Preston Yancey Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 4 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Preston Yancey.
Famous Quotes By Preston Yancey

in the end we're all still searching for a Kingdom that is not of this world, how we are so desperate to be known, to be called. — Preston Yancey

Somewhere between the frenzy of discovery and the patient work of searching I became a scholar. Being a scholar meant I could ask big questions and then go searching for the answers. That's all I had ever really wanted to do. I spend the last portion
Yancey, Preston (2014-09-30). Tables in the Wilderness: A Memoir of God Found, Lost, and Found Again (p. 91). Zondervan. Kindle Edition. — Preston Yancey

Perching on a corner of the couch between the boxes, I tore out a small piece of my heart and buried it there between them to await its own restoration of all things, in the end of every good-bye ever spoken. — Preston Yancey

Liturgy means the work of the people. It means the labor we are to do. Liturgical formation, the work that shapes us, is this: praying the prayers we otherwise wish we could skip over, embodying them, posturing ourselves to be transformed by them, so that we can keep that posture and that work when we walk back out into the world. It is the way we learn the vocabulary of what we have seen, or maybe the promise of what we will see someday again. Maybe for the first time.
We bring heaven in. — Preston Yancey