Famous Quotes & Sayings

A4 Size Printable Quotes & Sayings

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Top A4 Size Printable Quotes

A4 Size Printable Quotes By Reki Kawahara

Do not get drunk on murder. — Reki Kawahara

A4 Size Printable Quotes By Katherine Rundell

If, when reading and walking at the same time, he bumped into a lamppost, he would apologize and check that the lamppost was unhurt. — Katherine Rundell

A4 Size Printable Quotes By Joseph Hansen

Windows were broken. Where not broken they were boarded up, had been for years: the rust from nailheads had written long, sad farewells down the salt-silvered planks. — Joseph Hansen

A4 Size Printable Quotes By Jerry Seinfeld

People who read the tabloids deserve to be lied to. — Jerry Seinfeld

A4 Size Printable Quotes By Lisa Kudrow

I've been careful to keep my life separate because it's important to me to have privacy and for my life not to be a marketing device for a movie or a TV show. I'm worth more than that. — Lisa Kudrow

A4 Size Printable Quotes By Jean Reno

But I will say that most comedians are the saddest people I know. That is the biggest paradox to me. — Jean Reno

A4 Size Printable Quotes By Norbert Wiener

The nervous system and the automatic machine are fundamentally alike in that they are devices, which make decisions on the basis of decisions they made in the past. — Norbert Wiener

A4 Size Printable Quotes By William Makepeace Thackeray

It is quite edifying to hear women speculate upon the worthlessness and the duration of beauty. But though virtue is a much finer thing, and those hapless creatures who suffer under the misfortune of good looks ought to be continually put in mind of the fate which awaits them; and though, very likely, the heroic female character which ladies admire is a more glorious and beautiful object than the kind, fresh, smiling, artless, tender little domestic goddess, whom men are inclined to worship - yet the latter and inferior sort of women must have this consolation - that the men do admire them after all; and that, in spite of all our kind friends' warnings and protests, we go on in our desperate error and folly, — William Makepeace Thackeray

A4 Size Printable Quotes By Dave Eggers

It was a broken world, I knew then, that would allow a boy such as me to bury a boy such as William K. — Dave Eggers

A4 Size Printable Quotes By Richard Wagner

I regard the Jewish race as the born enemy of pure humanity and everything that is noble in it. — Richard Wagner

A4 Size Printable Quotes By Gail Carriger

His eyes were jet-colored circles of perpetual disapproval. — Gail Carriger

A4 Size Printable Quotes By Hannah Hurnard

God has made us for Himself, and our hearts can never know rest and perfect satisfaction until they find it in Him. — Hannah Hurnard

A4 Size Printable Quotes By Carne Ross

In neo-classical economic theory, it is claimed without evidence that people are basically self-seeking, that they want above all the satisfaction of their material desires: what economists call "maximising utility". The ultimate objective of mankind is economic growth, and that is maximized only through raw, and lightly regulated, competition. If the rewards of this system are spread unevenly, that is a necessary price. Others on the planet are to be regarded as either customers, competitors or factors of production. Effects upon the planet itself are mere "externalities" to the model, with no reckoning of the cost - at least for now. Nowhere in this analysis appears factors such as human cooperation, love, trust, compassion or hatred, curiosity or beauty. Nowhere appears the concept of meaning. What cannot be measured is ignored. But the trouble is that once our basic needs for shelter and food have been met, these factors may be the most important of all. — Carne Ross