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All Top Gun Quotes & Sayings

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Top All Top Gun Quotes

All Top Gun Quotes By CrimethInc.

Domination is a relationship, not a condition; it depends on the participation of both parties. Hierarchical power is not just the gun in the policeman's hand; it is just as much the obedience of the ones who act as if it is always pointed at them. It is not just the government and the executives and the armed forces; it extends through society from top to bottom, an interlocking web of control and compliance. Sometimes all it takes to be complicit in the oppression of millions is to die of natural causes. — CrimethInc.

All Top Gun Quotes By Olivia Thirlby

My boyfriend and I just got a projector, so we've been screening movies on the roof and projecting them against the wall next door. The last one we did, the theme was, 'The Russians are coming.' So we screened 'Red Dawn' and 'Top Gun.' — Olivia Thirlby

All Top Gun Quotes By Conan O'Brien

The top 15 contenders for the Republican nomination own at least 40 guns among them. If we elect a Republican president no one is hopping over the White House fence ever again. — Conan O'Brien

All Top Gun Quotes By Omar Shahid Hamid

Constantine cursed the faujis again, and then he cursed Tom Cruise for having made that bloody Top Gun movie. Since then, an entire generation of faujis had grown up thinking they could be like him just by buying those cheap rip-off sunglasses for 200 rupees from Zainab Market. — Omar Shahid Hamid

All Top Gun Quotes By Becca Fitzpatrick

Your mom isn't going to let me step foot inside this place. I've seen the gun she keeps on the top shelf of the pantry. — Becca Fitzpatrick

All Top Gun Quotes By John Sandford

Don't give me any shit about that, Lucas - not with your history," Henderson said, irritated. "No matter what happens with me, I'll get her an impressive-sounding staff job in Washington, something involving Virginia agriculture and natural resources," Henderson said. "I'll buy her some top-end TV training, some good threads, lean on my friends for donations. A hot, female, law-and-order Democrat who carries a gun and has major experience in D.C.? Are you kiddin' me? That Tea Party asshole won't know what hit him. He'll be like Toto in the fuckin' tornado. — John Sandford

All Top Gun Quotes By Michael Moorcock

If the people at the top think that reaching for a gun will solve the problem, why shouldn't the people at the bottom think the same? — Michael Moorcock

All Top Gun Quotes By Giorgio Moroder

A producer is always behind the scenes, even more in the movies - nobody sees you. I didn't even meet most of the actors. When I worked on 'Top Gun,' I never met Tom Cruise. You were always in the background. — Giorgio Moroder

All Top Gun Quotes By Karina Halle

Why do you have your gun out?" she whispers, following right behind me. "Always be prepared," I tell her as we step inside. I close the door behind me, locking the deadbolt and the top lock. "Boy Scout motto, isn't it?" "Yes, but when they go camping, they bring extra matches. Not firearms. — Karina Halle

All Top Gun Quotes By Chloe Neill

Top Gun, I whispered to Lindsey. We'd started pointing out Luc's ubiquitous pop culture references, having decided that because he cut his fangs in the Wild West, he'd been entranced by movies and television. You know, because living in a society of magically enhanced vampires didn't require enough willing suspension of disbelief.
-Merit in Chloe Neill's Friday Night Bites — Chloe Neill

All Top Gun Quotes By Clint Eastwood

At Waco, was there really an urgency to get those people out of the compound at that particular time? Was the press going to make it look heroic for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms? At Ruby Ridge, there was one guy in a cabin at the top of the mountain. Was it necessary for federal agents to go up there and shoot a 14-year-old in the back and shoot a woman with a child in her arms? What kind of mentality does that? — Clint Eastwood

All Top Gun Quotes By Andy Seven

Big Jason walked into the club, stared at the band beginning their sound check and quickly walked over to the bar. Lily looked up from her rinsing and smiled.
"Big Jason Gulliver, back in town. Raquel said Godzilla returned to Tokyo, I wondered how soon you'd drop by here".

