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Quotes & Sayings About A Clear Vision

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Top A Clear Vision Quotes

A Clear Vision Quotes By Sunday Adelaja

A clear vision makes the soul merry — Sunday Adelaja

A Clear Vision Quotes By J.R. Rim

A goal gives you the lens to see the future with clearer vision. — J.R. Rim

A Clear Vision Quotes By Farshad Asl

Nothing will hold you back because you expect the unexpected. With a clear vision for your life, you are better prepared to combat any opposition. — Farshad Asl

A Clear Vision Quotes By Soseki Natsume

I tried instead to drown my soul in drink. I cannot say I like alcohol, but I am someone who can drink if I choose to, and I set about obliterating my heart by drinking all I could. This was a puerile way out, of course, and it very quickly led to an even greater despair with the world. In the midst of a drunken stupor, I would come to my senses and realize what an idiot I was to try to fool myself like this. Then my vision and understanding grew clear, and I sat shivering and sober. There were desolate times when even the poor disguise of drunkenness failed to work, no matter how I drank. And each time I sought pleasure in drink, I emerged more depressed than ever. — Soseki Natsume

A Clear Vision Quotes By Young De

You can put together an album with a bunch of producers, but your vision has to be clear. If you just grab a track from this person and this person and put them on a CD it doesn't mean that they go, just because you are rapping over them. — Young De

A Clear Vision Quotes By Maya Lin

An artist fights to retain the integrity of a work so that it remains a strong, clear vision. Art is and should be the act of an individual willing to say something new, something not quite familiar. — Maya Lin

A Clear Vision Quotes By Nas

You have to keep your vision clear, cause only a coward lives in fear. — Nas

A Clear Vision Quotes By William S. Burroughs

Morphine hits the backs of the legs first, then the back of the neck, a spreading wave of relaxation slackening the muscles away from the bones so that you seem to float without outlines, like lying in warm salt water. As this relaxing wave spread through my tissues, I experienced a strong feeling of fear. I had the feeling that some horrible image was just beyond the field of vision, moving as I turned my head, so that I never quite saw it. I felt nauseous; I lay down and closed my eyes. A series of pictures passed, like watching a movie: A huge, neon-lighted cocktail bar that got larger and larger until streets, traffic, and street repairs were included in it; a waitress carrying a skull on a tray; stars in a clear sky. The physical impact of the fear of death; the shutting off of breath; the stopping of blood. — William S. Burroughs

A Clear Vision Quotes By Giancarlo Menotti

Hell is the day when God grants us a clear vision of all that we might have achieved, of all the gifts which we have wasted, of all that we might have done which we did not do...For me that conception of hell lies in two words: Too late! — Giancarlo Menotti

A Clear Vision Quotes By Piet Mondrian

It is a task of art to express clear vision of reality. — Piet Mondrian

A Clear Vision Quotes By Robin S. Sharma

I had lost a clear sense of the vision and values instilled in me as a child and was no longer driven by any mission or passion. I made the difficult decision to pull back from the noise of my life and reinvent the way I was living and leading. — Robin S. Sharma

A Clear Vision Quotes By Thomas Ligotti

As Zapffe concluded, we need to hamper our consciousness for all we are worth or it will impose upon us a too clear vision of what we do not want to see, — Thomas Ligotti

A Clear Vision Quotes By Tony Robbins

If you keep a clear vision for your future, it will pull you like a magnet through your toughest times. — Tony Robbins

A Clear Vision Quotes By Madisen Kuhn

i love good cries,
loud sobs that soak your pillow
that kind that come at the end
of a perfect book

you're gasping for air
as droplets of salt water
trickle down your cheeks
into the corners of your mouth
as your chest rises and falls
and your vision is blurred
by the tears

but your mind is so clear
and your every thought
in that moment
feels so meaningful
and important and right

it feels okay to just
let it all out
it makes you feel like
you are free — Madisen Kuhn

A Clear Vision Quotes By David Whyte

THE OPENING OF EYES After R. S. Thomas That day I saw beneath dark clouds, the passing light over the water and I heard the voice of the world speak out, I knew then, as I had before, life is no passing memory of what has been nor the remaining pages in a great book waiting to be read. It is the opening of eyes long closed. It is the vision of far off things seen for the silence they hold. It is the heart after years of secret conversing, speaking out loud in the clear air. It is Moses in the desert fallen to his knees before the lit bush. It is the man throwing away his shoes as if to enter heaven and finding himself astonished, opened at last, fallen in love with solid ground. — David Whyte

