Famous Quotes & Sayings

200 Love Quotes & Sayings

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Top 200 Love Quotes

200 Love Quotes By George Monbiot

[John Clare's] father was a casual farm labourer, his family never more than a few days' wages from the poorhouse. Clare himself, from early childhood, scraped a living in the fields. He was schooled capriciously, and only until the age of 12, but from his first bare contact fell wildly in love with the written word. His early poems are remarkable not only for the way in which everything he sees flares into life, but also for his ability to pour his mingled thoughts and observations on to the page as they occur, allowing you, as perhaps no other poet has done, to watch the world from inside his head. Read The Nightingale's Nest, one of the finest poems in the English language, and you will see what I mean.
("John Clare, poet of the environmental crisis 200 years ago" in The Guardian.) — George Monbiot

200 Love Quotes By Phoebe Tonkin

I love shopping at Zara or Topshop. I'm not going to go out and spend $1,200 on a Chloe top that I'm probably going to spill something on. — Phoebe Tonkin

200 Love Quotes By Raf Simons

My point of view is that if I love a certain kind of beauty, I want more of that beauty. I don't need 200 different beauties. — Raf Simons

200 Love Quotes By Frank Herbert

The whole universe sat there, open to the man who could make the right
decisions. — Frank Herbert

200 Love Quotes By Mike Birbiglia

I always live tweet 'SNL.' — Mike Birbiglia

200 Love Quotes By Thomas Campion

My sweetest Lesbia, let us live and love, And though the sager sort our deeds reprove, Let us not weigh them. Heaven's great lamps do dive Into their west, and straight again revive, But soon as once set is our little light, Then must we sleep one ever-during night. See Catullus 200:5. — Thomas Campion

200 Love Quotes By Marguerite Duras

Listen to me. I know something else. It will begin again. 200,000 dead and 80,000 wounded in nine seconds. Those are the official figures. It will begin again. It will be 10,000 degrees on the earth. Ten thousand suns, people will say. The asphalt will burn. Chaos will prevail. An entire city will be lifted off the ground, and fall back to earth in ashes ... I meet you. I remember you. Who are you? You're destroying me. You're good for me. How could I know this city was tailor-made for love? How could I know you fit my body like a glove? I like you. How unlikely. I like you. How slow all of a sudden. How sweet. You cannot know. You're destroying me. You're good for me. You're destroying me. You're good for me. I have time. Please, devour me. Deform me to the point of ugliness. Why not you? — Marguerite Duras

200 Love Quotes By J.K. Rowling

Part of what makes a language 'alive' is its constant evolution. I would hate to think Britain would ever emulate France, where they actually have a learned faculty whose job it is to attempt to prevent the incursion of foreign words into the language. I love editing Harry with Arthur Levine, my American editor-the differences between 'British English' (of which there must be at least 200 versions) and 'American English' (ditto!) are a source of constant interest and amusement to me. — J.K. Rowling

200 Love Quotes By Katey Hawthorne

A kiss, then Brady said, "Hey, sweetheart."

As he pulled away, I turned, grinning ear to ear. "Hey, Brady - "

I halted when I saw his shirt, mostly because I was laughing too hard to continue. My face went hot, from 98.6 to 200 degrees in a second flat. It wasn't the only part of my anatomy to react, either.

The shirt was white and clinging, hot as hell on him, of course. But stenciled in spray paint across the chest in the usual blocky lettering were the words FUCK ME, ETIENNE.

"Tried to convince the band to change our name, but they didn't go for it. I settled for the shirt. — Katey Hawthorne

200 Love Quotes By W. H. Auden

May it not be that, just as we have to have faith in Him, God has to have faith in us and, considering the history of the human race so far, may it not be that 'faith' is even more difficult for Him than it is for us? — W. H. Auden

200 Love Quotes By Alexandra Shipp

I have a very long and beautiful love affair with Elvis Presley. I own every record he ever made, so I have about 150, almost 200 records of his. So much that I haven't even listened to all of them. I see an Elvis record that I don't have, and I'll buy it and put it in my collection. — Alexandra Shipp

200 Love Quotes By Stefan Molyneux

If you have people who treat you badly in your life, they will be a human shield against people who will treat you well. If that's not true then we should apply it to marriage and start saying to woman who are being put down or beaten, "you gotta stay with him because he needs you and he has been your husband for 20 years for heaven sakes. You just have to work to love him more and so on." This is the advice they gave to woman like 200 fucking years ago and it was abusive advice.
I view the parent child relationship (This just not my made up perspective.) it is the least voluntary relationship. At least the woman who got married chose to get married. We don't choose our parents. The highest standards of behavior are required for parents and no one else. There is no one else whose standards of behavior need be higher than parents and so often parents get away with the lowest possible standards of behavior with regards to their children. — Stefan Molyneux

