Paige Shelton Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 4 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Paige Shelton.
Famous Quotes By Paige Shelton

Besides, is it really a lie when the person you're telling it to knows you aren't being truthful in the first place? — Paige Shelton

I often say that we should only be judged on two things: if we're kind, and if we read books. — Paige Shelton

Good gravy on biscuits, girlfriend, you are in the middle of more messes than a platter of scrambled eggs. What's going on? Are the planets aligned funny? Or is that unaligned? Shoot, I have no idea. But I need to know what's going on. You and I will be going out for coffee in about thirty seconds. — Paige Shelton

You can't spend a lot of time worrying about how things were. They won't change and there's some good. — Paige Shelton