A Clear Vision Quotes By John Jackson Miller

Hello, Master. I'm running now - but I've had time to reflect on your teachings. You say the living sometimes have to suffer to serve a larger goal. I've seen how you live by that. Well, I have a goal now, too. Justice. For myself, for my friends, for the people sacrificed to the plans of the so-called infallible. And it will definitely involve some suffering. Because, you see, I've had a vision of my own. One day, one of you is going to confess and clear my name. And to make sure, I'm going to hunt down each and every one of you. The one that confesses, lives. I don't care which one of you does it. It doesn't matter where they send you. You have a death mark, same as me. Don't look for me, Lucien. Because I'll find you. And if I do end up collapsing the Jedi Order, just remember one thing. You started it."

-Zayne Carrick, KOTR comics — John Jackson Miller

A Clear Vision Quotes By Lydia Lunch

I just prefer instrumental. I don't need to hear what other people are singing. And if I need music as a backdrop to work or to think, I need to have that part of the brain clear - I don't need people feeding their fantasies into my vision. — Lydia Lunch

A Clear Vision Quotes By Peter Senge

An accurate, insightful view of current reality is as important as a clear vision. — Peter Senge

A Clear Vision Quotes By Barbara Mikulski

Leadership is creating a state of mind in others. The difference between being a leader and manager, all due respect to managers, is that leaders have to create states of mind. But a leader, first of all, has to have a clear state of mind, which is usually her own vision, which energizes her, motivates others, and then creates that state of mind in others. — Barbara Mikulski

A Clear Vision Quotes By Phil Keoghan

I'm not saying that you shouldn't go to college or you shouldn't finish your degree, but sometimes people have a very clear vision about what they want to do, and they just want to get on with it. — Phil Keoghan

A Clear Vision Quotes By Arnold Schwarzenegger

You've got to believe in yourself, you've got to have a very clear vision, and you've got have the fire in the belly and go out and not be shy with working because it takes a lot of work. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

A Clear Vision Quotes By Rajneesh

Meditation means you start changing your inner world. You start removing dust from the inner world, you start removing all that is unnecessary in the inner world. You remove all that clutter, all the rubbish you are full of. Meditation means emptying yourself of all that the society has put inside you so that you can have a clean, clear vision, so that you can have a mirror-like quality. — Rajneesh

A Clear Vision Quotes By Andy Stanley

Vision is a clear mental picture of what could be, fueled by the conviction that it should be. — Andy Stanley

A Clear Vision Quotes By Sharon E. Rainey

I had to clear up my messy life. By letting go of the debris and filth, I have come to a deeper, more soulful beauty and clarity like an oasis in the desert. From that place of clarity, a vision of what I could have, what I could do, who I could be has emerged if I allow my heart to become a place of compassion, acceptance and forgiveness. — Sharon E. Rainey

A Clear Vision Quotes By Mohammed Morsi

We all have to announce our full solidarity with the struggle of those seeking freedom and justice in Syria, and translate this sympathy into a clear political vision that supports a peaceful transition to a democratic system of rule that reflects the demands of the Syrian people for freedom. — Mohammed Morsi

A Clear Vision Quotes By W.Chan Kim

An Incoherent Strategy When a company's value curve looks like a bowl of spaghetti - a zigzag with no rhyme or reason, where the offering can be described as "low-high-low-low-high-low-high" - it signals that the company doesn't have a coherent strategy. Its strategy is likely based on independent substrategies. These may individually make sense and keep the business running and everyone busy, but collectively they do little to distinguish the company from the best competitor or to provide a clear strategic vision. This is often a reflection of an organization with divisional or functional silos. — W.Chan Kim

A Clear Vision Quotes By Rana Dasgupta

Reality is never clear, said Boris. It's never final. You can always change it or see it a different way. — Rana Dasgupta

A Clear Vision Quotes By Louis Cozolino

Like the shaman, a teacher has to have a clear vision so that a student can come to believe that he or she sees something real that can be shared. The teacher's message must be "I know something you don't know, something you don't have, but I am committed to sharing it with you and bringing you on this journey. — Louis Cozolino

