Sabrina York Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 3 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Sabrina York.
Famous Quotes By Sabrina York

I know it's not always easy making the smart choice. Giving up things you want to do in exchange for prudence. Or to protect people you care about from worry and fear. But it is something a wise young lady does...I'm verra proud of you for making the wise choice, Isobel." Alexander Lochlannach from Susana and the Scot p. 205 by Sabrina York — Sabrina York

They are children." She gored him with a look. "Are they?" Well. Perhaps not. There were moments when he wondered if the other demons in hell ever missed their playmates. — Sabrina York

It was a harsh reminder that one never knew the true depths of another soul. A caution against passing judgment over another. — Sabrina York