Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About Accepting Ourselves

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Top Accepting Ourselves Quotes

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Melody Beattie

Recovery is not about being right; it's about allowing ourselves to be who we are and accepting others as they are. — Melody Beattie

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Sue Augustine

The reason to forgive ourselves is not because we feel like it or because we want to see ourselves as blameless but because we limit what we can receive from God when we hold on to our past. He wants to do so much more than we could ever imagine. Forgiving yourself starts with believing in God's incredible love for you and accepting His amazing grace and mercy. If God Almighty can forgive us who are we to hold on to what He has not only forgiven but forgotten — Sue Augustine

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Jean Anouilh

Our entire life - consists ultimately in accepting ourselves as we are. — Jean Anouilh

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Alain De Botton

If we accord importance to the kind of portraits which surround us, it is because we fashion our lives according to their example, accepting aspects of ourselves if they concur with what others mention of themselves. — Alain De Botton

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Neel Burton

Facing up to non-being enables us to put our life into perspective, see it in its entirety, and thereby lend it a sense of direction and unity. If the ultimate source of anxiety is fear of the future, the future ends in death; and if the ultimate source of anxiety is uncertainty, death is the only certainty. It is only by facing up to death, accepting its inevitability, and integrating it into life that we can escape from the pettiness and paralysis of anxiety, and, in so doing, free ourselves to make the most out of our lives and out of ourselves. — Neel Burton

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Joe Hutto

We have this distinctly human concept of good and bad. Nature doesn't have that. It just is. I'm not comfortable with that. I'm not accepting of the fact that we live in a profoundly brutal world. I don't fully approve of the way nature works. This lifetime of study has left me disappointed by the brutality of it all.
It has also made me more sympathetic to the human condition and the many unbearable circumstances we find ourselves in. You and I are lucky in this part of the world not to experience the sort of wretched life that is a reality for so many. — Joe Hutto

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Diane Greene

Part of knowing ourselves is also being able to accept who we are and to value ourselves regardless of our flaws. Accepting who we are allows us to value our worth without conditions or reservations. — Diane Greene

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Sonja Lyubomirsky

If we can accept as true that life circumstances are not the keys to happiness, we'll be greatly empowered to pursue happiness for ourselves. — Sonja Lyubomirsky

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Deyth Banger

Accepting ourselves, okay I like such type of girls, I like watching porn, I like such kind of music, okay I like such kind off books like horror and sci-fi, I like deathstep as a music... It should be find I should accept myself people should accept me as the guy who I am truly, people should accept themselfs also. — Deyth Banger

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Margaret Clarkson

On accepting adversity in our lives: Always it is initiated by an act of will on our part; we set ourselves to believe in the overruling goodness, providence, and sovereignty of God and refuse to turn aside no matter what may come, no matter how we may feel. I mistakenly thought I could not trust God unless I felt like trusting Him. Now I am learning that trusting God is first of all a matter of the will. I choose to trust in God, and my feelings eventually follow. — Margaret Clarkson

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Robert Graves

Abstract reason, formerly the servant of practical human reasons, has everywhere become its master, and denies poetry any excuse for existence.
Though philosophers like to define poetry as irrational fancy, for us it is practical, humorous, reasonable way of being ourselves. Of never acquiescing in a fraud; of never accepting the secondary-rate in poetry, painting, music, love, friends. Of safeguarding our poetic institutions against the encroachments of mechanized, insensate, inhumane, abstract rationality. — Robert Graves

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Martha Beck

Many of us have spent a lifetime trying to be what we're not, feeling lousy about ourselves when we fail and sometimes even when we succeed. We hide our differences when, by accepting and celebrating them, we could collaborate to make every effort more exciting, productive, enjoyable, and powerful. Personally, I think we should start right now. — Martha Beck

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Tara Brach

The way out of our cage begins with accepting absolutely everything about ourselves and our lives, by embracing with wakefulness and care our moment-to-moment experience. — Tara Brach

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Pope Benedict XVI

We can not communicate with the Lord if we do not communicate with each other. If we want to present ourselves to him, we must take a step towards meeting one another. To do this we must learn the great lesson of forgiveness: we must not let the gnawings of resentment work in our soul but must open our hearts to the magnanimity of listening to others, open our hearts to understanding them, eventually to accepting their apologies, to generously offering our own. — Pope Benedict XVI

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Louise Hay

Healing means accepting all parts of ourselves, not just the parts we like, but all of us. — Louise Hay