A Clear Vision Quotes By Farshad Asl

Winning requires a crystal clear vision, relentless passion and complete dedication with No Excuses. — Farshad Asl

A Clear Vision Quotes By Archibald Marwizi

There should be a healthy 'stubbornness', assertiveness and confidence that comes from knowledge of your clear vision, mission, values and personal brand. — Archibald Marwizi

A Clear Vision Quotes By Kiran Bedi

I had a clear vision: if I take up an assignment, I'll do full justice to it; otherwise I'll walk away. — Kiran Bedi

A Clear Vision Quotes By Kathleen Noble

As I researched the history of the heroine it became painfully clear to me that women have had little hand in creating our own heroic myths. Indeed, as Sarah Pomeroy has shown, "[t]he mythology about women is created by men and, in a culture dominated by men, it may have little to do with flesh-and-blood women." And it became equally clear that we will be enclosed by the boundaries of this mythology's limited vision until we begin to create our own. — Kathleen Noble

A Clear Vision Quotes By E. Randolph Richards

If we're not careful, our individualistic assumptions about church can lead us to think of the church as something like a health club. We're members because we believe in the mission statement and want to be a part of the action. As long as the church provides the services I want, I'll stick around. But when I no longer approve of the vision, or am no longer "being fed," I'm out the door. This is not biblical Christianity. Scripture is clear that when we become Christians, we become-permanently and spiritually-a part of the church. We become part of the family of God, with all the responsibilities and expectations that word connotes in the non-Western world. — E. Randolph Richards

A Clear Vision Quotes By Diane Von Furstenberg

Clarity is the most important thing. I can compare clarity to pruning in gardening. You know, you need to be clear. If you are not clear, nothing is going to happen. You have to be clear. Then you have to be confident about your vision. And after that, you just have to put a lot of work in. — Diane Von Furstenberg

A Clear Vision Quotes By Ben Shapiro

Without a clear moral vision, we devolve into moral relativism, and from there, into oblivion. — Ben Shapiro

A Clear Vision Quotes By Dan Rosensweig

I think whenever you come in, whenever you try to evolve a company, people will get nervous. But, if you articulate a clear vision, a clear mission to help them understand their roles in it and ask them to buy into the system, everyone will band together to make it happen. — Dan Rosensweig

A Clear Vision Quotes By Henry Bonilla

President Bush offers the American people an optimistic vision and a clear choice in November. The President has provided steady leadership in remarkably changing times. He knows exactly where he wants to lead this country, and he has complete confidence in the American people. — Henry Bonilla

A Clear Vision Quotes By Martin Starr

Respect is important, if someone has a very clear vision of what they want, as long as they find a way to communicate it, a respectful way ... — Martin Starr

A Clear Vision Quotes By Farshad Asl

Your Crystal Clear vision should provide you a glimpse of a new universe and turn your excuse for failure into purposes for progress. The shallowness of your previous failures has become a deep well of resources for success. — Farshad Asl

A Clear Vision Quotes By Mehmet Murat Ildan

Without mathematics, your world becomes foggy! For a clear vision, you need to be educated in the Temple of Mathematics! — Mehmet Murat Ildan

A Clear Vision Quotes By N. T. Wright

But Paul's vision of God's love, rising here like the sun on a clear summer's morning, shines through all the detail that has gone before. You need to wake up early, to get out of bed, and to throw back the curtains, to see it; that's what the previous four chapters are about. But now that we have done all that, the view is here for us to enjoy. And to be dazzled by. God's love has done everything we could need, everything we shall need. — N. T. Wright

A Clear Vision Quotes By Sha Zukang

The MDGs have been a fundamental framework for global development. A clear agenda, with measurable goals and targets, and a common vision have been crucial for this success. There is now an expectation around the world that sooner, rather than later, all these goals can and must be achieved. — Sha Zukang

A Clear Vision Quotes By Rabindranath Tagore

You are dark, even as the flints are. You must come to violent conflicts and make a noise in order to produce your sparks. But their disconnected flashes merely assist your pride, and not your clear vision. — Rabindranath Tagore

