Quotes & Sayings About Achievement Of Dreams
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Top Achievement Of Dreams Quotes

I am sure my fellow-scientists will agree with me if I say that whatever we were able to achieve in our later years had its origin in the experiences of our youth and in the hopes and wishes which were formed before and during our time as students. — Felix Bloch

Our hunger to belong is the longing to find a bridge across the distance from isolation to intimacy. Every one longs for intimacy and dreams of a nest of belonging in which one is embraced, seen, and loved. Something within each of us cries out for belonging. We can have all the world has to offer in terms of status, achievement, and possessions. Yet without a sense of belonging it all seems empty and pointless. — John O'Donohue

Still the heights of flying remains to be arrived.
Still the wise lessons of life remains to be experienced.
Its only the handful of accomplishments has been achieved.
The real destiny is yet to be won. — Ishwar Jha

The Baseball Hall of Fame is something every player dreams about, but being a member of God's Hall of Fame is the greatest achievement of all. God offers each of us the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ. When we accept God's gift of salvation, our name is written in the Book of Life, guaranteeing us a place in heaven forever. I made that decision during spring training in 1973, asking Jesus to come into my heart as Lord and Savior. — Gary Carter

Extraordinary Achievement October 12 Encourage yourself to do more and to experience more. Harness your energy to start expanding your dreams. Yes, expand your dreams. Don't accept a life of mediocrity when you hold such infinite potential within the fortress of your mind. Dare to tap into your greatness. This is your birthright. — Robin S. Sharma

The greatest achievement was at first and for a time only a dream. Just as the oak sleeps in the acorn, and the bird waits in the egg, so dreams are the seedlings of realities. — Jeff Wheeler

In the race of life, you need self confidence, courage and faith in your abilities to win the race. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Sometimes letting go is not about a lack of faith in God, but a lack in faith that you have it in yourself to pull off the greatest plan he has in store for you. — Shannon L. Alder

Each of us have a choice to make. Will we choose to achieve our dreams or will we choose to allow others to use us to achieve their dreams. — John Patrick Hickey

It is tempting to quit striving toward a goal when you have neither the time, the resources, the support, the means, nor perhaps the confidence in talent to reach the level of standing you wish to reach. But these are not reasons to quit. Move forward anyway. Try your best. Put what little you do have into accomplishing what you can, because along the way you may attain a portion of what you feel is lacking. And owning a portion of a dream is better than owning no dream at all. Never give up. — Richelle E. Goodrich

Dreams must be chased, for if we wait for them to chase us we will live a life of waiting. — Craig D. Lounsbrough

The first step toward creating an improved future is developing the ability to envision it. VISION will ignite the fire of passion that fuels our commitment to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to achieve excellence. Only VISION allows us to transform dreams of greatness into the reality of achievement through human action. VISION has no boundaries and knows no limits. Our VISION is what we become in life. — Tony Dungy

From the prophets' dreams of the time when nations would beat their swords into plowshares to today's aspirations of a nuclear-weapons-free world, we have sought to avoid armed conflict and not yield to despair in the search for universal peace. The nuclear threats from Iran, North Korea, and terrorists can only be overcome through international cooperation. We call upon Congressional leaders and those worldwide to join together to ensure the fulfillment of these long-overdue initiatives and the achievement of a safer future without nuclear weapons. — David Saperstein

What I've accomplished for myself is beyond my wildest dreams. What I accomplished for my country is one of my most proud achievements. — Li Na

So what motivates you more? The fear of failure or the fantastic feeling of achieving your dreams? — Farshad Asl

Satisfaction is not the achievement of what we want, but the awareness of what we have. — Abhysheq Shukla

Work, Work and work, until you either succeed in your mission, or you die! — Abhijit Naskar

The reason most people give up so fast is that they look at how far they still have to go, instead of how far they have come. — Anonymous

All of us failed to match our dreams of perfection. So I rate us on the base of our splendid failure to do the impossible. — William Faulkner