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Richard Rohr

Two thousand years after Jesus lived here, Christians still have a hard time accepting his upside-down world, in which we are expected to work for justice on behalf of others but not to demand or expect it for ourselves (Matthew 5:6,10-12). This is one of the hardest challenges of Jesus' message. It demands an expanded heart and mind. — Richard Rohr

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Thomas Merton

What do I mean by loving ourselves properly? I mean first of all, desiring to live, accepting life as a very great gift and a great good, not because of what it gives us, but because of what it enables us to give to others. — Thomas Merton

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Frederick Lenz

We begin by loving and accepting ourselves. — Frederick Lenz

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Pema Chodron

I can't overestimate the importance of accepting ourselves exactly as we are right now, not as we wish we were or think we ought to be. — Pema Chodron

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Ellen Page

If we took just 5 minutes to recognize each other's beauty, instead of attacking each other for our differences. That's not hard. It's really an easier and better way to live. And ultimately, it saves lives. Then again, it's not easy at all. It can be the hardest thing, because loving other people starts with loving ourselves and accepting ourselves. I know many of you have struggled with this. I draw upon your strength and your support, and have, in ways you will never know. — Ellen Page

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Abigail George

We only live in a perfect world when we find ourselves challenging ourselves when it comes to listening to other people's opinions and accepting it, understanding it as limited thinking. A kind of flawed thinking. — Abigail George

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Pema Chodron

Over time, as the thinking mind begins to settle [through the practice of meditation], we'll start to see our patterns and habits far more clearly. Sometimes this can be a painful experience. I can't overestimate the importance of accepting ourselves exactly as we are right now, not as we wish we were or think we ought to be. By cultivating nonjudgmental openness to ourselves and to whatever arises, to our surprise and delight we will find ourselves genuinely welcoming the never-pin-downable quality of life, experiencing it as a friend, a teacher, and a support, and no longer as an enemy. — Pema Chodron

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By David Deida

By healing our internal divisions and fully accepting ourselves as we are, we learn to accept and empower our sexual core, and we learn to honor our unique expression of Masculine and Feminine gifts. We fully incarnate in our bodies, at home and at ease in a man's body or a woman's body. And we learn to love with complete abandon, as free men and women, without rules or roles or guarded hearts. — David Deida

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Shakti Gawain

True healing comes from owning and accepting all of life's energies within ourselves ... When they are allowed to be expressed, they take their places as important facets of our nature. There is no split between 'good' and 'bad.' — Shakti Gawain

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Rosa Parks

Time begins the healing process of wounds cut deeply by oppression. We soothe ourselves with the salve of attempted indifference, accepting the false pattern set up by the horrible restriction of Jim Crow laws. — Rosa Parks

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By C. G. Jung

We only gain merit and psychological development by accepting ourselves as we are and by being serious enough to live the lives we are entrusted with. Our sins and errors and mistakes are necessary to us, otherwise we are deprived of the most precious incentives to development. — C. G. Jung

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Sam Harris

The paradox is that we can become wiser and more compassionate and live more fulfilling lives by refusing to be who we have tended to be in the past. But we must also relax, accepting things as they are in the present, as we strive to change ourselves. — Sam Harris

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Beverly Engel

Most survivors tend to be the care-giver rather than the care-receiver. We tend to be good at being spouses and parents, anticipating our loved ones needs, going the second mile when it came to self sacrifice. But seldom can we ask our loved ones to give to us. We fool ourselves into believing we don't need much. — Beverly Engel

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Chogyam Trungpa

Just fully being skillful involves total lack of inhibition. We are not afraid to be. We are not afraid to live. We must accept ourselves as being warriors. If we acknowledge ourselves as warriors, then there is a way in, because a warrior dares to be, like a tiger in the jungle. — Chogyam Trungpa

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By David Eddings

One of the less attractive aspects of human nature is our tendency to hate the people we haven't treated very well; it's much easier than accepting guilt. If we can convince ourselves that the people we betrayed or enslaved were subhuman monsters in the first place, then our guilt isn't nearly so black as we secretly know that it is. Humans are very, very good at shifting blame and avoiding guilt. — David Eddings