A Clear Vision Quotes By Rachel Carson

A child's world is fresh and new and beautiful, full or wonder and excitement. It is our misfortune that for most of us that clear-eyed vision, that true instinct for what is beautiful and awe-inspiring, is dimmed and even lost before we reach adulthood. If I had influence with the good fairy who is supposed to preside over the christening of all children, I should ask that her gift to each child in the world be a sense of wonder so indestructible that it would last throughout life, as an unfailing antidote against the boredom and disenchantment of later year ... the alienation from the sources of our strength. — Rachel Carson

A Clear Vision Quotes By Daniel Clowes

I think I have a very clear vision of what I want things to look like. — Daniel Clowes

A Clear Vision Quotes By Martin Prechtel

I had drunk so deeply of grief and innocently gambled so hard with fate and irony that a special kind of vision was gathering in my eyes, not entirely clear just yet. This was the same look people saw in your eyes when you have died for beauty and come to live accepting nature as life with no promise of paradise, and mad at people who couldn't see that. — Martin Prechtel

A Clear Vision Quotes By Ryan Reynolds

He has such a clear vision of exactly what he wanted out of each character, out of each set, out of each wardrobe change, out of each emotional beat, and action. — Ryan Reynolds

A Clear Vision Quotes By Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

A clear vision calms hearts down! A good understanding soothes anxious hearts! — Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

A Clear Vision Quotes By Greg Rucka

When there's a clear vision, and you've got the creative teams working toward that goal, each on their own, it can then come together quite elegantly at the endpoint. — Greg Rucka

A Clear Vision Quotes By John Daido Loori

To be simple means to make a choice about what's important, and let go of all the rest. When we are able to do this, our vision expands, our heads clear, and we can better see the details of our lives in all their incredible wonder and beauty. — John Daido Loori

A Clear Vision Quotes By Thomas Ligotti

While a modicum of consciousness may have had survivalist properties during an immemorial chapter of our evolution - so one theory goes - this faculty soon enough became a seditious agent working against us. As Zapffe concluded, we need to hamper our consciousness for all we are worth or it will impose upon us a too clear vision of what we do not want to see, which, as the Norwegian philosopher saw it, along with every other pessimist, is "the brotherhood of suffering between everything alive. — Thomas Ligotti

A Clear Vision Quotes By Sarah Susanka

With all the challenges in the housing market, it's clear we need a new vision for the way we design our homes, our communities-and even our lives. — Sarah Susanka

A Clear Vision Quotes By Sam Altman

Set a clear, easy-to-understand vision for your company, and make it be a mission people believe in. — Sam Altman

A Clear Vision Quotes By April Adams

Scarlett activated the viola and it came down like short shimmering curtain that covered her eyes with a band of violet light. It dilated her eyes, increasing her binocular summation so that everything in her field of vision was magnified and clear. It also protected her retinas from any sort of laser fire or plasma flash. — April Adams

A Clear Vision Quotes By Nick Woodman

Keeping people fired up starts with having a really clear vision for what the company is aiming to do. — Nick Woodman

A Clear Vision Quotes By Wendy Kopp

Whenever we've seen the kids in the most disadvantaged context truly excel, always it's been in classrooms and in whole schools where there is a clear vision of where the kids have the potential to be. — Wendy Kopp

A Clear Vision Quotes By Anthony Albanese

Whether politicians are dealing with complex policy problems or trying to communicate with the electorate, it makes sense to establish a clear, long term narrative underpinned by forward-looking policies to deliver on its vision. — Anthony Albanese

A Clear Vision Quotes By Samuel R. Delany

It is a magic book. Words mean things. When you put them together they speak. Yes, sometimes they flatten out and nothing they say is real, and that is one kind of magic. But sometimes a vision will rip up from them and shriek and clank wings clear as the sweat smudge on the paper under your thumb. And that is another kind. — Samuel R. Delany

A Clear Vision Quotes By Henry David Thoreau

In clear weather the laziest may look across the Bay as far as Plymouth at a glance, or over the Atlantic as far as human vision reaches, merely raising his eyelids; or if he is too lazy to look after all, he can hardly help hearing the ceaseless dash and roar of the breakers. The restless ocean may at any moment cast up a whale or a wrecked vessel at your feet. All the reporters in the world, the most rapid stenographers, could not report the news it brings. — Henry David Thoreau

