Famous Quotes & Sayings

Adopt A Family Quotes & Sayings

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Top Adopt A Family Quotes

Adopt A Family Quotes By Stan Dale

The only way we are ever going to ensure peace on this planet is to adopt the entire world as "our family". We are going to have to hug them, and kiss them. And dance and play with them. And we are going to have to sit and talk and walk and cry with them. Because when we do, we'll be able to see that indeed, everyone is beautiful, and we all complement each other beautifully and we would all be poorer without each other. — Stan Dale

Adopt A Family Quotes By Margaret Stohl

They aren't perfect. They aren't much. They didn't grow me in their bellies or a lab or adopt me through the embassy. I don't know the total truth about them, or the truth behind the truths. But it doesn't matter. For better, for worse, here we are. What we have is one another.
This is my family now. — Margaret Stohl

Adopt A Family Quotes By Ian Fleming

Who is this man?'
'Chinaman, or rather half Chinese and half German. Got a daft name. Calls himself Doctor No - Doctor Julius No.'
'No? Spelt like Yes?'
'That's right. — Ian Fleming

Adopt A Family Quotes By Newt Gingrich

I don't see how the party that says it's the party of the family is going to adopt an immigration policy which destroys families that have been here a quarter century. — Newt Gingrich

Adopt A Family Quotes By Cassandra Clare

It was Eric's voice not Simon's, on the recorded message. "Ladies, ladies " he said. Though it was the millionth time she'd heard the recording, Clary couldn't help rolling her eyes. "If you've reached this message that means our boy Simon is out partying. But please don't fight among yourselves. There's always enough Simon to go around." There was a muffled yell, some laughter, and then the long sound of the beep. — Cassandra Clare

Adopt A Family Quotes By Craig D. Lounsbrough

God's love was designed to be inserted directly into the world's pain to work pain against itself for our good. — Craig D. Lounsbrough

Adopt A Family Quotes By Jennifer Miller

Family comes in many shapes and forms. It's a single mom that happily gives up the things she wants or needs in order to provide that extra special something for her child. It's the single father that's trying to be a mother and father to his kids. It's the parents that were never able to have children of their own and adopt a child. Family doesn't show prejudice based on race, age or sex. Family isn't only defined by blood; it's defined by love. Something that Lily and I have in leaps and bounds. Family's what we make it, what we want it to be. — Jennifer Miller

Adopt A Family Quotes By Reggie Joiner

Church has believed that parents probably wont' assume responsibility for their own children's growth, so they have tried to become a parent substitute. This in turn ha s fostered parents to adopt a "drop-off" mentality. Maybe the greatest gift a church can give parents is the confidence and courage to do what God has wired them to do. — Reggie Joiner

Adopt A Family Quotes By Elizabeth Taylor

Any home where there is love constitutes a family and all families should have the same legal rights, including the right to marry and have or adopt children. Why shouldn't gay people be able to live as open and freely as everybody else? — Elizabeth Taylor

Adopt A Family Quotes By Lauren Mackler

Chronic self-doubt is a symptom of the core belief, 'I'm not good enough.' We adopt these types of limiting beliefs in response to our family and childhood experiences, and they become rooted in the subconscious ... we have the ability to take action to override it ... — Lauren Mackler

Adopt A Family Quotes By Thomas Sowell

Once you buy the argument that some segment of the citizenry should lose their rights, just because they are envied or resented, you are putting your own rights in jeopardy - quite aside from undermining any moral basis for respecting anybody's rights. You are opening the floodgates to arbitrary power. And once you open the floodgates, you can't tell the water where to go. — Thomas Sowell

Adopt A Family Quotes By Sandra Cisneros

I have to take care of the house, and the dogs, and the Macondo Board meetings, all those e-mails, the letters that are going to fans. And you've got to pay bills. These things eat up your time. You have to prepare and pack to go on that trip. Then when you come back you have to file all that stuff, answer all that mail, and that's not even washing the clothes or any of that. So it takes as many days as I've been away to come back to normal and to get quiet. — Sandra Cisneros