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Pema Chodron

The mind is very wild. The human experience is full of unpredictability and paradox, joys and sorrows, successes and failures. We can't escape any of these experiences in the vast terrain of our existence. It is part of what makes life grand-and it is also why our minds take us on such a crazy ride. If we can train ourselves through meditation to be more open and more accepting toward the wild arc of our experience, if we can lean into the difficulties of life and the ride of our minds, we can become more settled and relaxed amid whatever life brings us. — Pema Chodron

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Greg Carey

If contemporary Christians took seriously the possibility that those outside the boundaries of the church might hold the promise of renewal, if we ceased regarding ourselves as the source of salvation and the secular world as a potential threat, and if we emulated Jesus' example in accepting the faith and the courage of those who live beyond conventional standards of purity, well, I can hardly imagine how things would look. — Greg Carey

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Brene Brown

The heart of compassion is really acceptance. The better we are at accepting ourselves and others, the more compassionate we become. Well, it's difficult to accept people when they are hurting us or taking advantage of us or walking all over us. This research has taught me that if we really want to practice compassion, we have to start by setting boundaries and holding people accountable — Brene Brown

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By John Rawls

Normally leaving one's country is a grave step: it involves leaving the society and culture in which we have been raised,, the society and culture whose language we use in speech and thought to express and understand ourselves, our aims, goals and values; the society and culture, customs, and conventions we depend on to find our place in the social world. In large part, we affirm our society and culture, and have an intimate and inexpressible knowledge of it, even though much of it we may question, if not reject. The government's authority cannot, then be freely accepted in the sense that the bonds of society and culture, of history and social place of origin, begin so early to shape our life and are normally so strong that the right of emigration does not suffice to make accepting its authority free, politically speaking, in the way that liberty of conscience suffices to make accepting ecclesiastical authority free. — John Rawls

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Henri Frederic Amiel

There are 2 sorts of pride: one in which we approve others, the other in which we cannot accept ourselves. — Henri Frederic Amiel

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Brene Brown

Loving and accepting ourselves are the ultimate acts of courage. In a society that says, "Put yourself last," self-love and self-acceptance are almost revolutionary. — Brene Brown

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Don Richard Riso

Self-acceptance is a way of viewing oneself compassionately, without condemnation or justification. It is a starting point in life which makes other things possible. It celebrates the fullness of joy of being alive and of being who we are: accepting ourselves, however, does not mean embracing our neuroses or bad habits and celebrating them as if they were virtues. On the contrary, self-acceptance involves loving ourselves enough to accept painful truths about ourselves ... Self-acceptance is, at its simplest, the experience of one's self, here and now, as a complete human being, with all the glories and problems that condition entails. — Don Richard Riso

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By George Saunders

If at the moment when someone cuts us off in traffic or breaks our heart or begins bombing our ancestral village, we could withdraw from judging mode, and enter this other, more accepting mode, we could paradoxically, make ourselves more powerful. By resisting the urge to reduce, in order to subsequently destroy, we keep alive - if only for a few seconds more - the possibility of transformation. -The Thought Experiment — George Saunders

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Cesare Pavese

To choose a hardship for ourselves is our only defense against that hardship. This is what is meant by accepting suffering. Those who, by their very nature, can suffer completely, utterly, have an advantage. That is how we can disarm the power of suffering, make it our own creation, our own choice; submit to it. A justification for suicide. — Cesare Pavese

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Alom Shaha

In many ways, accepting there is no God to provide meaning and purpose to our lives can, I believe, force us to create meaningful purposes ourselves. — Alom Shaha

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Acharya Balkrishna

The verdure of mountains enhancing the beauty of the earth is recounting us to live not only for ourselves but for others too, accepting the dichotomies (dualities) of life like heat, cold rain etc. How true this is in actuality that the greenery of land is owing to the grass, still no one recalls the grass. Likewise, greenery of this life (happiness) always inspire you to enliven not only your own but others' lives too."- Acharya Balkrishna — Acharya Balkrishna

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Chogyam Trungpa

Meditation practice is a way of making friends with ourselves. Whether we are worthy or unworthy, that's not the point. It's developing a friendly attitude to ourselves, accepting the hidden neurosis coming through. — Chogyam Trungpa

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Aiden Wilson Tozer

Our mistake is that we want God to send revival on our terms. We want to get the power of God into our hands, to call it to us that it may work for us in promoting and furthering our kind of Christianity. We want still to be in charge, guiding the chariot through the religious sky in the direction we want it to go, shouting "Glory to God," but modestly accepting a share of the glory for ourselves in a nice inoffensive sort of way. We are calling on God to send fire on our altars, completely ignoring the fact that they are OUR altars and not God's ... — Aiden Wilson Tozer

