Mohammed Hanif Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 26 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Mohammed Hanif.
Famous Quotes By Mohammed Hanif

It's futile to predict what love will make of you, but sometimes it brings you things you never knew you wanted. — Mohammed Hanif

What's with books and soldiers? I wonder. The whole bloody army is turning into pansy intellectuals. — Mohammed Hanif

Alice Bhatti walks the walk of someone who thinks they can overcome their fear by taking measured steps. — Mohammed Hanif

life is a series of sweet coincidences — Mohammed Hanif

Any man who reaches for a book when he thinks about you is a man that you should think about. — Mohammed Hanif

Now we must put our heads together and suck national security. — Mohammed Hanif

The innocent are punished. That's the world we live in. — Mohammed Hanif

He is an innocent in the way that lonesome canaries are innocent, flitting from one branch to another, the tender flutter of their wings and a few millilitres of blood keeping them airborne against the gravity of this world that wants to pull everyone down to its rotting surface. — Mohammed Hanif

Shigri boy lost his marbles in the end but the plane General Zia is about to board has enough VX gas on it to wipe out a village. — Mohammed Hanif

Life has taught Alice Bhatti that every little step forward in life is preceded by a ritual humiliation. Every little happiness asks for a down payment. Too many humiliations and a journey that goes in circles means that her face is permanently in the red. She accepts that role. 'I'll do my best'. — Mohammed Hanif

The gate, probably built to accommodate an elephant procession, opens slowly and reveals an abandoned city dreamed up by a doomed king. — Mohammed Hanif

Don't be frightened of your own reflection. We all have bad moments in front of the mirror," says Noor. "You should probably get married. I have heard that a good husband is the only cure for bad dreams. You know why? Because then you are sleeping with you nightmare. — Mohammed Hanif

The generals who had called Zia a mullah behind his back felt ashamed at having underestimated him: not only was he a mullah, he was a mullah whose understanding of religion didn't go beyond parroting what he had heard from the next mullah. A mullah without a beard, a mullah in a four-star general's uniform, a mullah with the instincts of a corrupt tax inspector. — Mohammed Hanif

She wants a surprise so big and so heavy it could flatten her in the middle of the road. She want a tied-to-a-rocket-and-launched-into-space kind of surprise. — Mohammed Hanif

Teddy accepts the challenge. 'It has bodies floating in it, and severed heads, bobbing up and down.' He realises that his dream doesn't sound very romantic. 'And some flowers also. — Mohammed Hanif

Now she has lived long enough to know that cutting up women is a sport older than cricket but just as popular and equally full of obscure rituals and intricate rules that everyone seems to know except her. — Mohammed Hanif

Basic military rule: you manage your anger by kicking ass, not by rearranging the furniture in your room. — Mohammed Hanif

A professional who didn't miss his target even in his death. If your boss had half your sense of humour, this Pakiland of yours would be a much livelier place. — Mohammed Hanif

Alice does not turn around, but only to stare at the judge, then she spits on the floor of the court and rushes out, two fat policewomen trying to keep pace with her. — Mohammed Hanif

Get some sleep, Secretary General, get some sleep. Revolution can wait till the morning. — Mohammed Hanif

So what is it really like? What happens when people die? Noor asks Alice Bhatti, who after finishing her shift has changed into a loose maxi and is lying down on a wheelie stretcher, her forearm covering her eyes. A half-torn poster on the wall behind the stretcher says : Bhai, your blood will bring a revolution. Someone has scrawled under it with a marker: And that revolution will bring more blood. Someone has added Insha'allah in an attempt to introduce divine intervention into the proceedings. Some more down-to-earth soul has tried to give this revolution a direction, and drawn an arrow underneath and scribbled, Bhai, the Blood Bank is in Block C. — Mohammed Hanif

You want freedom and they give you chicken korma. — Mohammed Hanif

He won't stop the war until you give him the peace prize. — Mohammed Hanif

The problem with you khakis is that you have started believing your own nonsense. — Mohammed Hanif

Men constantly feel hungry and women constantly feel sad. That's what marriage does to them. ~Teddy Butt, Our Lady of Alice Bhatti — Mohammed Hanif