Snorri Sturluson Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 6 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Snorri Sturluson.
Famous Quotes By Snorri Sturluson

Some people reckoned up all King Harald's (King of Norway) great achievements, and said that nothing would be too difficult for him. But there were others who said that England would be very hard to conquer. It was very populous and the warriors who were known as the king's Housecarls were so valiant, that any one of them was worth two of the best in King Harald's army — Snorri Sturluson

But Loki's relations with Svadilfari were such that a while later he gave birth to a colt. — Snorri Sturluson

Who has ever wandered through such forests, in a length of many miles, in a boundless expanse, without a path, without a goal, amid their monstrous shadows, their sacred gloom, without being filled with deep reverence for the sublime greatness of Nature above all human agency, without feeling the grandeur of the idea which forms the basis of Vidar's essence? — Snorri Sturluson

To Odin many a soul was driven, to Odin many a rich gift given. — Snorri Sturluson

And now, if you have anything more to ask, I can't think how you can manage it, for I've never heard anyone tell more of the story of the world. Make what use of it you can. — Snorri Sturluson

The old witch bears many giants for sons, and all in the shape of wolves; and from this source are those wolves sprung. The saying runs thus: from this race shall come one that shall be mightiest of all; he that is named Moon-Hound; he shall be filled with the flesh of all those men that die, and he shall swallow the moon, and sprinkle with blood the heavens and all the air; thereof shall the sun lose her shining, and the winds in that day shall be unquiet and roar on every side. — Snorri Sturluson