Zygmunt Miloszewski Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 5 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Zygmunt Miloszewski.
Famous Quotes By Zygmunt Miloszewski

History teaches us that self-proclaimed authority makes the most mistakes. And is the best at covering them up." The — Zygmunt Miloszewski

theatrical groan of disappointment. Szacki — Zygmunt Miloszewski

The scientific truth is forged in the fire of experiments, — Zygmunt Miloszewski

Behind her warm facade radiating empathy and understanding, there was an aggressive, bad- tempered bitch, putting up endless walls of goodness to conceal her rage and resentment toward the entire world. She was like an alligator in a velvet jumpsuit. — Zygmunt Miloszewski

Every life-threatening and health-endangering crime leaves its mark, but rape, the most brutal personal invasion, the violation of privacy and freedom at every level, reducing its victim to a lump of warm flesh into which someone can thrust his dick, was like being branded with burning metal. Continuously. The echo of the event kept coming back to the victim, not just once in a while, not now and then, but nonstop. Someone — Zygmunt Miloszewski