Famous Quotes & Sayings

Aktivenizdrav Quotes & Sayings

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Top Aktivenizdrav Quotes

Aktivenizdrav Quotes By Robert G. Ingersoll

The people were taught that the record was inspired, and therefore true. They were not taught that it was true, and therefore inspired. — Robert G. Ingersoll

Aktivenizdrav Quotes By Deb Marlowe

Look what just happened,' she said softly, allowing laughter to leak into her words. 'You just shared something of yourself - and the world did not end. Nor did I fall hopelessly at your feet.'

'Why do you bother, then?' he asked hoarsely.

She stroked a hand in his hair. 'Because I want you to know that it is possible. — Deb Marlowe

Aktivenizdrav Quotes By Sheri Fink

When deciding whether or not to go for your dream, remember that you don't need a bigger net, you just need bigger wings. — Sheri Fink

Aktivenizdrav Quotes By Cassandra Clare

As if you have discovered a beach you have been visiting all your life is made not of sand but of diamonds, and they blind you with their beauty."
Diamonds might be blinding in their beauty, but they were also the hardest and sharpest gems in the world. They could cut you or grind you down, smash and slice you apart. Malcolm, deranged with love, had not thought of that. But Julian could think of nothing else. — Cassandra Clare

Aktivenizdrav Quotes By Hector Berlioz

Imagine anybody having lived forty-five or fifty years without knowing Hamlet! One might as well spend one's life in a coal mine. — Hector Berlioz