Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Alphas

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Top Alphas Quotes

Alphas Quotes By Andrea Cremer

Ansel sighed. You know, this is the problem with you alphas, you're so concerned about taking over the new pack that you don't notice what's happening right in front of your face. — Andrea Cremer

Alphas Quotes By Gail Carriger

Alphas simply did not grovel; arrogance was part of the job description. — Gail Carriger

Alphas Quotes By Jennifer L. Armentrout

The Alphas were here, and Thumper had finally come out to play. — Jennifer L. Armentrout

Alphas Quotes By Aldous Huxley

The result exactly fulfilled all the theoretical predictions. The land wasn't properly worked; there were strikes in all the factories; the laws were set at naught, orders disobeyed; all the people detailed for a spell of low-grade work were perpetually intriguing for high-grade jobs, and all the people with high-grade jobs were counter-intriguing at all costs to stay where they were. Within six years they were having a first-class civil war. When nineteen out of the twenty-two thousand had been killed, the survivors unanimously petitioned the World Controllers to resume the government of the island. Which they did. And that was the end of the only society of Alphas that the world has ever seen." The — Aldous Huxley

Alphas Quotes By Pierce Brown

I've won. I hate politics. Especially in a room full of alphas. — Pierce Brown

Alphas Quotes By Kristen Ashley

I didn't speak macho alpha , therefore could not communicate telepathically, via chin lifts or through actions to other macho alphas, — Kristen Ashley

Alphas Quotes By Richard Armitage

I'm probably more of a new man. I'm not particularly alpha. 'Nourish and nurture' are my watchwords as opposed to 'search and destroy'. — Richard Armitage

Alphas Quotes By A.D. Aliwat

Bullying is beneath alphas. Bullies are just pussies that are big enough to get away with exorcising their emotional problems. — A.D. Aliwat

Alphas Quotes By Emme Rollins

He recovered quickly, reaching out to touch a few outstretched hands, melting the front row of girls like one long stick of butter as he moved closer toward me. — Emme Rollins

Alphas Quotes By Lisi Harrison

This page is is a time machine, a teleporter, a magic wand. With it you can create a world. Give life. Take it away. — Lisi Harrison

Alphas Quotes By Nalini Singh

Yeah, what the hell. We can be remedial alphas together. — Nalini Singh

Alphas Quotes By Andrea Cremer

(Ren's) eyes were sad but resigned. "And where will you go?"
I couldn't keep the fear out of my reply. "I don't know."
"Please don't do this," he whispered. "Come back with me. We'll talk to Logan; there has to be an explanation. The Keepers need us; we're the alphas. We'll figure this out. They won't hurt you. I won't let them. — Andrea Cremer

Alphas Quotes By Jill Shalvis

God save her from annoying Alphas. — Jill Shalvis

Alphas Quotes By Lisi Harrison

Pointing and clicking like Annie Leibovitz — Lisi Harrison

Alphas Quotes By Temple Grandin

Our whole image of wolf packs and alphas is completely wrong. Instead, wolves live the way people do:7 in families made up of a mom, a dad, and their children. Sometimes an unrelated wolf can be adopted into a pack, or one of the mom's or dad's relatives is part of the pack (the "maiden aunt"), or a mom or dad who has died could be replaced by a new wolf. But mostly wolf packs are just a mom, a dad, and their pups. — Temple Grandin

Alphas Quotes By William James

Touch is the alpha and omega of affection. — William James

Alphas Quotes By Shakuita Johnson

Jackson, are you trying to challenge my authority as Alpha? Taz growled out. Ha! Therein the bullsh*t begins. — Shakuita Johnson

Alphas Quotes By A.D. Aliwat

Alphas, like Scarface, can be drug dealers, but it's still a little grimy. — A.D. Aliwat

Alphas Quotes By Kristen Ashley

It was then I was seeing the wisdom of doing what I could to amass a girl posse who knew how to deal with "uber-alphas" because they could share their wisdom. — Kristen Ashley

Alphas Quotes By Rachel Vincent

Um, Faythe?" Marc reached for my arm, and a small grin turned up one corner of his beautiful mouth. "As my first official piece of advice to the new Alpha, let me suggest that you put on some pants. And maybe a shirt." His grin grew and pulled me closer to whisper in my ear, while Jace watched us stiffly from across the room. "While the look definitely works for me, I'm thinking the other Alphas might take you more seriously if you dress the part. — Rachel Vincent

Alphas Quotes By Brittainy C. Cherry

There's so much wonder in the world, but instead of giving a damn, and taking the time to come to the realization that we are all very, very, small in a very, very miniature place, we like to pretend we are the alphas of the whole universe. We like to make ourselves feel big. And we each like to make our way seem like the best way, and our hurts seem like the biggest hurts, when really, we are nothing more than a tiny burning dot that makes up a part of the giant sky. A tiny dot that no one would even notice was missing. A tiny dot, that will soon enough be replaced by another speck which thinks it's more important than it actually is. I just wish people would sometimes stop fighting about stupid mundane things like race, sexual orientation, and reality television. I wish they would remember how small they are and take five minutes a day to look up to the sky and breathe." "Logan? — Brittainy C. Cherry

Alphas Quotes By Jeffrey Gundlach

When you're in a major market downturn, the beta eats the alpha. — Jeffrey Gundlach

