Spencer Gordon Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 7 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Spencer Gordon.
Famous Quotes By Spencer Gordon

Language spread its warm, absurd rays over all my adolescent thoughts, and I felt the way we all long to feel: moody, lonely, lovesick and explosive with the prospects of tomorrow. — Spencer Gordon

There is no ME without books; they're everything I remember from childhood, from maturity ... All that's happened to me has been coloured, permanently, by my reading. — Spencer Gordon

After I consumed Frost in his entirety, my days of exploration began. I read The Diving Comedy while leafing through E. E. Cummings. I read Sidney and Milton and Shelley, piecing together my own aesthetics, my own defence of poetry. I felt alone and religious and desperately sad. — Spencer Gordon

Can we confront our sadness in reflecting on what our own hearts feel, or are incapable of feeling? Simply, is there anything inside us equal to or worthy of the beauty of the world? — Spencer Gordon

All the things she couldn't say, the things no one wanted to hear. — Spencer Gordon

One song, one note that heals the guilty chaos of our days, making sense of our loneliness, our perjured feelings, our sickness and our poverty, how we shall never be beautiful, how our heads will run over with unbearable secrets and how we are sentenced to this, serving us right
when the song should end, be cut down, finished, and the singer not go on singing. — Spencer Gordon