A Clear Vision Quotes By Colin Wilson

Now individual consciousness, as typified in human beings, has great advantages and great disadvantages. Individuality means a narrowing, and narrowness can be useful. It is good for close-up work. We have invented the magnifying glass and the microscope to narrow our vision, because narrowness makes for precision. But narrowness also makes for a failure of purpose, for exhaustion of the will; for purpose depends upon a broad vision, a clear sight of one's objective. — Colin Wilson

A Clear Vision Quotes By Brian P. Moran

A compelling personal vision creates passion. Think about something that you are passionate about, and you will always find a clear vision behind it. If you find you're lacking passion in either your business or in a relationship, it's not a crisis of passion; it's a crisis of vision. We — Brian P. Moran

A Clear Vision Quotes By Dorothy Day

Where are the heroes and the saints, who keep a clear vision of man's greatest gift, his freedom, to oppose not only the dictatorship of the proletariat, but also the dictatorship of the benevolent state, which takes possession of the family, and of the indigent, and claims our young for war? — Dorothy Day

A Clear Vision Quotes By David Boreanaz

I have a very clear vision as to what I want at the end of my prep, and then I throw it out and let the creative process take over. — David Boreanaz

A Clear Vision Quotes By Archibald Marwizi

Benchmark against the top performing movers and shakers in your game. What are the skills required to achieve excellence in your area of specialty as a leader? How are you managing your vision and mission? Do you demonstrate a life lived with clear goals and targets? How are you providing direction, influence and developing others to lead? What is the evidence of the good leadership of your team? — Archibald Marwizi

A Clear Vision Quotes By John Templeton

When we have no goal, or when our vision of the goal is obscured, we may lose our sense of purpose. Even when we've prepared ourselves well and have an aptitude for a given activity, poorly directed efforts can rob us of vital energy. We can spend a great deal of our time, money, and other resources running around in circles. Unless we create specific goals that match our purpose in life and unless we keep a clear vision of these goals, we may eventually falter and fail. — John Templeton

A Clear Vision Quotes By Rob Brezsny

Real confidence has no bluster or bombast. It's not rooted in a desire to seem better than everyone else and it's not driven by a fear of appearing weak. Real confidence settles in when you have a clear vision of exactly what you need to do. Real confidence blooms as you wield the skills and power you have built through your hard work and discipline. — Rob Brezsny

A Clear Vision Quotes By Gautama Buddha

There is one thing that, when cultivated and regularly practiced, leads to deep spiritual intention, to peace, to mindfulness and clear comprehension, to vision and knowledge, to a happy life here and now, and to the culmination of wisdom and awakening. And what is that one thing? It is mindfulness centred on the body — Gautama Buddha

A Clear Vision Quotes By Stephen Boss

Without that thick skin and a clear vision of what it is you want to do, what it is you know you want to do, it can be really easy to get out here and get lost and swept away in whatever is going on. You really have to be steadfast in the mind for sure. — Stephen Boss

A Clear Vision Quotes By John Milton

So dear to heav'n is saintly chastity, That when a soul is found sincerely so, A thousand liveried angels lackey her, Driving far off each thing of sin and guilt, And in clear dream and solemn vision Tell her of things that no gross ear can hear, Till oft converse with heav'nly habitants Begin to cast a beam on th' outward shape. — John Milton

A Clear Vision Quotes By Margaret J. Wheatley

We can no longer stand at the end of something we visualized in detail and plan backwards from that future. Instead we must stand at the beginning, clear in our mind, with a willingness to be involved in discovery ... it asks that we participate rather than plan. — Margaret J. Wheatley

A Clear Vision Quotes By Dick Morris

There is no substitute for a clear vision and a decisive direction. — Dick Morris

A Clear Vision Quotes By Charlotte Bronte

If Shirley were not an indolent, a reckless, an ignorant being, she would take a pen at such moments, or at least while the recollection of such moments was yet fresh on her spirit. She would seize, she would fix the apparition, tell the vision revealed. Had she a little more of the organ of acquisitiveness in her head, a little more of the love of property in her nature, she would take a good-sized sheet of paper and write plainly out, in her own queer but clear and legible hand, the story that has been narrated, the song that has been sung to her, and thus possess what she was enabled to create. But indolent she is, reckless she is, and most ignorant; for she does not know her dreams are rare, her feelings peculiar. She does not know, has never known, and will die without knowing, the full value of that spring whose bright fresh bubbling in her heart keeps it green. — Charlotte Bronte