Adopt A Family Quotes By Gary Thomas

Here's what I want you to ask yourself as you embark on your search for a vibrant sole mate: what will your ideal marriage look like? Will the two of you spend your lives "sucking the marrow out of life," or working hard to establish a business and/or ministry (and often spending evenings and weekends recovering)? Will you seek to build a child-centered family, focusing on the kids, or have you always thought you'd like to do a lot of foreign travel or maybe just adopt one or two children? Will you have separate hobbies, or would you prefer to do everything together? — Gary Thomas

Adopt A Family Quotes By Thomas M. Sterner

The feeling "I'll be happy when X happens" will never bring you anything but discontentment. — Thomas M. Sterner

Adopt A Family Quotes By Megan Hart

This one says they'll place your 'little blessing in disguise' with a local 'Christ-oriented family.' What about the non-Christ-oriented families? Don't they deserve the right to adopt kids? — Megan Hart

Adopt A Family Quotes By Tom Barbash

I tend to listen to my friends and family empathetically, and I try to help work through their problems from the inside. I try to adopt their thinking. — Tom Barbash

Adopt A Family Quotes By Tim Tebow

When I have a family someday, I'll probably adopt. Adoption has always been something close to my heart. There are so many kids out there who really need a family. — Tim Tebow

Adopt A Family Quotes By Cesar Millan

When looking to adopt a new dog, the most important thing to consider is always the energy of the dog and how the dog will fit in with your lifestyle and your family. — Cesar Millan

Adopt A Family Quotes By Karen White

Maybe it was the way of the South to welcome home wayward family members who had no claim to such a piece of history except for a willingness to adopt it as their own and a shared last name. — Karen White

Adopt A Family Quotes By Mary Oliver

I stood like Adam in his lonely garden
On that first morning, shaken out of sleep,
Rubbing his eyes, listening, parting the leaves,
Like tissue on some vast, incredible gift. — Mary Oliver

Adopt A Family Quotes By Lisa Anderson

When it comes to cross-generational relationships within the church, I often remind both singles and marrieds that marriage begins with two single people. Hey, we're important! And whether singles eventually move toward marriage or stay single for life, we're still family. What's more, we need families. If we don't have our own, we may need to adopt yours. Will you let us? — Lisa Anderson

Adopt A Family Quotes By Algernon Sidney

That which is not just, is not Law; and that which is not Law, ought not to be obeyed. — Algernon Sidney

Adopt A Family Quotes By Christine Ebersole

I began my career performing in plays and musicals in New York, but by the mid-'80s, opportunities in Hollywood beckoned and I made the move to Los Angeles. It was a good decision. Work took off, but most important, I met my family out there - my husband, Bill, and the children we would adopt: Elijah, Mae-Mae, and Aron. — Christine Ebersole

Adopt A Family Quotes By Orson Scott Card

It is easy to say that you can adopt the whole human race as your children, but it is not the same as living in a home with a child and shaping all you do to help him learn to be happy and whole and good. Don't live your life without ever holding a child in your arms, on your lap, in your home, and feeling a child's arms around you and hearing his voice in your ear and seeing his smile, given to you because you put it into your heart. — Orson Scott Card

Adopt A Family Quotes By Doris Lessing

Space or science fiction has become a dialect for our time. — Doris Lessing

Adopt A Family Quotes By Henry T. Blackaby

Self-centered people try to keep their lives unruffled and undisturbed, safe and secure. Our temptation is to give our time and effort to the goals of this world. Then, when we are successful in the world's eyes, we seek to bring God into our world by honoring Him with our success. We may say, "Now that I have succeeded in business [or sports, or politics, or with my family, or even Christian ministry], I want to give God the glory for it!" God is not interested in receiving secondhand glory from our activity. God receives glory from His activity through our lives. The world will entice you to adopt its goals and to invest in temporal things. Resist the temptation to pursue your own goals, asking God to bless them. Rather, deny yourself and join the activity of God as He reveals it to you. — Henry T. Blackaby

