration has proved to be ephemeral, as the moment has continually shown itself to have a deeper bench than we imagine. — Bruce Hoffman

Als Quotes By Robert Jordan

Sleep well and wake, Rand al'Thor. — Robert Jordan

Als Quotes By Jon Stewart

Poor Al Gore. Global warming completely debunked via the very internet you invented. — Jon Stewart

Als Quotes By George Galloway

Syria is lucky to have Bashar al-Assad as her President. — George Galloway

Als Quotes By Geoffrey Chaucer

Lat take a cat, and fostre him wel with milk, And tendre flesh, and make his couche of silk, And let him seen a mous go by the wal; Anon he weyveth milk, and flesh, and al, And every deyntee that is in that hous, Swich appetyt hath he to ete a mous. — Geoffrey Chaucer

Als Quotes By William Langland

Al the povere peple tho pescoddes fetten; Benes and baken apples thei broghte in hir lappe, Chibolles and chervelles and ripe chiries manye, And profrede Piers this present to plese with Hunger. — William Langland

Als Quotes By Dan Dierdorf

Al [Michaels] is inquisitive, knowledgeable, and incredibly well-prepared. I don't know what his IQ is, but it's probably only a couple of points lower than mine. — Dan Dierdorf

Als Quotes By Charles Mingus

Tastes are created by the business interests. How else can you explain the popularity of Al Hirt? — Charles Mingus

Als Quotes By Hilton Als

Challenging is good, like good conversation, yes? Who wants to have dinner with the same old easy listening music sounding friends all the time? — Hilton Als

Als Quotes By Marianne Williamson

The universe is a multi-dimension al creative process, constantly forming new facets of possibility for you and all living things. Expanding our awareness of the process, we allow ourselves to experience more of it. Every moment we can remember that ANYTHING is possible in a realm of endless possibility. — Marianne Williamson

Als Quotes By Hilton Als

I had to re-write "Philosophy" a lot. It was more obscure than what's in the book now, even! Some things I had to go back to and excise my former self, who was even more dense. I think you should teach whatever you want, Brian! That's the point of books like White Girls, to help free our thoughts! — Hilton Als

Als Quotes By Kurt Schwitters

Merz art strives for immediate expression by shortening the path from intuition to visual manifestation of the artwork ... they will receive my new work als they always have when something new presents itself: with indignation and screams of scorn. — Kurt Schwitters

Als Quotes By Susan Rice

Bashar al-Assad and those who still stand by him are now responsible for the deaths of more than 20,000 in Syria. — Susan Rice

Als Quotes By James Mattis

A country that armed Stalin to defeat Hitler can certainly work alongside enemies of al-Qaida to defeat al-Qaida. — James Mattis

Als Quotes By Matt Groening

I have to say that The Simpsons comes from a huge number of great writers headed by Al Jean, the show-runner, and the work that they do is really fantastic. It's a blast just to sit around with them in the writers' room and listen to all the filthy jokes that will never get on the air. — Matt Groening

Als Quotes By Catherine Deneuve

I would love to work with Robert De Niro or Al Pacino. I think they're wonderful actors. — Catherine Deneuve

Als Quotes By Max Cleland

Our mission is to go after Al Qaeda, not the Taliban. Right now, they are in Pakistan, not Afghanistan. We should go after them wherever they are. — Max Cleland

Als Quotes By Steve Gleason

ALS does not affect cognitive process. Stephen Hawking, one of smartest people on the planet, has ALS. It rarely affects the eyes. It doesn't affect senses like hearing, taste and touch. — Steve Gleason

Als Quotes By Lindsey Graham

The worst nightmare for al Qaeda is to come into a community that feels supported and has hope. — Lindsey Graham

Als Quotes By Torii Hunter

I just didn't have no edge for baseball. Once special coach Tony Oliva and former Twins coach Al Newman told me what happened, I couldn't function. — Torii Hunter

Als Quotes By Greg Gutfeld

Al Gore completely lied about climate change in an effort to make a lot of money. — Greg Gutfeld

Als Quotes By John Wolcot

No, let the monarch's bags and others holdThe flattering, mighty, nay, al-mighty gold. — John Wolcot

Als Quotes By Glenn Beck

Al Gore's not going to be rounding up Jews and exterminating them. It is the same tactic, however. — Glenn Beck

Als Quotes By George W. Bush

God told me to strike at Al Qaeda and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did. — George W. Bush

Als Quotes By Joseph Farah

Al Gore is producing enough hot air to make his doomsday predictions about global warming a self-fulfilling prophecy. — Joseph Farah

Als Quotes By Caldwell Esselstyn

Having the USDA design your food pyramid is like having Al Capone do your taxes. — Caldwell Esselstyn