Maxine Cheshire Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 5 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Maxine Cheshire.
Famous Quotes By Maxine Cheshire

[To the editor of the Harlan, Kentucky, Daily Enterprise, as a kindergartener:] I know everything that goes on in this town, and if you give me a job so will you. — Maxine Cheshire

Life in a small town is like an intricately plotted novel, and even though I had read every book in the public library by the time I was fourteen, I found the real people around me saying and doing far more interesting things than did the imaginary book characters. — Maxine Cheshire

The only way to keep a secret in Washington, if you are the one person who knows it, is never to tell another living soul. — Maxine Cheshire

In Harlan, Kentucky, we told stories the way some people play music ... In the mountains, storytelling is truly an art form, and as much recreation as communication. — Maxine Cheshire