Reed Morano Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 6 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Reed Morano.
Famous Quotes By Reed Morano

I want people to think about what and who they have in their lives and then run home to hug them and tell them how much they love them. — Reed Morano

You can't expect everything to happen all at once when it's been such a male-dominated world for so long. — Reed Morano

I joke around sometimes and say that the DP [director of photography] is like a shrink for the director, but there's some truth in there. — Reed Morano

Definitely the biggest misconception is that it is overly burdensome to be a woman and pursue this line of work. But being a woman gives me a unique perspective and style, which is probably why I get the work that I do. — Reed Morano