Famous Quotes & Sayings

Allying Quotes & Sayings

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Top Allying Quotes

Allying Quotes By Sarah Hepola

My self loathing was like a bone I couldn't stop gnawing. — Sarah Hepola

Allying Quotes By Robert Morgan

I learned to impersonate the kind of person that talks about poetry. It comes from teaching, I think. — Robert Morgan

Allying Quotes By Henry David Thoreau

Inexpressibly beautiful appears the recognition by man of the least natural fact, and the allying his life to it. — Henry David Thoreau

Allying Quotes By Frederick William Robertson

The truest definition of evil is that which represents it as something contrary to nature; evil is evil because it is unnatural; a vine which should bear olive-berries, an eye to which blue seems yellow, would be diseased; an unnatural mother, an unnatural son, an unnatural act, are the strongest terms of condemnation. — Frederick William Robertson

Allying Quotes By George Packer

Both Obama and Romney ended up in the wrong place: the former thought American exceptionalism was no longer true and should be given up while the latter thought it was still true. Neither was willing to tell Americans that they were no longer exceptional but should try to be again. — George Packer

Allying Quotes By Thomas Browne

Grave-stones tell truth scarce forty years. Generations pass while families last not three oaks. — Thomas Browne

Allying Quotes By Osama Bin Laden

The rulling to kill the Americans and their allies - civilians and military - is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in anyh country in which it is possible to do it ... to comply iwth God's order to kill the Americnns and plunder their money wherever and whenever they find it. We also call on Muslim ulema, leaders, youths, and soldiers to launch the raid on Satan's U.S. troops and the devil's supporters allying with them ... — Osama Bin Laden

Allying Quotes By Tracy March

Hey there," she said, her blue eyes shimmering.
Collin swallowed hard, and took her in his arms, cradling her head against his chest. "Hey, yourself," he murmured into her hair, and kissed her head. He held her there for as long as he could without it becoming awkward, then gripped her shoulders and stepped back. — Tracy March

Allying Quotes By Philippa Gregory

The king is a saint and cannot rule, and his son is a devil and should not. — Philippa Gregory

Allying Quotes By Henry James

He was allying himself to science, for what was science but the absence of prejudice backed by the presence of money? His life would be full of machinery, which was the antidote to superstition ... — Henry James

Allying Quotes By Edward McKendree Bounds

The possibilities of prayer are found in its allying itself with the purposes of God, for God's purposes and man's praying are the combination of all potent and omnipotent forces. — Edward McKendree Bounds

Allying Quotes By Anthony Kiedis

I don't take drugs nor drink since 2000 and I must say that I don't think about it anymore, although like every person that was addicted and has money - I know that this can lead to temptation. — Anthony Kiedis

Allying Quotes By David Bohm

We are all linked by a fabric of unseen connections. This fabric is constantly changing and evolving. This field is directly structured and influenced by our behavior and by our understanding. — David Bohm

Allying Quotes By Mara Dabrishus

With horses, there were no guarantees. You worked yourself raw and hoped until your heart hurt just for a little heat in a foreleg to derail everything. — Mara Dabrishus

Allying Quotes By William Zinsser

Many of us were taught that no sentence should begin with "but." If that's what you learned, unlearn it - there's no stronger word at the start. It announces a total contrast with what has gone before, and the reader is thereby primed for the change. — William Zinsser

Allying Quotes By David Lee Roth

I'm a family man. I personally started 3 or 4 families last year. — David Lee Roth

Allying Quotes By Gloria Steinem

It's as if attentive
people create a magnetic force field for stor-
ies the tellers themselves didn't know they
had within them. — Gloria Steinem

Allying Quotes By Walter Wink

Jesus did not advocate non-violence merely as a technique for outwitting the enemy, but as a just means of opposing the enemy in such a way as to hold open the possibility of the enemy's becoming just as well. Both sides must win. We are summoned to pray for our enemies' transformation, and to respond to ill-treatment with a love that not only is godly but also, I am convinced, can only be found in God. — Walter Wink