Famous Quotes & Sayings

1941 Belushi Quotes & Sayings

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Top 1941 Belushi Quotes

1941 Belushi Quotes By Rita Dove

I've always felt that the poems I've written which have historical context are hopefully not just simply plucking something out of history and saying great, let's write about that. In every case what has happened is that I've become fascinated or haunted by something and couldn't shake it. — Rita Dove

1941 Belushi Quotes By Johnny Flora

Johnny Flora Author of "The Spell of Zalanon and Wake Co."
Quote Du Jour; Fare better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in the grey twilight that neither knows victory or defeat ... Theodore Roosevelt — Johnny Flora

1941 Belushi Quotes By Winston Graham

At that, his smile faded and he kissed her. "Ross," she said. "Dear Ross." "I love you," he said, "and am your servant. Demelza, look at me. If I've done wrong in the past, give me leave to make amends." So he found that what he had half despised was not despicable, that what had been for him the satisfaction of an appetite, a pleasant but commonplace adventure in disappointment, owned wayward and elusive depths he had not known before, and carried the knowledge of beauty in its heart. — Winston Graham

1941 Belushi Quotes By Woody Allen

Love is the answer, but while you are waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty good questions. — Woody Allen

1941 Belushi Quotes By Walter Bagehot

The most essential mental quality for a free people, whose liberty is to be progressive, permanent and on a large scale, is much stupidity. — Walter Bagehot