The only limit to the height of your achievements is the reach of your dreams and your willingness to work hard for them. — Michelle Obama

Beware of those who steer you away from your heart's true happiness. It would make them happy to see you steer yourself right next to them, sitting with both your hearts bitter. — Suzy Kassem

The question is: is it better to be alive or dead? Is it nobler to put up with all the nasty things that luck throws your way, or to fight against all those troubles by simply putting an end to them once and for all? Dying, sleeping - that's all dying is - a sleep that ends all the heartache and shocks that life on earth gives us - that's an achievement to wish for. To die, to sleep - to sleep, maybe to dream. Ah, but there's the catch: in death's sleep who knows what kind of dreams might come, after we've put the noise and commotion of life behind us. That's certainly something to worry about. That's the consideration that makes us stretch out our sufferings so long. — William Shakespeare

There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure. — Paulo Coelho

Human ambitions are like Japanese carp; they grow proportional to the size of their environment. Our achievements grow according to the size of our dreams and the degree to which we are in touch with our mission. — Keith Ferrazzi

Most of us live as if we have an infinite amount of time to do all the things we know we must do to live a full and rewarding life. And so we procrastinate and put the achievement of our dreams on hold while we tend to those daily emergencies that fill up our days. This is a certain recipe for a life of regret. Commit yourself to managing your time more effectively. Develop a keen sense of awareness about how important your time really is. Don't let people waste this most precious of commodities, and invest it only in those activities that truly count. — Robin S. Sharma

Whenever in my dreams I see the dead, they always appear silent, bothered, strangely depressed, quite unlike their dear, bright selves. I am aware of them, without any astonishment, in surroundings they never visited during their earthly existence, in the house of some friend of mine they never knew. They sit apart, frowning at the floor, as if death were a dark taint, a shameful family secret. It is certainly not then - not in dreams - but when one is wide awake, at moments of robust joy and achievement, on the highest terrace of consciousness, that mortality has a chance to peer beyond its own limits, from the mast, from the past and its castle tower. And although nothing much can be seen through the mist, there is somehow the blissful feeling that one is looking in the right direction. — Vladimir Nabokov

Behind every great achievement is a dreamer of great dreams. — Robert K. Greenleaf

At times many of us let that enemy of achievement
even the culprit 'self-defeat'
dwarf our aspirations, smother our dreams, cloud our vision, and impair our lives. The enemy's voice whispers in our ears, 'You can't do it.' 'You're too young.' 'You're too old.' 'You're nobody.' This is when we remember that we are created in the image of God. Reflection on this truth provides a profound sense of strength and power. — Thomas S. Monson

We are capable of greatness. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Never give in to the obstacles that lie in your path towards the achievement of your dreams. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Behind every impossible achievement is a dreamer of impossible dreams." - Robert K. Greenleaf — Brian P. Moran

Go out and do your thing knowing that rejection and failure is an inevitable and integral part of the process to achieving your dreams. — Miya Yamanouchi

In the dark room a cloud of yellow dust flew from beneath the tool like a scatter of sparks from under the hooves of a galloping horse. The twin wheels turned and hummed. Binet was smiling, his chin down, his nostrils distended. He seemed lost in the kind of happiness which, as a rule, accompanies only those mediocre occupations that tickle the intelligence with easy difficulties, and satisfy it with a sense of achievement beyond which there is nothing left for dreams to feed on. — Gustave Flaubert

The achievement of dreams demands 100 percent dedication. — Lailah Gifty Akita

I was brought up on the romance of American achievement. No matter where you start, if you work hard and if you think positively and if you dream dreams and if you have good character, you can lift the status of yourself, your family, your friends and everyone around you. This doesn't mean that your object in life is to become rich or famous. Just do the best you can with yourself. I think that Almighty God has put that into us and I'm going to do the best I can with myself. That's what I call the romance of achievement. Achievement means to be what, by the grace of God, you can be ... — Norman Vincent Peale