Adopt A Family Quotes By Iris Chang

There is also an epidemic of infertility in this country. There are more women who have put off child-bearing in favor of their professional lives. For them, the only way they are going to have a family is to adopt from China. — Iris Chang

Adopt A Family Quotes By Mark Ronson

Making music is a lifestyle; go to the studio and sit in front of your computer, drum machine or guitar for 10 hours a day. The good stuff will come. — Mark Ronson

Adopt A Family Quotes By James Patterson

Fang snorted in disbelief. On one hand, we have a mythical nice family that wants to adopt me. On the other, we have a gang of insane scientists desperate to do genetic experiments on innocent children. Guess which hand I get dealt? — James Patterson

Adopt A Family Quotes By Dana Gould

Why did I adopt kids? I dunno. Let me look at my family: religious weirdo, gun nut, biker, boozer, dead tooth, too many cats, the guy who talks to his truck. Hmm. Maybe I adopted because genetically my balls are full of poison. — Dana Gould

Adopt A Family Quotes By Hugh Blair

The great standard of literature as to purity and exactness of style is the Bible. — Hugh Blair

Adopt A Family Quotes By Stephen Reinhardt

To allow same-sex couples to adopt children and then to label their families as second-class because the adoptive parents are of the same sex is cruel as well as unconstitutional. Classifying some families, and especially their children, as of lesser value should be repugnant to all those in this nation who profess to believe in "family values." — Stephen Reinhardt

Adopt A Family Quotes By Christopher Dines

Isms' are described as transference of addictive patterns of dysfunctional behaviour, passed down from generation to generation. For instance, if a mother was an alcoholic who never made it into recovery, her behaviour would leave a mark on her children, husband, etc. Unless her adult children join some sort of recovery programme and adopt the mindfulness practice, they will have very similar behaviour traits to their mother but minus the alcohol abuse. There is a strong possibility that they will become codependent and form relationships with other codependents or alcoholics. — Christopher Dines

Adopt A Family Quotes By Eva Longoria

I do want to have a family at some point. I also want to adopt. I don't feel pressure to have kids because I know that there are so many out there. — Eva Longoria

Adopt A Family Quotes By Junot Diaz

You don't know what it's like to grow up with a mother who never said a positive thing in her life, not about her children or the world, who was always suspicious, always tearing you down and splitting your dreams straight down the seams. When my first pen pal, Tomoko, stopped writing me after three letters she was the one who laughed: You think someone's going to lose life writing to you? Of course I cried; I was eight and I had already planned that Tomoko and her family would adopt me. My mother of course saw clean into the marrow of those dreams, and laughed. I wouldn't write to you either, she said. She was that kind of mother: who makes you doubt yourself, who would wipe you out if you let her. But I'm not going to pretend either. For a long time I let her say what she wanted about me, and what was worse, for a long time I believed her. — Junot Diaz

Adopt A Family Quotes By LaToya Jackson

When I'm ready, I plan to adopt. I still believe in family. — LaToya Jackson

Adopt A Family Quotes By Mary Elizabeth Braddon

And he knew that our dreams are none the less terrible to lose, because they have never been the realities for which we have mistaken them. — Mary Elizabeth Braddon

Adopt A Family Quotes By Jessica Savitch

I worked half my life to be an overnight success, and still it took me by surprise. — Jessica Savitch

Adopt A Family Quotes By George Saunders

O.K., then, all right, they would adopt a white-trash dog. Ha ha. They could name it Zeke, buy it a little corncob pipe and a straw hat. She imagined the puppy, having crapped on the rug, looking up at her, going, Cain't hep it. But no. Had she come from a perfect place? Everything was transmutable. She imagined the puppy grown up, entertaining some friends, speaking to them in a British accent: My family of origin was, um, rather not, shall we say, of the most respectable ...
Ha ha, wow, the mind was amazing, always cranking out these - — George Saunders