Famous Quotes & Sayings

Aedan Tomney Quotes & Sayings

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Top Aedan Tomney Quotes

Aedan Tomney Quotes By Eve Evangelista

Each day is a new beginning. You can start fresh, anticipating what today will bring. Or you can just settle for yesterday's doubts, fears, or worries. Which road will you take? Do you take the path to the clear present or the the shadows of the past? — Eve Evangelista

Aedan Tomney Quotes By Craig Bierko

Naturally, I've always felt more like a writer myself, and I've always written. I have people who are writers who've been promoting that side of me. I also draw, too. Those things I feel most comfortable in. — Craig Bierko

Aedan Tomney Quotes By Marie Lu

Somehow I always feel better with her. It's as if she can completely sympathize with my thoughts and help me channel them away, and I can always take comfort in her lovely face. — Marie Lu

Aedan Tomney Quotes By Paul Lockhart

Mathematics is the art of explanation. — Paul Lockhart

Aedan Tomney Quotes By Mo Ibrahim

I think we need to look at ourselves first. We should practice what we're preaching. Otherwise, we are hypocrites. — Mo Ibrahim

Aedan Tomney Quotes By Confucius

Gravity is only the bark of wisdom's tree, but it preserves it. — Confucius

Aedan Tomney Quotes By Nolan Ryan

Enjoying success requires the ability to adapt. Only by being open to change will you have a true opportunity to get the most from your talent. — Nolan Ryan

Aedan Tomney Quotes By Wassily Kandinsky

Every artist, as child of his age, is impelled to express the spirit of his age. — Wassily Kandinsky

Aedan Tomney Quotes By Josh Billings

A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself. — Josh Billings

Aedan Tomney Quotes By J.W. Kilhey

He kissed my cheek and then sucked my earlobe into his mouth. When he withdrew, he whispered, "I'll let you go, but only if you promise to be mine tomorrow."

It was with a voice that I'd never used before that I admitted what I couldn't deny. "I'm pretty much yours every day. — J.W. Kilhey

Aedan Tomney Quotes By Cherie Bennett

When person A loves person B," he began, "person A gets upset at the thought of never seeing person B again."
He meant me.
He meant he loved me.
But now I knew that love was a poisonous thing. It had turned me into a murderer. I would die with my secret before I would tell.
"It's better that way," I lied, "because person B doesn't love person A back. — Cherie Bennett

Aedan Tomney Quotes By Marcus Aurelius

The nature of the All moved to make the universe. — Marcus Aurelius