A Clear Vision Quotes By Naomi Watts

I want collaboration, but if they don't have a plan or their vision isn't clear, it's nerve-wracking. So, someone that's very sure of the vision is what you want, most of all. — Naomi Watts

A Clear Vision Quotes By Brian Tracy

A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power. — Brian Tracy

A Clear Vision Quotes By Sylvia Plath

What I cannot forgive is dishonesty - and no matter what, or how hard, I would rather know the truth of which I today had such a clear & devastating vision from his mouth than hear foul evasions, blurrings and rattiness. — Sylvia Plath

A Clear Vision Quotes By Dalai Lama

The process of dying begins with the dissolution of the elements within the body. It has eight stages, beginning with the dissolution of the earth element, then the water, fire and windelements. The color: appearance of a white vision, increase of the red element, black near-attainment, and finally the clear light of death. — Dalai Lama

A Clear Vision Quotes By John Frederick Demartini

A few primary keys to becoming a leader in business include having a clear intent or purpose, a truly inspiring vision, a grand message to share, a genuine social calling and a targeted niche to serve. — John Frederick Demartini

A Clear Vision Quotes By Amey Hegde

Form a clear mental vision of your ideal life before you start taking action to achieve it. — Amey Hegde

A Clear Vision Quotes By Leon Bridges

I've always had a very clear vision of what I wanted to do. — Leon Bridges

A Clear Vision Quotes By Peter Medawar

Observation is the generative act in scientific discovery. For all its aberrations, the evidence of the senses is essentially to be relied upon provided we observe nature as a child does, without prejudices and preconceptions, but with that clear and candid vision which adults lose and scientists must strive to regain. — Peter Medawar

A Clear Vision Quotes By Brian Tracy

Develop a clear vision for your organization. Where do you want to be in five years? — Brian Tracy

A Clear Vision Quotes By Chogyam Trungpa

Artistic vision comes from a mind clear enough to fall in love with what we see. — Chogyam Trungpa

A Clear Vision Quotes By John Milton

So dear to heaven is saintly chastity,
That when a soul is found sincerely so,
A thousand liveried angels lackey her,
Driving far off each thing of sin and guilt,
And in clear dream, and solemn vision
Tell her of things that no gross ear can hear,
Till oft converse with heavenly habitants
Begin to cast a beam on the outward shape,
The unpolluted temple of the mind,
And turns it by degrees to the soul's essence,
Till all be made immortal — John Milton

A Clear Vision Quotes By Andy Stanley

The greatest motivator of change is a crystal-clear vision of what the future should look like. — Andy Stanley

A Clear Vision Quotes By Jane Austen

When a heroine is satisfied that she has exercised judgement with clear vision, moral principle,and common sense, she need not acquiesce to opposing viewpoints. — Jane Austen

A Clear Vision Quotes By Karl Schroeder

He spun in clear air, weightless again but traveling too fast to breathe the air that tore past his lips. As his vision darkened he turned and saw bike number two impact the side of the battleship, crumpling its hull and spreading a mushroom of flame that lit a name painted on the metal hull: Arrogance. — Karl Schroeder

A Clear Vision Quotes By Bill Sienkiewicz

Kyle Baker's work is really funny, but it's also got a very clear vision. — Bill Sienkiewicz

A Clear Vision Quotes By Stephen Malkmus

Almost every band has somebody who's the main songwriter and who has a vision, a very clear idea of how a song should be. — Stephen Malkmus

A Clear Vision Quotes By N. T. Wright

Have suggested throughout this book that the New Testament itself answers the first half of each of these prayers in terms, primarily, of a clear list of character traits whose radical novelty is generated from within the life, vision, achievement, death, and resurrection of Jesus himself. These events, taken together, constitute Jesus's followers as the true, image-bearing human beings, the royal priesthood. I have proposed, further, that according to the New Testament the way God the Holy Spirit answers the second half of the prayer is by renewing the individual heart and mind so that we can freely and consciously choose to practice those habits of behavior which, awkward and clumsy at first, will gradually become second nature. — N. T. Wright

