Famous Quotes & Sayings

50 Yrs Marriage Quotes & Sayings

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Top 50 Yrs Marriage Quotes

50 Yrs Marriage Quotes By Pauline Hanson

I come here not as a polished politician but as a woman who has had her fair share of life's knocks. — Pauline Hanson

50 Yrs Marriage Quotes By Sue Fitzmaurice

Disappointment doesn't stem from expectations. It stems from unrealistic or unreasonable expectations. — Sue Fitzmaurice

50 Yrs Marriage Quotes By Bill Kaulitz

There is never a reason to give up! It's always going on somehow! — Bill Kaulitz

50 Yrs Marriage Quotes By Kevin Kelly

Technology is anything that doesn't work yet. — Kevin Kelly

50 Yrs Marriage Quotes By Philip Seymour Hoffman

My image of Jesus is someone who is exciting ... Were he alive today, he would be causing havoc! — Philip Seymour Hoffman

50 Yrs Marriage Quotes By T.A. Barron

You're saying that our souls and the stars and the wings of a butterfly are all somehow connected? — T.A. Barron

50 Yrs Marriage Quotes By Norma Becker

The more we love God the more we will obey. The more we obey the more we will be aware of the reality of Christ in our lives. The more we are aware of Christ in our lives, the more victory we will experience. The more victory we experience, the less difficult the choices are and the less conflict we have within ourselves. — Norma Becker

50 Yrs Marriage Quotes By Chloe Grace Moretz

No matter how big you are in the business, at the end of the day it's still work. — Chloe Grace Moretz

50 Yrs Marriage Quotes By Brennan Manning

One of my realizations in such an earthy atmosphere was that many of the burning theological issues in the church were neither burning nor theological. — Brennan Manning

50 Yrs Marriage Quotes By Rachel Harris

My flight arrives at eight in the morning," he mentioned casually. "Any chance you can come and get me?"
"Pick you up from the airport? That seems hardcore, Ty. Normally, I'm married to a guy for at least a couple weeks before I take that big a step. — Rachel Harris

50 Yrs Marriage Quotes By Henry Edward Armstrong

Many will, no doubt, prefer to retain old unsystematic names as far as possible, but it is easy to see that the desire to avoid change may carry us too far in this direction; it will undoubtedly be very inconvenient to the present generation of chemists to abandon familiar and cherished names, but nevertheless it may be a wise course to boldly face the difficulty, rather than inflict on coming generations a partially illogical and unsystematic nomenclature. — Henry Edward Armstrong

50 Yrs Marriage Quotes By Kenneth Eade

Some people don't like lawyers, that is, until they need them — Kenneth Eade

50 Yrs Marriage Quotes By Robert Musil

And while faith based on theological reasoning is today universally engaged in a bitter struggle with doubt and resistance from the prevailing brand of rationalism, it does seem that the naked fundamental experience itself, that primal seizure of mystic insight, stripped of religious concepts, perhaps no longer to be regarded as a religious experience at all, has undergone an immense expansion and now forms the soul of that complex irrationalism that haunts our era like a night bird lost in the dawn. — Robert Musil

50 Yrs Marriage Quotes By Richelle Mead

Right. Because there's no bigger sign of commitment than a Halloween dance — Richelle Mead

50 Yrs Marriage Quotes By John Barth

A man's most useful friend and fearsome foe is the poet. — John Barth