Vinod Pande Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 3 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Vinod Pande.
Famous Quotes By Vinod Pande

Most ordinary mortals, mistake money or visualize money in its physical form - as coins or currency. Thus they begin counting it, hoarding it and hiding it behind faceless numbers and faceless vaults in anonymous places all over the world. They value money for its form or the form of the acquisitions it is able to have - properties, jewellery, clothes, food etc. But the real connoisseur of money knows that its true value is elsewhere. It's in the simple though propitious word, 'influence'. — Vinod Pande

Politeness can at once be the indifferent affliction of the 'civilized' as well as a subterfuge for the designed offence. — Vinod Pande

How do you tell a young girl in her formative years that the real value, real wealth is only in acquisition of knowledge through higher education? In caring for the downtrodden as well as the learned. In committing yourself to the matters of culture and creativity, when your own life has been complete antithesis of the same? — Vinod Pande