When the fear of failure triumphs over the repugnance of mediocrity, we must resign ourselves to the status quo. Every change, every opportunity to do something different will send us running to hide beneath a cover of excuses and complacency. Those few courageous souls who delve into the lands where they risk failure, will be soundly ridiculed. They will be condemned not because they dream, but rather for making their dreams real and destroying the illusion that all that can be thought has been thought, all that can be done has been done, and all that can be felt has been felt. In their enthusiastic insolence, they see life filled with infinite possibilities and they know they must chart their own course, even if they must go alone. — D.A. Blankinship

It's good to be young and full of dreams. Dreams of one day doing something 'insanely great.' Dreams of love, beauty, achievement, and contribution. But understand they have a life of their own, and they're not very good at following instructions. Love them, revere them, nurture them, respect them, but don't ever become a slave to them. Otherwise you'll kill them off prematurely, before they get the chance to come true. — Hugh MacLeod

It is certainly not then - not in dreams - but when one is wide awake, in moments of robust joy and achievement, on the highest terrace of consciousness, that mortality has a chance to peer beyond its own limits, from the mast, from the past and its castle tower. And although nothing much can be seen through the mist, there is somehow the blissful feeling that one is looking in the right direction.
- Vladimir Nabokov — Vladimir Nabokov

Not much happens without a dream. And for something great to happen, there must be a great dream. Behind every great achievement is a dreamer of great dreams. Much more than a dreamer is required to bring it to reality; but the dream must be there first. — Robert K. Greenleaf

Everywhere are scattered dreams, each its own antecedent; it's precedence in the possibility of its achievement. — Dew Platt

Our dreams and imagination set the limits of our achievement. — Debasish Mridha

You must sit down and do a complete analysis of your dreams in order to achieve them — Sunday Adelaja

Lack of opportunity breeds dreams of escape. But professionals and managers who have invested in their careers do not leave the work force as frequently as discouraged workers in lower status occupations. Instead, they keep working, but they escape emotionally by defining achievement in professional, not company, terms ... Thus, the potential for being stuck as career uncertainty grows takes its toll in weakening attachment to any particular employer. — Rosabeth Moss Kanter

We must carry forward the work of the women who came before us and ensure out daughters have no limits on their dreams, no obstacles to their achievements and no remaining ceilings to shatter. — Barack Obama

Don't be fearless, but tame your fears, and stop at nothing. — Abhijit Naskar

You see," he said turning to Mr Norton, "he has eyes and ears and a good distended African nose, but he fails to understand the simple facts of life. Understand. Understand? It's worse than that. He registers with his senses but short-circuits his brain. Nothing has meaning. He takes it in but he doesn't digest it. Already he is - well, bless my soul! Behold! a walking zombie! Already he's learned to repress not only his emotions but his humanity. He's invisible, a walking personification of the Negative, the most perfect achievement of your dreams, sir! The mechanical man! — Ralph Ellison

Where there is life, there is hope. Where there are hopes, there are dreams. Where there are vivid dreams repeated, they become goals. Goals become the action plans and game plans that winners dwell on in intricate detail, knowing that achievement is almost automatic when the goal becomes an inner commitment. The response to the challenges of life - purpose - is the healing balm that enables each of us to face up to adversity and strife ... — Denis Waitley

The hallmark of great dreams is not their possibility but their impossibility, and the fact that it is the very notion of the 'impossible' that inspires us to go and accomplish them anyway. — Craig D. Lounsbrough

Take thoughts and turn them into actions, turn them into results, turn your dreams into reality. That's really the science of achievement. — Tony Robbins

It is better to experience moment of discomfort in the achievement of your dreams than to be comfortable without accomplishing your dreams. — Lailah Gifty Akita

Overcoming the pain of self-discipline, we achieve our goals and move towards our dreams — Sunday Adelaja

The Founding Fathers and our fathers are rolling over in their graves as this great country voluntarily abandons its dreams of equal opportunity, achievement and prosperity and sows the seeds of its own destruction. — David Limbaugh