S.C. Parris Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 7 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by S.C. Parris.
Famous Quotes By S.C. Parris

Alexandria," he began, the name lingering on the morning air as though it did not belong amongst trees, but instead somewhere much safer, much more enclosed.
"Christian," she breathed after her name had remained uncomfortably within his ears for a most distressing period of time.
The tears in her eyes had begun to fill quickly and more tears fell as she stared upon him expectantly, and he was quite suddenly aware that a drink of blood would be most desirable to ease the sheer uncomfortable edge he felt with her stare. — S.C. Parris

My name is Patricia Lauren Bordeaux, and I, like my creator before me, am a very lonely vampire. — S.C. Parris

Westley stared at him carefully. "Victor ... I understand how you must feel but the rules Dracula upheld - "
"Were the same very rules that allowed the Dark World to fall," he finished coldly. — S.C. Parris

Make no excuses for the devils that will not excuse you of their burdens, Miss Crane. - Darien Nicodemeus; Chapter Sixteen - The Giant's Return — S.C. Parris

He tore his gaze from the door to eye the medallion at his chest, black and dull, sharply offset by the gold around it and along the chain. She was losing this war, he thought, feeling the dullness of Eleanor Black's dread swarming against his dead heart where the medallion fell. She was losing it and it did not matter who won: We would cease to be no matter the outcome. — S.C. Parris

I have seen a stunning amount of death and destruction. Creation yes, but more death than birth. Mankind has learned nothing from their forefathers. Their ancestors. It is true what they say: history does repeat itself, Delacroix, and those after history are left to make it, but how can they," he removed his hand from the globe, waving it thoughtfully through the air, "when it has already been made? — S.C. Parris

He stood just near the club's steps, his back to me along the foggy English night, and it was not until I'd passed him and began my ascent of the many steps that I'd heard his voice. The voice I knew, in all my years of living upon the Earth, that I would never forget. Even then I had known this. It was the slippery way of his tongue, or perhaps it was the coolness of which his words passed across the air and slid its way into my ears as though they were only meant for me. — S.C. Parris