Richard Matthews Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 2 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Richard Matthews.
Famous Quotes By Richard Matthews

The presence of some serious budgetary myopia is obvious here, as the vast majority of money is spent on studying diseases and virtually none is spent on understanding why healthy people are healthy in the first place. — Richard Matthews

When researchers explain the methodology of how they performed their research, there is often a portion that describes the preparation of the lab animals. This section explains that standardized such-and-such breed animals (such as Wistar rats) were "put on a Western diet until their cholesterol and inflammation were sufficiently elevated to carry out the research protocol." What this means is that the Western diet is used to produce specific disease conditions in the lab animals, so that the researchers can carry out their research on different drug effects. Isn't it a bit ironic that poor diet is used to produce disease for drug testing, and yet doctors do not really push good diet as a way of preventing or treating illness? — Richard Matthews