A Clear Vision Quotes By Fred R. David

A clear mission statement describes the values and priorities of an organization. Developing a mission statement compels strategists to think about the nature and scope of present operations and to assess the potential attractiveness of future markets and activities. A mission statement broadly charts the future direction of an organization. A mission statement is a constant reminder to its employees of why the organization exists and what the founders envisioned when they put their fame and fortune at risk to breathe life into their dreams. — Fred R. David

A Clear Vision Quotes By Richard J. Mouw

Here is Max De Pree at his best, and that is very good indeed. In Leading Without Power, De Pree shows us why we cannot master the how-to-dos of effective leadership without also being clear about what leaders?and followers?must be. In doing so, he not only provides us with much practical wisdom about creative leading and organizational health, he also nurtures our souls. This is a book to be savored by all who care about such things as vision, faithfulness, trust, and hope. — Richard J. Mouw

A Clear Vision Quotes By Andy Stanley

People without clear vision are easily distracted, have a tendency to drift from one idea to another and often make foolish decisions that rob them of their dreams. — Andy Stanley

A Clear Vision Quotes By William Beckford

It is a great evil to look upon mankind with too clear vision. You seem to be living among wild beasts, and you become a wild beast yourself. (""The Story of Prince Alasi and the Princess Firouzkah") — William Beckford

A Clear Vision Quotes By Richard Llewellyn

It is simple. Men lose their birthrights for a mess of pottage only if they stop using the gifts given them by God for their betterment. By prayer. That is the first and greatest gift. use the gift of prayer. Ask for strength of mind, and a clear vision. Then sense. Use your sense. Not all of us are born for greatness, but all of us have sense. Make use of it. Think. Think long and well. By prayer and good thought you will conquer all enemies ... Behold, the night is coming. Prepare, for the time is at hand. — Richard Llewellyn

A Clear Vision Quotes By Georgiana Burne-Jones

This seclusion of the artist with his work, sometimes misconceived as a selfish thing, is in truth as needful a tool as any, if a vision is to be made clear to others. And all the men I have known do creative work obtained it; either mechanically, by the walls of a workroom, or by that withdrawal into themselves which is part of their power. — Georgiana Burne-Jones

A Clear Vision Quotes By Marco Rubio

I do think the most important thing we need in leadership in our country, not just in the presidency but in the United States Senate, are people that have a clear vision of what the role of government should be in our lives and what the role of America should be in the world. — Marco Rubio

A Clear Vision Quotes By Jose Saramago

Now they all felt the need to relieve themselves, especially the poor boy who could not hold it in any longer, in fact, however reluctant we might be to admit it, these distasteful realities of life also have to be considered, when the bowels function normally, anyone can have ideas, debate, for example, whether there exists a direct relationship between the eyes and feelings, or whether the sense of responsibility if the natural consequence of clear vision, but when we are in great distress and plagued by pain and anguish that is when the animal side of our nature becomes most apparent. — Jose Saramago

A Clear Vision Quotes By Arnold Schwarzenegger

I had a clear vision of myself winning the Mr. Universe contest. It was a very spiritual thing, in a way, because I had such faith in the route, the path, that there was never a question in my mind that I would make it. — Arnold Schwarzenegger

A Clear Vision Quotes By Willard Scott

The only way to predict if there's a cloud on your horizon due to glaucoma is to get tested. No matter what the diagnosis, the forecast is for clear vision in the years ahead. — Willard Scott

A Clear Vision Quotes By John William Tuohy

There is a sense of danger in leaving what you know, even if what you know isn't much. These mill towns with their narrow lanes and often narrow minds were all I really knew and I feared that if I left it behind, I would lose it and not find anything to replace it. The other reason I didn't want to go was because I wanted to be the kind of person who stays, who builds a stable and predictable life. But I wasn't one of the people, nor would I ever be.
I had a vision for my life. It wasn't clear, but it was beautiful and involved leaving my history and my poverty behind me. I wasn't happy about who I was or where I was, but I didn't worry about it. It didn't define me. We're always in the making. God always has us on his anvil, melting, bending and shaping us for another purpose.
It was time to change, to find a new purpose. — John William Tuohy