Famous Quotes & Sayings

Abracadabra Magic Quotes & Sayings

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Top Abracadabra Magic Quotes

Abracadabra Magic Quotes By Jonathan Zittrain

Citizens identify with something larger than themselves - if one's country is attacked, it can feel like a personal attack in a way that a fellow bank customer's account theft does not feel like a personal invasion. — Jonathan Zittrain

Abracadabra Magic Quotes By Edward W. Said

There has been no major revolution in modern history without intellectuals; conversely there has been no major counterrevolutionary movement without intellectuals. Intellectuals have been the fathers and mothers of movements, and of course sons and daughters, even nephews and nieces. — Edward W. Said

Abracadabra Magic Quotes By Sue Townsend

What's the most important quality a person could have, something that would benefit us all? — Sue Townsend

Abracadabra Magic Quotes By Nicholas Lemann

In journalism, especially, we tend to deal with large, complex systems by finding especially interesting people and story lines to focus on. — Nicholas Lemann

Abracadabra Magic Quotes By Bill Kristol

If the American people really come to a settled belief that Bush lied us into war, his presidency will be over. — Bill Kristol

Abracadabra Magic Quotes By Kate Clinton

John Paulk, the poster boy for 'ex-gays' was found in a gay bar in Washington. He said he was there to use the bathroom. But nobody thought to ask him for what. — Kate Clinton

Abracadabra Magic Quotes By Neale Osborne

One single sentence, one frame of film, and abracadabra! the story's wings would take her to another lost world, another magic realm that was ready to be explored. — Neale Osborne

Abracadabra Magic Quotes By Peter Kreeft

The more you treat someone you hate as if you loved them, the more you will find yourself loving them. — Peter Kreeft

Abracadabra Magic Quotes By Tom Cruise

When I work, I'm the actor. I'm going to do my job. I'm not going to direct the movie. If I wanted to direct it, I would direct it. I wanted J.J. Abrams to direct Mission: Impossible. I work with people that I respect. I expect them to do their jobs, and I will do mine. And I am there as a producer to help in any way, but no one makes a movie by themselves. It's a collaboration. — Tom Cruise

Abracadabra Magic Quotes By John Edgar Wideman

Kids use words in ways that release hidden meanings, revel the history buried in sounds. They haven't forgotten that words can be more than signs, that words have magic, the power to be things, to point to themselves and materialize. With their back-formations, archaisms, their tendency to play the music in words
rhythm, rhyme, alliteration, repetition
children peel the skin from language. Words become incantatory. Open Sesame. Abracadabra. Perhaps a child will remember the word and will bring the walls tumbling down. — John Edgar Wideman

Abracadabra Magic Quotes By Ayn Rand

The mind is an attribute of the individual. There is no such thing as a collective brain. There is no such thing as a collective thought. An agreement reached by a group of men is only a compromise or an average drawn upon many individual thoughts. It is a secondary consequence. The primary act - the process of reason - must be performed by each man alone. — Ayn Rand

Abracadabra Magic Quotes By Eliza Crewe

But I am not sick, or crazy, or broken.
I am Meda Melange, demon-saint monster girl. I make full-grown men scream in terror. I break bones and drain blood. I turn nightmares into reality.
I am the most powerful creature on earth. I do not wear a leash. — Eliza Crewe