"Front me a soda, Lily. How's the night club racket?" Jason barked over the noisy band.
"Guys still hitting on me, including your stupid friend King Steve", Lily shot a jet of soda pop from her beverage gun into a water glass.
Jason chortled. "He's slow on the draw. You're a fuckin' dyke but a cool fuckin' dyke. I don't even care if you sleep with my girl".
"Why thank you, Caveman", Lily smiled, handing him the soda with a cherry on top. — Andy Seven

All Top Gun Quotes By Walter Winchell

The Chicago mobs ... They practiced their own perverted form of "survival of the fittest." Where the strong clawed their way to the top of a criminal empire. And the weak died in a hail of machine gun bullets. — Walter Winchell

All Top Gun Quotes By Cole Alpaugh

Noriega wound up like a baseball pitcher on top of the bed and hurled the small gun, but was low and outside for a ball. His tight-fitting house dress was bunched up high on his chubby thighs, exposing olive drab underwear.
I see London, I see France, I see a crazy dictator's underpants!
Chase's thoughts raced. — Cole Alpaugh

All Top Gun Quotes By Rick Riordan

I'll leave you guys to get acquainted. Somebody show Leo to dinner when it's time?"
"I got it," one of the girls said. Nyssa, Leo remembered. She wore camo pants, a tank top that showed off her buff arms, and a red bandanna over her mop of dark hair. Except for the smiley-face Band-Aid on her chin, she looked like one of those female action heroes, like any second she was going to grab a machine gun and start mowing down evil aliens.
"Cool," Leo said. "I always wanted a sister who could beat me up. — Rick Riordan

All Top Gun Quotes By Scott Baio

Somebody asked me what do you regret. I said, well I was offered the role of Maverick in 'Top Gun' and I turned it down. — Scott Baio

All Top Gun Quotes By Haruki Murakami

Here you had the top professional soldier in Japan, and to think he didn't know how to kill himself with a gun! They took him straight to the hospital, he got the best care the American medical team could give him, recovered, then was tried and hanged. It's a terrible way to die. — Haruki Murakami

All Top Gun Quotes By Michael Perry

It's hard to talk about guns without sounding defensive or blustery. I'm pro-gun the same way I'm pro-potato fork. I use them both to gather food for the year, with the caveat that if you break into my house, I won't be waiting for yo at the top of the stairs with a potato fork. — Michael Perry

All Top Gun Quotes By Michael Ironside

One of the young production assistants (on 'Terminator: Salvation') stepped over to my chair and said, 'Mr. Ironside, are you any relation to the Ironside who was in 'Top Gun'?' And I said, 'I am, yes.' And she grinned and said, 'I knew it! Talent must run in your family!' And she walked away. And all of the producers and directors kind of looked at me uncertainly, and I said, 'What are you guys so uncomfortable for? That's an incredible compliment. I do look like the father of that guy, for Christ's sake!' — Michael Ironside

All Top Gun Quotes By Margaret Thatcher

It's okay, Chancellor, you can touch them. Sometimes I just strip down to a tank top and stare at these guns in front of a mirror all day long. — Margaret Thatcher

All Top Gun Quotes By Alice McDermott

But Michael was out of sight. She waited. Were it not for the ballast of her big belly, she would casually stand, stretch a bit, casually stretch her neck until she got a glimpse of him. Casually because her husband said she worried too much, fretted too much, and would eventually infect their boys with her fearfulness - had, perhaps, already, in Jacob's case, infected them with her fearfulness. So she waited, trusting, but feeling, too, the pins-and-needles prick of blown sand on her cheek and her forearm (was the wind changing?) until, sure enough, there was the top of his head, the tip of his plastic machine gun, just over the next dune. — Alice McDermott

All Top Gun Quotes By Justin Bieber

Me plus you. (Imma tell you one time) Me plus you. (Imma tell you one time)
Me plus you. (Imma tell you one time)
One time.
When I met ya girl my heart when knock (knock knock)
Now them butterflies in my stomach won't stop (stop stop)
Even love is a struggle and it's all we got.
So we gun keep keep climbing to the mountain top.
'Cause your world, is my world, and my breath is your breath, and my heart is yours ... — Justin Bieber

All Top Gun Quotes By Jon Favreau

When Iron Man's flying, we'd send real planes up to do the choreography so that we'd get the camerawork to really look like a cameraman was following from another plane. It gives it that 'Top Gun' look. — Jon Favreau

