Steve Biddulph Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 5 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Steve Biddulph.
Famous Quotes By Steve Biddulph

A partner who rolls her eyes, sighs, turns away, sends a very toxic message. — Steve Biddulph

Children will usually live up to our expectations. — Steve Biddulph

The biggest single problem of American parents today is the foolish idea that you just have to be a friend to your children. Kids need parents, not just another pal. This means being able and willing to say no, to challenge faulty thinking, and to expect accountability. — Steve Biddulph

a clutter of toys and materials actually makes for less play - it's all too much choice. If — Steve Biddulph

You invest a lot in your kids, from the sleepless nights early on and the frightening trips to the emergency room, to homework assignments and a million miles of taxi driving. The great thing is that everything you put in counts, and with a bit of luck, one day they will realize it. Love adds up to something. It's indestructible and immortal and carries long on after your own life is over. Who could ask for more? — Steve Biddulph