200 Love Quotes By Charles Kuralt

What is it that binds us to this place as to no other? It is not the well, or the bell, or the stone walls, or the crisp October nights or the memory of dogwoods blooming. Our loyalty is not only to William Richardson Davie though we are proud of what he did 200 years ago today. Nor even to Dean Smith, though we are proud of what he did last March. No, our love for this place is based on the fact that it is as it was meant to be, the University of the people. — Charles Kuralt

200 Love Quotes By Rico Love

I'm very competitive; it's not enough just to have a few number ones. I want to have 200. — Rico Love

200 Love Quotes By Emmanuel Petit

Being a coach means giving your job 200% all the time and you're family is left on the side so I don't want to risk my family anymore just because I love football. I don't feel this ambition, I'm involved in many businesses and I want to live my own life, to see my daughters grow and want to see my family happy. — Emmanuel Petit

200 Love Quotes By Jack Canfield

For me, my core genius lies in the area of teaching and motivating. I love to do it, I do it well, and people report that they get great value from it. Another core genius is compiling and writing books. Along with my co-author Mark Victor Hansen and others, I have written, co-authored, compiled and edited more than 200 books. — Jack Canfield

200 Love Quotes By Jonathan Haidt

When Freud was asked what a normal person should be able to do well, he is reputed to have said, Love and work. — Jonathan Haidt

200 Love Quotes By LeBron James

I love watching track and field - the 4x100 relay, the 100-(meter) dash, the 200-(meter) dash. To see what they're able to do, I love watching that. — LeBron James

200 Love Quotes By Cecelia Ahern

Tabitha nods all throughout my sentences when I'm speaking to her, says "Right" after practically every single word, and even more annoyingly tries to finish my sentences for me, or join in with my last few words. The really annoying thing is that she always gets it wrong. She never fully catches the gist of what I'm saying, so I have to keep repeating the sentence while she keeps trying to guess what my last words will be. One of these days I'll just say "I'm a tramp" as my last words and she'll have to say that.
Ahern, Cecelia (2005-02-01). Love, Rosie (pp. 200-201). Hachette Books. Kindle Edition. — Cecelia Ahern

200 Love Quotes By Alexander Hamilton

The valuable improvements made by the American constitutions on the popular models, both ancient and modern, cannot certainly be too much admired; but it would be an unwarrantable partiality, to contend that they have as effectually obviated the danger on this side, as was wished and expected. — Alexander Hamilton

200 Love Quotes By Robert Loomis

Books guided my life from high school, and the greatest, most interesting, most provocative, funniest, smartest people who ever lived in the last 200 or 300 years wrote those books. I would fall in love with Victor Hugo and read not just 'Les Miserables,' but 'Bug-Jargal' and 'The Toilers of the Sea' and so forth. — Robert Loomis

200 Love Quotes By Gloria Steinem

I have always employed humor, and I think it's absolutely crucial that we do because, among other things, humor is the only free emotion. — Gloria Steinem

200 Love Quotes By Lili St. Crow

And death doesn't wait for you when your rested and ready. It sneaks up on you when your exhausted and hungry and cold and so scared you can't even see straight — Lili St. Crow

200 Love Quotes By L.M. Montgomery

Marilla lighted a candle and — L.M. Montgomery

200 Love Quotes By Edward De Bono

It's always amazed me how little attention philosophers, psychologists, or anyone else actually has paid to humor. — Edward De Bono

200 Love Quotes By Camille Pissarro

All the sorrow, all the bitterness, all the sadness, I forget them and ignore them in the joy of working. — Camille Pissarro

200 Love Quotes By Franklin D. Roosevelt

Private enterprise is ceasing to be free enterprise. Private enterprise, indeed, became too private. It became privileged enterprise, not free enterprise. — Franklin D. Roosevelt

200 Love Quotes By Akio Toyoda

I ride many different cars. Let's say I would drive 200 different vehicles in a year, so it's rather difficult to say which car or what car I ride. I love cars. — Akio Toyoda

200 Love Quotes By Robert Gossett

I want to be remembered as a loving, understanding father. — Robert Gossett

200 Love Quotes By Bryan Fields

The difference between the quest for the Holy Grail and someone saying 'bring me a cup' is the flavor text and the number of stops involved. — Bryan Fields

200 Love Quotes By Greg L. Bahnsen

With its continued dismissal of the law of God in ethics, Fundamentalism expressed both a "spiritualized" form of situational ethics and a "Christianly submissive" statism. — Greg L. Bahnsen