Pamela Palmer Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 3 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Pamela Palmer.
Famous Quotes By Pamela Palmer

Tighe took control of his thoughts.
"You need to use the bathroom. When I tell you to, go into the house. Two cats will try to come
in with you. You must let them in. Don't allow anyone to stop them. Once inside the house, you'll
go into the bathroom and close the door, pull down your pants, then curl up on the floor and go to
The bastard's career would be over when they caught him, literally, with his pants down. But he
deserved it for kicking a cat. — Pamela Palmer

What we can do as landscape architects is look at how we can use materials to the best
advantage, and our resources like water. Water is so precious that we can't waste it, we have to
use it in small amounts, and we have to use it effectively. — Pamela Palmer