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Desmond Tutu

It always comes back to our insecurities, as we say, "Oh, I'm not as good as you." So instead of accepting that perhaps I am not as good as someone else in some ways and being comfortable with who I am as I am, I spend all my time denigrating you, trying to cut you down to my self-perceived size. The sad problem is that we see ourselves as being quite terribly small. Instead of spending my time being envious, I need to celebrate your and my different gifts, even if mine are perhaps less spectacular than yours. — Desmond Tutu

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Edouard Leve

Only the living seem incoherent. Death closes the series of events that constitutes their lives. So we resign ourselves to finding a meaning for them. To refuse them this would amount to accepting that a life, and thus life itself, is absurd. Yours had not yet attained the coherence of things done. Your death gave it this coherence. Lev — Edouard Leve

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Stephen Covey

Only after we can learn to forgive ourselves can we accept others as they are because we don't feel threatened by anything about them which is better than us. — Stephen Covey

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Kobun Chino Otogawa Roshi

We sit to make life meaningful. The significance of our life is not experienced in striving to create some perfect thing. We must simply start with accepting ourselves. Sitting brings us back to actually who and where we are. This can be very painful. Self-acceptance is the hardest thing to do. If we can't accept ourselves, we are living in ignorance, this darkest night. We may still be awake, but we don't know where we are. We cannot see. The mind has no light. Practice is this candle in our very darkest room. — Kobun Chino Otogawa Roshi

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Sandra L. Schneider

When our hopes for performance are not completely met, realistic optimism involves accepting what cannot now be changed, rather than condemning or second-guessing ourselves. Focusing on the successful aspects of performance (even when the success is modest) promotes positive affect, reduces self-doubt, and helps to maintain motivation (e.g., McFarland & Ross, 1982) ... Nevertheless, realistic optimism does not include or imply expectations that things will improve on their own. Wishful thinking of this sort typically has no reliable supporting evidence. Instead, the opportunity-seeking component of realistic optimism motivates efforts to improve future performances on the basis of what has been learned from past performances. — Sandra L. Schneider

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Neal Christie

Therefore, whenever significant differences of opinion among faithful Christians occur, some of which continue to divide the church deeply today, neither surprise nor dismay should be allowed to separate the members of the Body from one another; nor should those differences be covered over with false claims of consensus or unanimity. To the contrary, such conflict must be embraced with courage and perseverance as all together continue to seek to discern God's will. In that understanding and commitment, we pledge ourselves to acknowledge and to embrace with courage, trust, and hope those controversies that arise among us, accepting them as evidence that God is not yet finished in sculpting us to be God's people. — Neal Christie

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Karen Berg

Spirituality is about being able to see what's wrong with ourselves, accepting the idea that we can change, and then showing a willingness to actually transform ourselves. — Karen Berg

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Queen Latifah

Putting on your crown is really like accepting the fact that you are a queen. You're a great woman. Wherever you are in life, just keep on that path, and so for me, sometimes as women, we forget - we forget that about ourselves. So, putting on your crown is sort of reminding yourself that, hey, I'm a queen, and I can do what I want in this life and take it. — Queen Latifah

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By William Peter Blatty

I think the demon's target is not the possessed; it is us ... the observers ... every person in this house. And I think - I think the point is to make us despair; to reject our own humanity, Damien: to see ourselves as ultimately bestial, vile and putrescent; without dignity; ugly; unworthy. And there lies the heart of it, perhaps: in unworthiness. For I think belief in God is not a matter of reason at all; I think it finally is a matter of love: of accepting the possibility that God could ever love us. — William Peter Blatty

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Wayne Muller

Accepting who we are is a practice of non-harming. Sadly, much self-help literature contains seeds of harm: We are urged to remake ourselves into someone who will be spiritually or psychologically acceptable, and that acceptance is conditional on our performance in the areas of therapy, growth, or meditation. We are still not accepting ourselves unconditionally, just as we are in this moment, with a full and joyful heart. A more merciful practice begins with acceptance. It begins with the assumption that we were never broken, never defective. By surrendering into a deep acceptance of our own nature - rather than by tearing apart who we are - we actually make more room for genuine, rich, merciful, playful growth and change. If we feel our fundamental strength, creativity, and wisdom, then change is not frightening at all. Things simply fall away when they are ready, making room for the rich harvest underneath. — Wayne Muller