Alphas Quotes By A.D. Aliwat

Ex-jocks, like all jocks, never back down from a good fight. Jocks are alphas (or betas, aspiring) and animals. — A.D. Aliwat

Alphas Quotes By Azita Ghanizada

The thing with 'Alphas' is that, even though it's sci-fi, I run into lots of people that have watched the show for various reasons. They're like, 'I had no expectation, and I'm totally blown away and fascinated.' — Azita Ghanizada

Alphas Quotes By Lisi Harrison

Was this how the characters in Harry Potter felt when the spoke the name of You-Know-Who? — Lisi Harrison

Alphas Quotes By Ralph La Rosa

Omegas & Alphas

raw & cooked
soft & hard

whole & scrambled
pure & deviled

shirred & coddled
poached & painted

in rebirth baskets
& natal nogs

on our faces
& in our noodles -

eggs are words
& words are eggs

first & last
last & first — Ralph La Rosa

Alphas Quotes By Aldous Huxley

Each one of us, of course," the Controller meditatively continued, "goes through life inside a bottle. But if we happen to be Alphas, our bottles are, relatively speaking enormous. — Aldous Huxley

Alphas Quotes By Nalini Singh

Hawke nodded. He trusted the alphas of the leopard and falcon packs on a gut level. Neither Lucas nor Adam would ever knife him in the back, of that both parts of him were dead certain. — Nalini Singh

Alphas Quotes By Jennifer L. Armentrout

Cayman shrugged."It's a sign of the times, man. It'll probably be on some Alpha's Facebook wall within the hour."
Alphas had Facebook accounts? — Jennifer L. Armentrout

Alphas Quotes By Jennifer L. Armentrout

It's a sign of the times, man. It'll probably be on some Alpha's Facebook wall within the hour. AlphasJennifer L. Armentrout

Alphas Quotes By Aldous Huxley

Imagine a factory staffed by Alphas - that is to say by separate and unrelated individuals of good heredity and conditioned so as to be capable (within limits) of making a free choice and assuming responsibilities. Imagine it! — Aldous Huxley

Alphas Quotes By Carl Sagan

Apart from the social insects, no other species has been clever enough to invent war It is an institution optimally configured to benefit the alphasCarl Sagan

Alphas Quotes By Janet Fitch

The gamelan created in the listener a brain wave beyond all alphas and betas and thetas, a brain wave that paralyzed the normal channels of thought and forced new ones to grow outside them, in the untouched regions of the mind, like parallel blood vessels that form to accommodate a damaged heart. — Janet Fitch

Alphas Quotes By Ilona Andrews

Have you called the alphas?"
"The rats, too?"
He bristled. "What about the rats?"
"They think you're hiding information from them"
"I hide information from everyone. Do they think they're special? — Ilona Andrews

Alphas Quotes By Lisi Harrison

Is that Nutella and bacon? — Lisi Harrison

Alphas Quotes By Aldous Huxley

He rubbed his hands. For, of course, they didn't content themselves with merely hatching out embryos: any cow could do that.
"We also predestine and condition. We decant our babies as socialized human beings, as Alphas or Epsilons, as future sewage workers or future ... " He was going to say "future World Controllers", but correcting himself, said "future Directors of Hatcheries" instead. — Aldous Huxley

Alphas Quotes By Alexis Hall

I mean, I kind of feel alphas are the romance equivalent of an impulse buy. It looks great in the shop but then you get home and it's like where am I going to put this thing? It doesn't go with my furnishings and it keeps trying to kiss me punishingly. — Alexis Hall

Alphas Quotes By Scarlett Avery

Ms. Scarlett always delivers hot, sexy alphas and this isn't any different. Holy smokes, is this ever HOT! Love her writing and the way she spins a story but adds the HOT factor. Her alphas are phenomenal! - JC — Scarlett Avery

Alphas Quotes By Karen Joy Fowler

The other guy is obviously meant for me. He's quite short. I don't care about that. I'm quite short myself. I prefer beta males to alphas. Only he keeps telling me to smile. "Nothing's as bad as all that," he says. If I were five years old, I'd have bitten him by now. — Karen Joy Fowler

Alphas Quotes By Lisi Harrison

All she needed now was a happy ending. — Lisi Harrison

Alphas Quotes By Quinn Loftis

Logan knew the location of the hospital so he drove while Dillon found Vasile's number in the directory of Alphas. Yes, they had a book with all the Alpha's numbers in it.
Loftis, Quinn (2011-11-18). Blood Rites: Book 2 Grey Wolves Series (The Grey Wolves Series) (p. 56). Kindle Edition. — Quinn Loftis

Alphas Quotes By A.D. Aliwat

It's not "Why have hamburger when you can have steak?" It's "I'll have the filet mignon, rib eye, t-bone, and fuck it, throw a couple of burgers in there too, I guess." Alphas need variety. — A.D. Aliwat

Alphas Quotes By Lisi Harrison

Miniatures made her feel like she was larger than life, like the world was in the palm of her hand. — Lisi Harrison

Alphas Quotes By Lisi Harrison

Second chances come when we least expect them. — Lisi Harrison

Alphas Quotes By Leta Blake

Like all the other alphas in the room, they sat in complete stillness, erections aching against the front of their trousers. The — Leta Blake