William Meikle Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 10 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by William Meikle.
Famous Quotes By William Meikle

Reviews are for readers, not writers. If I get a bad one, I shrug it off. If I get a good one, I don't believe it — William Meikle

I write to escape. I haven't managed it yet, but I'm working on it — William Meikle

If you can't see the joy and wonder to be found in genre fiction, that's your problem, not mine. — William Meikle

he settled down in his favorite armchair and read. Soon he was lost to all else but the rhythm of the words talking to him across the centuries. — William Meikle

People should learn to live in the now. They spend all their time thinking about past glories and worrying about the future. Meanwhile all the moments of spontaneity and beauty they'll ever have in their lives are flitting from future into past without being noticed. That's why there are so many grumpy assholes in the world — William Meikle

Big beasties, swordplay, aliens, guns, ghosts, vampires, eldritch things from beyond and slime. A lot of slime. — William Meikle

The Earth spins once a day. It goes around the sun once a year. The moon goes round the earth every 28 days. Your heart beats in a rhythm particular only to you. Everything has its drumbeat and everything contributes to the dance. You've just got to know when to lead and when to follow. — William Meikle

Life is an opportunity to create meaning by our deeds, our actions and how we manage our way through the short part of infinity we're given to operate in. And once our life is finished, our atoms go back to forming other interesting configurations with those of other people, animals, plants and anything else that happens to be around, as we all roll along in one big, ever changing, universe. — William Meikle

OK cosmos, I could use some good news. Go on, surprise me. — William Meikle

If I believed people who told me you can't make a living as a writer, I wouldn't be making a living as a writer. — William Meikle