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Jaeda DeWalt

N our perfection-obsessed, air-brushed society, it can be tempting to measure our self-worth against its set of impossible standards. However, organic beauty is in the flaws that make us vulnerable, human and fallible. We are here to learn, evolve and grow. We do not need to become perfect to be worthy of love, there is no such thing. We can not love others when we are withholding love and acceptance from ourselves. We can not criticize ourselves and then reach with open arms to give and receive love from others. It has to start from within, radiating outward. We need to learn how to be unconditionally loving, accepting and forgiving of ourselves, first, if we wish to forge healthy and loving relationships with others. — Jaeda DeWalt

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Ellen Page

Loving other people starts with loving ourselves and accepting ourselves. — Ellen Page

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Jack Kornfield

The independence and rebelliousness of our adolescence offer us yet another quality essential to our practice; the insistence that we find out the truth for ourselves, accepting no one's word above our own experience. — Jack Kornfield

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Karl Popper

We all have an unscientific weakness for being always in the right, and this weakness seems to be particularly common among professional and amateur politicians. But the only way to apply something like scientific method in politics is to proceed on the assumption that there can be no political move which has no drawbacks, no undesirable consequences. To look out for these mistakes, to find them, to bring them into the open, to analyse them, and to learn from them, this is what a scientific politician as well as a political scientist must do. Scientific method in politics means that the great art of convincing ourselves that we have not made any mistakes, of ignoring them, of hiding them, and of blaming others from them, is replaced by the greater art of accepting the responsibility for them, of trying to learn from them, and of applying this knowledge so that we may avoid them in future. — Karl Popper

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Zainab Salbi

By accepting what the external structures have told us we need to do, we have given the power of our realities and ourselves to others. It is time to tell a new story for women, and that can only start with women. — Zainab Salbi

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Richard Carlson

We deny the parts of ourselves that we deem unacceptable rather than accepting the fact that we're all less than perfect. — Richard Carlson

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Josh McDowell

The fact that God accepts us should be our motivation for accepting ourselves. If we cannot accept ourselves the way we are, with our limitations and assets, weaknesses as well as strengths, shortcomings as well as abilities; then we cannot trust anyone else to accept us the way we are. We will always be putting on a front, building a facade around ourselves, never letting people know what we are really like deep down inside. — Josh McDowell

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Wendell Berry

We can make ourselves whole only by accepting our partiality, by living within our limits, by being humans not by trying to be gods. — Wendell Berry

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Tim King

If we could learn to trust and rest and be instead of always striving to do, we would find ourselves face to face with some of life's most perplexing paradoxes. First, that transformation comes only when we stop trying to transform ourselves. Second, that love can flow out of us only after we've allowed it to flow freely into us. And third, that you can't catch God by chasing him; you catch him only by accepting his pursuit of you. — Tim King

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Meister Eckhart

And so in my view the most important thing of all is that we should give ourselves up entirely to God whenever he allows anything to befall us, whether insult, tribulation or any other kind of suffering, accepting it with joy and gratitude and allowing God to guide us all the more rather than seeking these things out ourselves. — Meister Eckhart

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By John Lancaster Spalding

Though what we accept be true, it is a prejudice unless we ourselves have considered and understood why and how it is true. — John Lancaster Spalding

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Laura Archera Huxley

We can passively take our place in the negative chain, accepting the harm to ourselves and passing it on to others. Or we can break the chain and turn the energy of a destructive emotion into a constructive action. — Laura Archera Huxley

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Stephen Alter

Our insistence on being different from everything around us is one of the greatest mistakes of mankind. We stubbornly maintain an illusory distinction that sets us apart from rock and ice, water and fire, plant and animal. Both religion and rationality try to explain it through an elaborate vocabulary of separation - soul, atman, spirit, ghosts in the machine or simply the idea of selfhood. We have dreamed up gods so that we can reassure ourselves that somewhere, someday, somehow, after this life is over, something awaits us: a presence that recognizes who we are. But if we approach a mountain instead, accepting that we are nothing more or less than an integral part of its existence, our ego merges with the nature of the mountain. In — Stephen Alter

