R.S. Belcher Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 22 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by R.S. Belcher.
Famous Quotes By R.S. Belcher
A man carries his faith in him, not in some god of book or manifest destiny."
~ Jon Highfather — R.S. Belcher
And the good, good people of the small town of Golgotha, many of them, when they saw the Stained, saw what they did to those they caught up to; they forgot to love their neighbor, forgot to lend a helping hand, forgot to do unto others as they would have them do unto themselves. They ran, ran like animals frightened by the storm. Pushing, shoving, the weak, the innocent, the frail, all falling under their feet. Many of the souls Golgotha called, called to across the desert, across the plains and the oceans and the night sky, many of them were not good people. — R.S. Belcher
I am the Mother's blade, the Mother's wrath ... You have poisoned her, raped her and her children. Left her to die. Now you will suffer, you will die. — R.S. Belcher
This is Golgotha: people tend to end up dead in these here parts; it's kind of a town tradition. — R.S. Belcher
Where did payback end exactly? Charlie Upton had murdered Jim's Pa. Jim killed Charlie. One day Jim might get shot or hanged for what he did to Charlie and sometone like Mutt or Jon Highfather might seek revenge in his name. How far back did the blood flow? When was it enough? Could anything ever get square? — R.S. Belcher
We understand so little about life or its sister, death. Look at this animal. Why was it, a moment ago, alive and feeling and thinking and now it is changed and dead? Why?"
"'Cause you shot it," Jim said. — R.S. Belcher
Regrets will eat a man up. My pa told me that. Said you should always try to make your peace when you can, 'cause no man knows what the Lord has in store for us tomorrow. — R.S. Belcher
However ... ," Satan said.
Bick sighed. "However, I didn't count on the growing interference of lawyers, regulators, bureaucrats and politicians into my business. I swear it seems that every year they stick their noses into more and more."
Lucifer chuckled. "Sorry about that-I outdid myself there. — R.S. Belcher
Guns are like men - only useful for a little while. They can go off at a moment's notice when you don't want them to and they make a lot of damn fool noise doing it. — R.S. Belcher
Death frames our joys, — R.S. Belcher
Belief has power. Getting someone else to believe what you believe has even greater power. I've always been all about the power, not so much with the following or the believing. I believe in me, that's pretty much it. Believe in someone else too much and they'll fail you or screw you, or both. — R.S. Belcher
God simply is," Bick said. "Humanity embraced It. They gave It color and gender, shape and form. They put words in Its mouth. They always have, and they still do, perhaps they always will. I always experience God as a 'He,' but God is too vast to be held prisoner by language of biology. — R.S. Belcher
I say a man that lets his religion git in the way of his drinking is a fella with his cart 'fore his horse. — R.S. Belcher
The white man's God was a lot like him. He never for a second figured there was anyone else already here. He figured it was all just here waiting for Him to do whatever He wanted to with it. And boy, do white people love to do stuff, jut to do it. — R.S. Belcher
You don't know what they do up there on that mountain, do you, Sheriff? It's tossing and turning. It eats the heart of the world, like a worm burrowing an apple! Maybe the preacher's right and my faith is just shivering, weak - is it wrong for me to try to keep them from hollowing me out from inside? I should just blow all of you stupid bastards back to Kingdom Come, while it's still there! Before they burn down Heaven and feast on the corpse. Maybe we should all die now, better that way! — R.S. Belcher
Man,ought to take care o his own business.don't you think, Mr. Mayor? — R.S. Belcher
Did you realize that much of the original Bible included chapters of Gnostic wisdom?" Ambrose said. "They were purged from the King James Version, many of them lost and destroyed. Lost wisdom destroyed out of fear and narrow-mindedness. They were misunderstood, reviled, much like your own Mormon texts, as not fitting with the clockwork view of the universe as presented by the lying god's groveling servants. — R.S. Belcher
-hatred is like a shotgun. It's powerful and it rips apart everything in its path-good, bad or indifferent. — R.S. Belcher
The tyrant-father of Heaven, the one who created, hated and drove out the first woman, yoked men with a horrible curse, far worse than any imagined to have been handed down to Eve. Men were told they were masters of this world, of their mates, of the beasts and fish, of the land and sea and sky. How ridiculous! That's like telling a little boy he's in charge of the house when his da is gone. It's silly!
And like that little boy, men have tried to live up to the unreasonable demands of their mute, wayward, celestial father. They have enslaved and dominated, conquered and killed, all in the name of shepherding, of protecting, of ruling the world. They spend their lives trying to do what they think is right, what their father on high would want of them. The bastard. — R.S. Belcher
The kind of nonsense they put into a lass's head from day one! How is any woman expected to have a voice as strong as a man's, to have the will to overcome like a man, to conquer and triumph like a bloody soddin' pego-wielding Richard! They're not to! Oh no! That's the reason for the stories, lass! To lock you down good and tight, to wrap you up in guilt and shame just for being what you are. Bloody bastards! — R.S. Belcher
Belief is a wonderful and terrible thing. — R.S. Belcher
The knives hummed from her hand like angry hornets, straight toward her daughter's heart. — R.S. Belcher