Pamela August Russell Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 11 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Pamela August Russell.
Famous Quotes By Pamela August Russell

Get used to your mortality.
It will eventually consume you
so why not pick up an addiction. — Pamela August Russell

I tried to take
a shortcut
to your heart
instead I got lost
in the wilderness
of my own desire. — Pamela August Russell

1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 2/3 cup sugar
3 eggs
I love him
3/4 cup butter or margarine (softened)
but I'm not 'in love' with him
1/2 cup cream (unsweetened)
1 cup all-purpose flour
we're getting married
2/3 cup cocoa
1/4 cup baking powder
(beat until blended) — Pamela August Russell

Bury my heart
at wounded knee
or sprained ankle
even torn ligament,
but please don't
bury it alone. — Pamela August Russell

You will soon meet someone
who will bring you much joy and love.
Eventually they will devour your soul — Pamela August Russell

It is you, it is you.
It is you that I love
and yet I am miserable
and so I smoke. I am miserable. — Pamela August Russell

Don't bother getting out of bed.
The world is crowded enough
without you and your big ideas. — Pamela August Russell

Love is like
a toilet bowl.
One touch
and you too
could be in
deep shit. — Pamela August Russell

You with the stars
in your eyes
put them back
in the sky.
You're ruining it
for the rest of us. — Pamela August Russell

I watched you fall
in love again
and couldn't help
but laugh. — Pamela August Russell

I wake up
to my cats
judging me.
They stare
as if to say,
"Is this what
you had in mind
for your life?
If it is, you may
want to consider
sleeping pills or
a tall bridge
because in our view,
you're pathetic."
they're hungry. — Pamela August Russell