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Heather Cochran

Repotting a plant gives it space to grow. Repotting ourselves means taking leave of our everyday environments and walking into unfamiliar territory - of the heart, of the mind and of the spirit. It isn't easy. The older we get, the more likely we are to have remained in the same place for some time. We stay because it's secure. We know the boundaries and, inside of them, we feel safe. Our roots cling to the walls we have long known. But remaining inside can keep us from thriving. Indeed, without new experiences or ideas, we slowly grow more and more tightly bound, eventually turning into less vibrant versions of who we might have been.
Repotting means accepting that the way is forward, not back. It means realizing that we won't again fit into our old shells. But that's not failure. That's living. — Heather Cochran

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Thich Nhat Hanh

As long as we're rejecting ourselves and causing harm to our bodies and minds, there's no point in talking about loving and accepting others. — Thich Nhat Hanh

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Alan Watts

By replacing fear of the unknown with curiosity we open ourselves up to an infinite stream of possibility. We can let fear rule our lives or we can become childlike with curiosity, pushing our boundaries, leaping out of our comfort zones, and accepting what life puts before us. — Alan Watts

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Charlotte Kasl

Our refuge is being exactly where we are - not dramatizing problems by replaying them in our heads, telling stories to our friends, eliciting sympathy and convincing ourselves that this is a very big deal. Our refuge is in the stillness of being the compassionate witness to our panic and fear - not judging it as good or bad, just accepting the what is of the moment. — Charlotte Kasl

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Paulo Coelho

Instead of accepting ourselves as we are, we try to imitate what we see around us. — Paulo Coelho

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Laura Lane

When we root ourselves so that we are experiencing love on all levels - feeling it in our body and heart, accepting love, surrounded by love, generating love - then we are giving as well as receiving at the same time that we are connected to God. — Laura Lane

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Kcat Yarza

Accept, forgive and forget. Forgive not only the people who hurt us, but also forgive ourselves, accepting whatever is the outcome, then forget the wrongs, learn from them and move on. Holding on to the guilt and pain would just make life miserable for us. — Kcat Yarza

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Shannon Tanner

When you TRULY accept yourself, everyone else will do the same. Relationships "mirror" what we believe about ourselves. — Shannon Tanner

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Marianne Williamson

Rather than accepting that we are the loving beings that He created, we have arrogantly thought that we could create ourselves, and then create God. Because we are angry and judgmental, we have projected those characteristics onto Him. We have made up a God in our image. But God remains who He is and always has been: the energy, the thought of unconditional love. — Marianne Williamson

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Ilchi Lee

By acknowledging and accepting the ultimate commonality, we can naturally and voluntarily develop the attitude of compassion and benevolence toward other people, other life-forms, and all beings. We will want to live for the good of all because we know that's the way we benefit ourselves, too. — Ilchi Lee

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Kimberly Kirberger

We can only accept friendship from others to the degree that we give it to ourselves. — Kimberly Kirberger

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Wayne Dyer

There is no need to invent an ego that is separate from the divine if our basic human nature is trusted. If we trust ourselves, we know how to avoid interfering with nature and how to live in harmony. When we know God as an unseen, loving, and accepting power at the heart of everything, allowing us to make our own choices, then God is a trusted part of our nature. — Wayne Dyer

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Jack Kornfield

We can struggle with what is. We can judge and blame others or ourselves. Or we can accept what cannot be changed. Peace comes from an honorable and open heart accepting what is true. Do we want to remain stuck? Or to release the fearful sense of self and rest kindly where we are? — Jack Kornfield

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Timothy Keller

The cross is the place where we find the freedom to accept ourselves without being proud and to challenge ourselves without being crushed. — Timothy Keller

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Billy Graham

The nation's image has become more like a chameleon - accepting whatever trend marketers concoct. Gone are the days of reverencing a holy God in the church or within ourselves. Yet the Bible tells us, "Happy is the man who is always reverent" (Proverbs 28:14 NKJV). — Billy Graham

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Marie Emmit

The more one engages in conscious action to understand and transform the world -- one's reality -- through the interplay between reflection and action, the more fully human we become, that is, we have greater control over our destinies. If we just accept the world as set by others, we allow ourselves to become dehumanized -- an object shaped and made by others rather than expressing our uniquely human potential to be involved actively in creating what we become. As human beings, our shared vocation is to become active individual subjects engaged on an equal basis with others in the process of creating (or naming) the world. We should create history and culture rather than exist merely as passive objects accepting reality and the world as ready-made by other people. In creating history and culture, we create our own beings in the process. — Marie Emmit

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Harold H. Bloomfield

The less harshly we judge ourselves, the more accepting we become of others. — Harold H. Bloomfield

