Terrence Alonzo Craft Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 5 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Terrence Alonzo Craft.
Famous Quotes By Terrence Alonzo Craft
I always find heroes who are just like me,
I forget they're only human, and like me, broken — Terrence Alonzo Craft
you sit across from me in the garden,
pretending that you have to leave shortly,
I know, as always, you want me to play the fool,
and ask, Am I keeping you?
Well, if so, then
can I keep you?
This is the paradigm of us. We are civilization and paradise, but
We are Armageddon, and wastelands. — Terrence Alonzo Craft
I'm back there again, broken from being a champion,
The boy that no one loved,
The years I spent training like a method actor to
Become the man that everyone admired,
But it means nothing,
Like ashes on a forehead, they marked me inferior,
When I was still young enough to receive it into the grain of my being — Terrence Alonzo Craft
For spirits like ours, freedom is consumption, transportation on beams of sun — Terrence Alonzo Craft
I used to hold you as my everything,
And so I built my castles in your lands,
But you proved to me your inadequacies,
With this, how will my castles stand? — Terrence Alonzo Craft