Nik Ripken Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 7 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Nik Ripken.
Famous Quotes By Nik Ripken

I did see, however, what the Russian church had lost in its first decade of "freedom." Under communism, the church had found a way to survive and often thrive. Scripture and holy song was its lifeblood. — Nik Ripken

Then he raised his voice in a prophet-like challenge that I knew would live with me forever: "Don't ever give up in freedom what we would never give up in persecution! — Nik Ripken

When I share with churches today, I often suggest that people read Matthew 28. When I read that chapter, I notice that Jesus never says if or whether you go; He simply talks about where you go! God may have to give instructions about the location - the where. But there is nothing to negotiate about the command to go - God has already made our primary task perfectly clear. — Nik Ripken

Jesus commanded His followers to go into "all the world" - not only into all "the safe places in the world, — Nik Ripken

before we can grasp the full meaning of the Resurrection, we first have to witness or experience crucifixion. If we spend our lives so afraid of suffering, so averse to sacrifice, that we avoid even the risk of persecution or crucifixion, then we might never discover the true wonder, joy and power of a resurrection faith. Ironically, avoiding suffering could be the very thing that prevents us from partnering deeply with the Risen Jesus. — Nik Ripken

Even though He wants our help, values our help, and calls for our help in changing the world, our all-powerful God is not helpless - even without us. — Nik Ripken