Famous Quotes & Sayings

20 Years Friendship Quotes & Sayings

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Top 20 Years Friendship Quotes

20 Years Friendship Quotes By Charles Dudley Warner

One discovers a friend by chance, and cannot but feel regret that 20 or 30 years of life may have been spent without the least knowledge of him. — Charles Dudley Warner

20 Years Friendship Quotes By H. Alazhar

Many years later after the sell-outs, betrayals, and hatred which would tear us apart, when our brotherhood had been destroyed, I'd always look back and remember that night. That fucking wild night at the KeyClub, when the smoke stung my eyes but my world was full of nothing but blind hope. When life was not a mockery, but a very real fire which flamed through my veins like the most incredible drug... the night when Kelly-Lee Obann, drunk, high and barely 20 the time, looked out through his hair with a terrible nakedness and said to me;
"We're not gonna make it out of this alive. You know that, right? — H. Alazhar

20 Years Friendship Quotes By Tony Vlachos

I'm 40 years old now and I have my friends from five years old up to 40, over 20 lifelong friends I have. And you can't keep that. You can't have that kind of friendship with people for 40 years from childhood friends if you're not an honorable person and if you're not a respectful person. And that's exactly what I am. — Tony Vlachos

20 Years Friendship Quotes By Donald McCaig

It has been 20,000 years since man and dog formed their partnership. — Donald McCaig