Famous Quotes & Sayings

1013 Police Quotes & Sayings

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Top 1013 Police Quotes

1013 Police Quotes By Rosemary Mahoney

Americans generally associate boats with leisure. Vastly less prosperous, Egyptians associate them with nothing but labour. Rowing a boat is something a fisherman is forced to do to make a living; how could such an activity bring me - a woman no less - pleasure? — Rosemary Mahoney

1013 Police Quotes By Elias Canetti

Her somewhat overly round head was wedged deep within her shoulders on a short body; it sat right upon it, as though there had never been such a thing as a neck, what a superfluous contraption. — Elias Canetti

1013 Police Quotes By Frank Sinatra

I would like to be remembered as a man who had a wonderful time living life, a man who had good friends, fine family - and I don't think I could ask for anything more than that, actually. — Frank Sinatra

1013 Police Quotes By Charles Spurgeon

I had rather be poor in His service than rich in my own. — Charles Spurgeon

1013 Police Quotes By Carol Bellamy

Creating a world that is truly fit for children does not imply simply the absence of war ... It means having primary schools nearby that educate children, free of charge ... It means building a world fit for children, where every child can grow to adulthood in health, peace and dignity. — Carol Bellamy

1013 Police Quotes By Norman Ralph Augustine

The process of competitively selecting contractors to perform work is based on a system of rewards and penalties, all distributed randomly. — Norman Ralph Augustine

1013 Police Quotes By Robert Walpole

All those men have their price. — Robert Walpole

1013 Police Quotes By Noah Kagan

A true measure of an entrepreneur / successful-person is how they deal with adversity. — Noah Kagan

1013 Police Quotes By Brandon Sanderson

Those people gave in to their pain because they couldn't find purpose - their torture was meaningless, and when you can't find reason in life, you tend to give up on it. — Brandon Sanderson

1013 Police Quotes By Mark Cuban

Every job I took was really me getting paid to learn about a new industry. — Mark Cuban

1013 Police Quotes By Philip Roth

Well, good Christ, how was I supposed to know all that, Hannah? Who looks into the fine points when he's hungry? I'm eight years old and chocolate pudding happens to get me hot. All I have to do is see that deep chocolatey surface gleaming out at me from the refrigerator, and my life isn't my own. — Philip Roth