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Quite generally, the familiar, just because it is familiar, is not cognitively understood. The commonest way in which we deceive either ourselves or others about understanding is by assuming something as familiar, and accepting it on that account; with all its pros and cons, such knowing never gets anywhere, and it knows not why ... The analysis of an idea, as it used to be carried out, was, in fact, nothing else than ridding it of the form in which it had become familiar. — Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Curious George Brigade

We reject the blame game and accusations so common in efficient groups. With each person accepting full responsibility for their actions, no on can have any more of the blame than anyone else. Let's all be accountable to ourselves, so we can grow and learn from our mistakes and be buoyed by our successes. — Curious George Brigade

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Debbie Ford

By acknowledging, accepting, and embracing our dark side, we create natural steam vents within ourselves. By providing an opening, we eliminate the worry about an explosion because we are allowing the pressure to be released in a safe and appropriate way. — Debbie Ford

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Ed Catmull

I know that a lot of our successes came because we had pure intentions and great talent, and we did a lot of things right, but I also believe that attributing our successes solely to our own intelligence, without acknowledging the role of accidental events, diminishes us. We must acknowledge the random events that went our way, because acknowledging our good fortune - and not telling ourselves that everything we did was some stroke of genius - lets us make more realistic assessments and decisions. The existence of luck also reminds us that our activities are less repeatable. Since change is inevitable, the question is: Do you act to stop it and try to protect yourself from it, or do you become the master of change by accepting it and being open to it? My view, of course, is that working with change is what creativity is about. — Ed Catmull

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Tina J. Richardson

We fell in love instantly, sparks flew. It was like we had met before.
We had trouble understanding each other over the years. But our love has grown stronger through accepting ourselves and each other. — Tina J. Richardson

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Paulo Coelho

Optimism is contagious, he states.
If that were the case, all your would have to do is go to the person you loved with a huge grin, full of plans and ideas, and know how to present the package. Does it work? No. What is really contagious is fear, the constant fear of never finding someone to accompany us to the end of our days. And in the name of this fear we are capable of doing anything, including accepting the wrong person and convincing ourselves that he or she's the one, the only one, who God has placed in our path. In very little time the search for security turns into a heartfelt love, and things become less bitter and difficult. Our feelings can be put in a box and pushed to the back of the closet in our head, where it will remain forever, hidden and invisible. — Paulo Coelho

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Joyce Meyer

Until we accept and approve of ourselves, no amount of approval from others will keep us permanently secure. — Joyce Meyer

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Gary L. Francione

The theory of animal rights simply is not consistent with the theory of animal welfare ... Animal rights means dramatic social changes for humans and non-humans alike; if our bourgeois values prevent us from accepting those changes, then we have no right to call ourselves advocates of animal rights. — Gary L. Francione

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By John Scalzi

Dreher laments we now live in a "post-Christian" America, but he's wrong. The Americans who are standing with their loved ones and neighbors are in fact doing exactly what Jesus asked them to do, when he said that we should love each other as we love ourselves. It's possible, however, that we live in a post-accepting-bigotry-cloaking-itself-in-the-raiments-of-Christ America. And, you know. I can live in that America just fine. — John Scalzi

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Samuel P. Huntington

We really only came around to accepting and integrating the propositional dimension of identity into a concept of ourselves at the time of the American Revolution. — Samuel P. Huntington

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Craig D. Lounsbrough

I think that it is infinitely wiser to accept the fact that we're afraid, for in accepting our fear we are in no way granting it the power to crush us. Rather we are finally empowering ourselves sufficiently so that we can crush it. — Craig D. Lounsbrough

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Cynthia Hand

We think of happiness as something we can take. But usually it comes from being content with what we have, and accepting ourselves. — Cynthia Hand

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Dean Koontz

Dogs, lives are short, too short, but you know that going in. You know the pain is coming, you're going to lose a dog, and there's going to be great anguish, so you live fully in the moment with her, never fail to share her joy or delight in her innocence, because you can't support the illusion that a dog can be your lifelong companion. There's such beauty in the hard honesty of that, in accepting and giving love while always aware that it comes with an unbearable price. Maybe loving dogs is a way we do penance for all the other illusions we allow ourselves and the mistakes we make because of those illusions. — Dean Koontz

Accepting Ourselves Quotes By Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

India has been a very accepting culture. We pride ourselves on that. That is a global truth. In fact, it forms a major theme in my books. — Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni