Famous Quotes & Sayings

Quotes & Sayings About A Team Leader

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Top A Team Leader Quotes

A Team Leader Quotes By Avinash Advani

Sometimes i feel that i am unlucky due to couldn't enroll in the Harvard Business School but at least by this encouragement that i enrolled in MBA in Human resource management program whereas i grown as a leader and build the team in the field of HRM through motivation. — Avinash Advani

A Team Leader Quotes By Soledad O'Brien

HBO is undeniably a leader in meaningful storytelling in a wide array of formats. I'm honored to join the REAL SPORTS team and look forward to continuing my fervor for uncovering unique and impactful stories. — Soledad O'Brien

A Team Leader Quotes By Anna Wintour

It's very important to take risks. I think that research is very important, but in the end you have to work from your instinct and feeling and take those risks and be fearless. When I hear a company is being run by a team, my heart sinks, because you need to have that leader with a vision and heart that can move things forward. — Anna Wintour

A Team Leader Quotes By Paul Sloane

The clear purpose of the leader is to give a clear purpose to the team. — Paul Sloane

A Team Leader Quotes By Frank M. J. LaFasto

As team leader, you do need to provide guidance, share your ideas,
and honor your convictions. You must also be able to demonstrate your
passion and argue your point of view. However, it's much easier to
show enthusiasm for an idea and argue for it on its merits if you haven't
painted yourself into a corner as a control freak. — Frank M. J. LaFasto

A Team Leader Quotes By Dwight Howard

My team in Orlando was a team full of people who nobody wanted, and I was the leader and I led that team with a smile on my face. — Dwight Howard

A Team Leader Quotes By Richard V. Allen

The Leader will be a person with the management skills to coordinate the activities of the Team, and to assure that the Team remains faithful to the objectives of the incoming President. — Richard V. Allen

A Team Leader Quotes By Jeanette Murray

Following their line of vision, he found the distraction. The damn tennis team, running the perimeter of the football field in some half-assed formation, following their fearless leader. They weren't looking at the field, weren't yelling or causing a scene. Just concentrating on keeping up with Chris.
Having been a teenage boy himself, the draw was obvious. Teenage girls. Short shorts. No brainer. At thirty-four, he was past that.
Except his eyes didn't seem to get the "I'm Too Old For This" memo. They were tracking Chris like a hawk tracks a field mouse. — Jeanette Murray

A Team Leader Quotes By Sunday Adelaja

A team is a reflection of its leader. — Sunday Adelaja

A Team Leader Quotes By LeBron James

I'm a leader. I'm the leader of this team, and they look for me at any point in the game, and that's not just scoring-wise, I do other things. — LeBron James

A Team Leader Quotes By Blanche Wiesen Cook

And she [Eleanor Roosevelt]loves being a star. And she loves being a teacher and a leader and a mentor and a big friend. Also, she's tall. She's one of the tallest girls in the school. And she's an athlete. And she writes many years later, at the end of her life, she writes that the happiest day, the happiest single day of her life was the day that she made the first team at field hockey. And I have to say, as a biographer, that's the most important fact. I — Blanche Wiesen Cook

A Team Leader Quotes By John Stahl-Wert

A Serving Leader who creates a powerful churn of productivity needs a team that can put itself at the service of others. — John Stahl-Wert

A Team Leader Quotes By Travis Bradberry

Being a leader requires being confident enough in your own decisions and those of your team to own them when they fail. The very best leaders take the blame but share the credit. — Travis Bradberry

A Team Leader Quotes By John C. Maxwell

For a team to succeed, responsibility must go down deep into the organization, down to the roots. Getting that to happen requires a leader who will delegate responsibility and authority to the team. Stephen Covey remarked, "People and organizations don't grow much without delegation and completed staff work, because they are confined to the capacities of the boss and reflect both personal strengths and weaknesses." Good leaders seldom restrict their teams; they release them. — John C. Maxwell

A Team Leader Quotes By Colin Powell

As a leader you set the tone for your entire team. Communicate your vision. — Colin Powell

A Team Leader Quotes By Louis V. Gerstner Jr.

A lot of people saved IBM. Yes, I was the leader of that team, but I could never have done it without a group of IBMers helping me. — Louis V. Gerstner Jr.

A Team Leader Quotes By Matshona Dhliwayo

United a herd is an army; divided a herd is fair game. — Matshona Dhliwayo

A Team Leader Quotes By Michael Dell

Today the world lost a visionary leader, the technology industry lost an iconic legend and I lost a friend and fellow founder. The legacy of Steve Jobs will be remembered for generations to come. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and to the Apple team. — Michael Dell

A Team Leader Quotes By John C. Maxwell

If you really want to be a successful leader, you must develop other leaders around you. You must establish a team. — John C. Maxwell

A Team Leader Quotes By Harriet Harman

I think a balanced team of men and women makes better decisions. That's one of the reasons why I was prepared to run for deputy leader. — Harriet Harman

A Team Leader Quotes By Brent Schlender

at Pixar, Steve couldn't shape the culture. He wasn't the founder, and even as owner, he could not change the company to reflect his image and sensibilities. It already had a culture. It already had a leader. Its cohesive and collaborative team knew exactly what it wanted to do. — Brent Schlender

A Team Leader Quotes By Tom Rath

I think trust is primarily built through relationships, and it's important because it's the foundational currency that a leader has with his team or his followers. — Tom Rath

A Team Leader Quotes By Emily Goldstein

You as the leader should have a Function Accountability Chart (FAC) to help CEOs and managers to see clearly the person who is accountable for each role and key positions. It should also show the metrics or key performance indicators assigned for each of the main functions of the business. Each item on the Profit & Loss, and Balance Sheet should be assigned to specific people who are accountable for these roles. Each team should know their responsibilities, accountabilities and who they are answerable — Emily Goldstein

A Team Leader Quotes By A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

My story - the story of the son of Jainulabdeen, who lived for over a hundred years on Mosque Street in Rameswaram island and died there; the story of a lad who sold newspapers to help his brother; the story of a pupil reared by Sivasubramania Iyer and Iyadurai Solomon; the story of a student taught by teachers like Pandalai; the story of an engineer spotted by MGK Menon and groomed by the legendary Prof. Sarabhai; the story of a scientist tested by failures and setbacks; the story of a leader supported by a large team of brilliant and dedicated professionals. This story will end with me, for I have no belongings in the worldly sense. I have acquired nothing, built nothing, possess nothing - no family, sons, daughters. — A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

A Team Leader Quotes By Mike Krzyzewski

A leader's responsibility to his team is paramount. It overshadows even his own personal feelings at any given time. — Mike Krzyzewski

A Team Leader Quotes By Tony Dungy

The book is actually called 'A Mentor Leader, a Different Way to Lead.' It really talks about my experience in the way I tried lead our football team, things that I learned from, basically, the coaches that I played for and my parents about leadership. And it is a little bit different, counter to maybe what society says about great leaders. — Tony Dungy

A Team Leader Quotes By Patrick Lencioni

You have a passionate, unfiltered, messy, provocative discussion that ends when the leader of the team decides all the information has been aired. At that point, if no one has made a compelling enough argument for making a decision, the leader breaks the tie. — Patrick Lencioni

A Team Leader Quotes By Steve Largent

I always felt the gifts you need as governor were more suited for my personality. I'm a good team player, but I'm not a policy wonk. In Congress, you need 218 votes to make anything happen. When you're governor, you're the CEO of the state. You establish the vision and standards for the state. You're the leader. — Steve Largent

A Team Leader Quotes By Mike Krzyzewski

When a leader takes responsibility for his own actions and mistakes, he not only sets a good example, he shows a healthy respect for people on his team — Mike Krzyzewski

A Team Leader Quotes By Vishwas Chavan

Being a team player will help you climb the ladder of success. Furthermore, a successful team player can rise to the level of team leader in the future. — Vishwas Chavan

A Team Leader Quotes By Tony Dungy

Engage, educate, equip, encourage, empower, energize, and elevate. Those are the methods for maximizing the potential of any individual, team, organization, or institution for ultimate success and significance. Those are the methods of a mentor leader. — Tony Dungy

A Team Leader Quotes By Sunday Adelaja

A team leader will have to deal with difficulties that he needs to know about in advance — Sunday Adelaja

A Team Leader Quotes By Jack Robinson

A charismatic leader doesn't use fear and guilt in order to control his team. He will rely on his positive outlook that's going to make people follow him happily. — Jack Robinson

A Team Leader Quotes By Jim Highsmith

Only experience can refine a leader's art. High-uncertainty projects are full of anxiety, change, and ambiguity that the team must deal with. It takes a different style of project management, a different pattern of team operation, and a different type of project leader. I've labeled this type of management leadership-collaboration. — Jim Highsmith

A Team Leader Quotes By Warren Bennis

A great director or leader knows his people, creates a great team, and then makes a great movie that can influence millions more than the readers of his column. — Warren Bennis

A Team Leader Quotes By Charlie Cochet

I apologize. Hi, I'm Agent Sloane Brodie, your Team Leader. I enjoy reading, cozy nights in, and the soothing sounds of classic rock. I also like to browse the Internet for funny cat videos, but deep down, I think I'm more of a dog person. — Charlie Cochet

A Team Leader Quotes By Tom Peters

Stellar teams are invariably made up of quirky individuals who typically rub each other raw, but they figure out - with the spiritual help of a gifted leader - how to be their peculiar selves and how to win championships as a team ... at the same time. — Tom Peters

A Team Leader Quotes By Patrick Lencioni

And so a leader of a meeting must make it a priority to seek out and uncover any important issues about which team members do not agree. And when team members don't want to engage in those discussions, the leader must force them to do so. Even when it makes him or her temporarily unpopular. — Patrick Lencioni

A Team Leader Quotes By George Steinbrenner

He's the leader on this team, I know when Baltimore let us have him, they thought they were giving us a problem. I'll take problems like that anytime. — George Steinbrenner

A Team Leader Quotes By Larry Fitzgerald

I do what I'm coached to do. That's part of being a team leader and captain. The job will change week in and week out, and it's not for you to question what your job is - it's to go out there and execute your assignments. — Larry Fitzgerald

A Team Leader Quotes By Jane Ripley

As a leader, it's your job to get everyone to share what they know. — Jane Ripley

A Team Leader Quotes By Orrin Woodward

When a leader buys his own excuses, he also, unfortunately, sells them to his team. — Orrin Woodward

A Team Leader Quotes By Gene Morton

Develop your leaders into a competitive advantage. Reconnect your leader-power to success. — Gene Morton

A Team Leader Quotes By A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

To be a successful team leader, one has to stay back after the din and clutter of a working day to emerge better-equipped and ready to face a new day. — A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

A Team Leader Quotes By Guler Sabanci

I've been part of a team and leader of the team. But wherever I've been, I've worked as if that was the only opportunity I had. I've never looked beyond that. — Guler Sabanci

A Team Leader Quotes By Shaquille O'Neal

I've always been a leader. Every team I've played on, I've led my way. — Shaquille O'Neal

A Team Leader Quotes By Patrick Lencioni

As important as it is for all members of a leadership team to commit to being vulnerable, that is not going to happen if the leader of the team, whether that person is the CEO, department head, pastor, or school principal, does not go first. If the team leader is reluctant to acknowledge his or her mistakes or fails to admit to a weakness that is evident to everyone else, there is little hope that other members of the team are going to take that step themselves. In fact, it probably wouldn't be advisable for them to do so because there is a good chance that their vulnerability would be neither encouraged nor rewarded. — Patrick Lencioni

A Team Leader Quotes By John C. Maxwell

A sign of a great team leader is the proper placement of people. — John C. Maxwell

A Team Leader Quotes By Tony Robbins

Any Idiot can point out a problem ... A leader is willing to do something about it! Leaders solve problems! — Tony Robbins

A Team Leader Quotes By Kare Anderson

See others' slights or outright insults as opportunities to show equanimity, spurring observers to do the same, unified with you around a best side of us. Opportunity Makers demonstrate that being a strong team player is as important as being the leader. Think well of yourself. The subconscious can't take a joke. — Kare Anderson

A Team Leader Quotes By Alex Avrio

I'm glad that this team has a woman for a leader," Onoria finally said. Regina didn't quite know how to reply. "I'm fed up with men in charge not knowing what they're talking about." Onoria turned towards Regina. "Aren't you?"
"I don't like people in charge that don't know what they're doing, male or female," Regina said. — Alex Avrio

A Team Leader Quotes By Ron Jaworski

But when you get into a situation where you can acquire a proven leader, a proven quality player, an unselfish player, a guy who taken a team to the Super Bowl, I think you do it. — Ron Jaworski

A Team Leader Quotes By Andy Stanley

Leaders who carry unresolved guilt are forced to hide a part of themselves from those to whom they are closest. They have a secret. They are forced to expend time and energy to ensure that no one finds them out. They know they are not completely trustworthy. Often they assume no one else is either. Guilty leaders have a difficult time trusting. Consequently, guilty leaders have a difficult time building teams. — Andy Stanley

A Team Leader Quotes By Diane Dreher

Micromanaging erodes people's confidence, making them overly dependennt on their leaders. Well-meaning leaders inadvertently sabotage their teams by rushing to the rescue and offering too much help. A leader needs to balance assistance with wu wei, backing off long enough to let people learn from their mistakes and develop competence. — Diane Dreher

A Team Leader Quotes By Thomas Gordon

Competition and rivalry between the members of a group are the antithesis of the cooperation and team play needed in an effective management group. This is why team building is an empty abstraction for a group whose leader controls with power. — Thomas Gordon

A Team Leader Quotes By Richard V. Allen

A skilled Transition Team leader will set the general goals for a Transition, and then confer on the other team leaders working with him the power to implement those goals. — Richard V. Allen

A Team Leader Quotes By Jon Gordon

Make sure you have the right team members to strengthen your culture instead of people who suck the energy out of it. You can do everything right as a leader and coach, but if you don't have positive mentors and team members in the locker room your culture and team will fall apart. — Jon Gordon

A Team Leader Quotes By Laurent Jalabert

Especially with the signing of riders with climbing abilities and the new arrival of Tyler Hamilton, who has the strength and ability to become a great leader for the big tours. All in all, I feel this is a very complete team. — Laurent Jalabert

A Team Leader Quotes By Chris Hill

Hockey and cooking are similar in so many ways, especially if you are a player-coach, the guy in charge on the ice, a role I would closely relate to that of a chef in the kitchen - they are both contact sports.

You've gotta keep your head up, keep moving and communicate well. Even though you might be the leader in the kitchen or on the ice, you need to understand that that you're part of a working machine and that machine stops working if one of the pieces isn't working in unison with the others. I learned from a very young age the importance of being part of this team dynamic and how hard work can take you to so many different places.

(Chef Duane Keller) — Chris Hill

A Team Leader Quotes By Lucinda Creighton

I think Enda Kenny has shown himself to be a good leader in the sense that he can accept that people might have differences of opinion with him, but at the same time can see that it's useful to have them involved and part of the team and I very much appreciate that. — Lucinda Creighton

A Team Leader Quotes By Dave Ramsey

We don't keep jerks; life is too short to work with them and really way too short to pay them and work with them too. Seems simple, but it requires that you fight to build an incredible team and culture from the moment you post a position until you celebrate their retirement. Every day every behavior, attitude, and execution has to be led well by a courageous, loving leader. — Dave Ramsey

A Team Leader Quotes By La'el Collins

I have always been a leader on my team. I have always been a guy that held player-only meetings. I'm the type of guy that stood up and said something. I know how to lead. — La'el Collins

A Team Leader Quotes By Bill Courtney

A leader or mentor gives credit to others when things go right, and accepts the blame when things go wrong. — Bill Courtney

A Team Leader Quotes By Jon Huntsman Jr.

This is a time when the United States should be standing tall. There is no other leader in the world today. We shouldn't be approaching conflicts as a team sport. We either get in an we lead and we do a good job, or you don't get in at all. — Jon Huntsman Jr.

A Team Leader Quotes By Patrick Lencioni

The only way for the leader of a team to create a safe environment for his team members to be vulnerable is by stepping up and doing something that feels unsafe and uncomfortable first. By getting naked before anyone else, by taking the risk of making himself vulnerable with no guarantee that other members of the team will respond in kind, a leader demonstrates an extraordinary level of selflessness and dedication to the team. And that gives him the right, and the confidence, to ask others to do the same. — Patrick Lencioni

A Team Leader Quotes By Justin Raimondo

This is the face of our political class: arrogant, authoritarian, and on the level of some banana republic south of the border. Welcome to the New America, where leader-worship has taken the place of politics, Team Red and Team Blue battle it out to see who gets to be El Supremo for the next four years, and politics resembles a prolonged soccer game. — Justin Raimondo

A Team Leader Quotes By Adrienne Lecter

what makes you a leader is the will to lead, not the knowledge how to do it best. You just have to be bright enough to listen to those who do know, and make the decisions that they don't want to be responsible for. That's how a team works. — Adrienne Lecter

A Team Leader Quotes By Dave Rudbarg

One of the reasons the team on NCIS works so well-is that they live by their leader's rules-which are not a secret .
What are your rules/standards? Do the people in your life know what they are? Do you hold grudges/resentments when they don't measure up? Do you pretend that everything is fine-when it's not-and close up a little every day?
And most importantly-
When was the last time YOU reviewed/upgraded your standards/expectations rules-and took a look at the impact around you/checked in?
(Hint-most people live from rules/standards/expectations created from reactions/perceptions formed around the age of six)
Might be time for a review/upgrade ... — Dave Rudbarg

A Team Leader Quotes By Zlatan Ibrahimovic

You don't need a team leader, you need quality. — Zlatan Ibrahimovic

A Team Leader Quotes By Donald Trump

It's always interesting to watch people who have been incredibly successful in their own businesses work in a group made up of equally strong personalities. It takes a special kind of leader who can effectively manage a team of veritable strangers and find the best way to get strong, winning performances from them. — Donald Trump

A Team Leader Quotes By Jami Davenport

He'd done it again. Screwed up in a social situation and dragged the whole team down with hm. His new team. The ones who were counting on him to be a leader on and off the field. He'd led them, all right, almost into a brawl. — Jami Davenport

A Team Leader Quotes By A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

The hands-on approach takes an active interest on a very regular basis in the members' work. The hands-off approach trusts team members and recognizes their need for autonomy to carry out their roles, as they see fit. It hinges on their self-motivation. When the leader goes too far with the hands-on approach, he is seen as an anxious and interfering type. If he goes too far hands-off, he is seen as abdicating his responsibility or not being interested. Today, — A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

A Team Leader Quotes By Spoken Reasons

I know I touch a lot of people. I don't call myself a role model. But I am a leader. Leaders are always watched by team members & outsiders — Spoken Reasons

A Team Leader Quotes By Diane Dreher

As a good gardener prepares the soil, so a wise leader creates an environment that promotes community ... community involves a common place, a common time, and a common purpose. Just getting people in the same place at the same time does not produce a team. Community requires a common vision. — Diane Dreher

A Team Leader Quotes By Stephen Covey

The role of the leader is to foster mutual respect and build a complementary team where each strength is made productive and each weakness irrelevant. — Stephen Covey

A Team Leader Quotes By Bob Ainsworth

We need a leader able to project his or her personality and present our policies in today's media environment. All this is true - but we also need a leader capable of building a team, inspiring loyalty from colleagues, and one genuinely open to ideas. — Bob Ainsworth

A Team Leader Quotes By Jocko Willink

The only meaningful measure for a leader is whether the team succeeds or fails. For all the definitions, descriptions, and characterizations of leaders, there are only two that matter: effective and ineffective. Effective leaders lead successful teams that accomplish their mission and win. Ineffective leaders do not. — Jocko Willink

A Team Leader Quotes By George Osborne

I'm a very happy, content member of David Cameron's team. I fought very hard to get my friend elected as leader of the Conservative party, then elected as the prime minister of this country, and I'm very happy being part of that team that is bringing change to this country. — George Osborne

A Team Leader Quotes By Jim Highsmith

Self-organizing teams form the core of APM. They blend freedom and responsibility, flexibility and structure. In the face of inconsistency and ambiguity, the teams strive to consistently deliver on the product vision within the project constraints. Accomplishing this requires teams with a self-organizing structure and self-disciplined individual team members. Building this kind of team is the core of an agile project leader's job. — Jim Highsmith

A Team Leader Quotes By A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

A leader can only be free to lead his team if he keeps abreast of all that is happening around him - in real time. — A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

A Team Leader Quotes By Bibhuti Kar

A leader who always fiercely negotiates most exciting work for his team, may become popular, but not necessarily a great leader. — Bibhuti Kar

A Team Leader Quotes By Samuel R. Chand

Respect, honesty, responsibility, and hope are the language of a great team leader. — Samuel R. Chand

A Team Leader Quotes By John Wooden

The two qualities of Friendship so important for a leader to possess and instill in team members are respect and camaraderie. — John Wooden

A Team Leader Quotes By Stanley McChrystal

A leader's words matter, but actions ultimately do more to reinforce or undermine the implementation of a team of teams. Instead of exploiting technology to monitor employee performance at levels that would have warmed Frederick Taylor's heart, the leader must allow team members to monitor him. More than directing, leaders must exhibit personal transparency. This is the new ideal. — Stanley McChrystal

A Team Leader Quotes By Roger Enrico

As soon as everyone is on the bandwagon with one idea, a leader should be working on the next one. — Roger Enrico

A Team Leader Quotes By Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum

A true leader is one who creates a favourable environment to bring out the energy and ability of his team. A great leader creates more great leaders, and does not reduce the institution to a single person. — Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum

A Team Leader Quotes By Jon Krakauer

THE LONG WALK is a raw, wrenching, blood-soaked chronicle of the human cost of war. Brian Castner, the leader of a military bomb disposal team, recounts his deployment to Iraq with unflinching candor, and in the process exposes crucial truths not only about this particular conflict, but also about war throughout history. Castner's memoir brings to mind Erich Maria Remarque's masterpiece, All Quiet on the Western Front. — Jon Krakauer

A Team Leader Quotes By Morgan Wootten

To be successful in coaching you have to treat your team like a family. The leader needs backing from everyone. — Morgan Wootten

A Team Leader Quotes By Kare Anderson

More than money, talent, or your number of contacts, your capacity to create mutuality with others can transform you into a sought-after Opportunity Maker with whom people most want to align. Be the glue that sticks the right teams together to solve problems or seize opportunities sooner and better together. — Kare Anderson

A Team Leader Quotes By Andrew Whitworth

Part of my job being a leader and captain of the team is not just to play well and lead well but find a way to make everybody around me better. — Andrew Whitworth

A Team Leader Quotes By Mike Krzyzewski

People have to be given the freedom to show the heart they possess. I think it's a leader's responsibility to provide that type of freedom. And I believe it can be done through relationships and family. Because if a team is a real family, it's members want to show you their hearts. — Mike Krzyzewski

A Team Leader Quotes By James Brady

[A rife platoon's] members must care for one another. Its leaders must cherish the men in very fire team and squad. For a rifleman, a leader's misjudgment, ignorance or inexperience can be fatal - no second chances. No rerunning the exercise until you get it right. When the word 'go' is given, there is no turning back from the consequences. It is the monstrous burden of command..."
-Bernard "Mick" Trainor — James Brady

A Team Leader Quotes By C. John Miller

The beating heart of Christ's planting of churches is found in corporate prayer. It is through corporate intercession that the leader and the team of shepherds find release from fears, misconceptions, prejudices, pride, and self-will. This release comes as Christ Himself visits them. He makes them one in heart and mind as they pray together. What are they seeking? For God to work in others, of course, but as a presupposition of His working they must be seeking a manifestation of Christ's presence in their own hearts and lives. — C. John Miller

A Team Leader Quotes By Andy Stanley

Acknowledging weakness doesn't make a leader less effective. On the contrary, in most cases it is simply a way of expressing that he understands what everyone else has known for some time. When you acknowledge your weaknesses to the rest of your team, it is never new information. — Andy Stanley

A Team Leader Quotes By Orrin Woodward

A leader must inspire or his team will expire. — Orrin Woodward

A Team Leader Quotes By Mike Krzyzewski

A leader has to show the face his team needs to see. — Mike Krzyzewski

A Team Leader Quotes By Don Mattingly

When I gave up me, I became more. I became a captain, a leader, a better person and I came to understand that life is a team game ... And you know what? ... I've found most people aren't team players. They don't realize that life is the only game in town. Someone should tell them. It has made all the difference in the world to me. — Don Mattingly

A Team Leader Quotes By Archibald Marwizi

Benchmark against the top performing movers and shakers in your game. What are the skills required to achieve excellence in your area of specialty as a leader? How are you managing your vision and mission? Do you demonstrate a life lived with clear goals and targets? How are you providing direction, influence and developing others to lead? What is the evidence of the good leadership of your team? — Archibald Marwizi

A Team Leader Quotes By Eric Schmidt

We are certain that for every one of these rock stars we meet in our daily work, there are dozens or even hundreds more who are doing their best to unseat us from our perch. Maybe all of them will fail, but probably not. Probably, somewhere in a garage, dorm room, lab, or conference room, a brave business leader has gathered a small, dedicated team of smart creatives. Maybe she has a copy of our book, and is using our ideas to help her create a company that will eventually render Google irrelevant. Preposterous, right? Except that, given that no business wins forever, it is inevitable. Some would find this chilling. We find it inspiring. — Eric Schmidt

A Team Leader Quotes By Andrew J Dubrin

Team spirit elevates with a broad-based contribution to the group effort. It's especially important for the high-performing leader to avoid the situation of one or two people being the only contributors during a meeting. — Andrew J Dubrin