All Top Gun Quotes By Rick Riordan

She whirled when the monster was almost on top of her. I thought the thing in her hands was an umbrella until she cranked the pump and the shotgun blast blew the giant twenty feet backwards, right into Nico's sword.
"Nice one," Paul said.
"When did you learn to fire a shotgun?" I demanded.
My mom blew the hair out of her face. "About two seconds ago. Percy, we'll be fine. Go! — Rick Riordan

All Top Gun Quotes By Alice McDermott

beach. They were perfectly safe. Michael's head crested the dune again. Then his shoulders, the rump of his blue jeans, the short barrel of his machine gun. He was crawling on his belly along the top of the dune, crushing the sea grass, filling his shirt and the pockets of his pants with sand. She would have to remember to shake him out before he got into the car. — Alice McDermott

All Top Gun Quotes By Mads Mikkelsen

I would have turned any offer down, if it had turned into a thriller. I would have seen no point in a thriller here. I don't need to entertain people, on top of what we were doing. It's not a question of whether he did it or not. I would have thought that was banal and uninteresting, and I wouldn't care. And it could have also turned into a shoot-out because there were a lot of guns in the film. — Mads Mikkelsen

All Top Gun Quotes By Jason Sudeikis

I didn't really want to be an actor when I was growing up - I wanted to be whatever I was reading about or seeing at the time. When I read The Firm I wanted to be a lawyer; when I saw Top Gun, I wanted to be a fighter pilot. So that's why acting probably turned out to be a good thing for me because I get to be people for five minutes or 90 minutes. I'd be curious to see if I had the attention span to be like those guys on 30 Rock and play the same character season after season, — Jason Sudeikis

All Top Gun Quotes By Ernest Hemingway,

To go down and up two hands-and-knee climbing ravines and then out into the moonlight and the long, too-steep shoulder of mountain that you climbed one foot up to the other, one foot after the other, one stride at a time, leaning forward against the grade and the altitude, dead tired and gun weary, single file in the moonlight across the slope, on up and to the top where it was easy, the country spread in the moonlight, then up and down and on, through the small hills, tired but now in sight of the fires and — Ernest Hemingway,

All Top Gun Quotes By Knut Hamsun

A shaft of sweetness shoots through me from top to toe when the sun rises; I shoulder my gun in silent exaltation. — Knut Hamsun

All Top Gun Quotes By David Baldacci

Toward the small pond that he had seen before. The walls of fire ended there. An instant later the remains of the cottage exploded. He ducked and rolled again from the concussive force, almost pitching into the right side of the wall of fire. He rose and redoubled his efforts, thinking that he would reach the water. Water was a great antidote to fire. But as he neared the edge of the pond, something struck him. No scum. No algae on the surface although the ground around was full of it. What could kill green scum? And why was he being forced to run right toward the one thing that could possibly save him? Robie tossed his gun over the top of the wall of flames, pulled off his jacket, covered his head and hands with it, and threw himself through the wall of flames on the left side. — David Baldacci

All Top Gun Quotes By Neal Shusterman

Conner Lassiter. Scheduled to be unwound the 21st of November-until you went AWOL. You caused an accident that killed a bus driver, left dozens of others injured, and shut down an interstate highway for hours. Then, on top of it, you took a hostage AND shot a Juvey-cop with his own tranq gun."
... "He's the Akron AWOL?! — Neal Shusterman

All Top Gun Quotes By Christopher McQuarrie

There is no 'Top Gun 2' in which Maverick is not the starring role. — Christopher McQuarrie

All Top Gun Quotes By Jim Hill

Scott Medlock is the 'Top Gun' of sports artists. He truly is the best of the best. — Jim Hill

All Top Gun Quotes By Barack Obama

If you listen to the rhetoric, it is so over-the-top and so overheated, and most importantly, is not acknowledging the fact that there's nothing else [like guns] in our lives that we purchase where we don't try to make it a little safer if we can. — Barack Obama

All Top Gun Quotes By Janet Evanovich

Ranger shrugged. "Things turn up." He reached behind him and came up with a gun. My gun. "Found this in the lobby, too." He tucked the gun under the top edge of my towel, wedging it between my breasts, his knuckles brushing against me. My breath caught in my throat, and for a moment I thought my towel might catch fire. Ranger smiled again. And I did more eye narrowing. "I'll be in touch," Ranger said. And then he was gone. — Janet Evanovich