Maisie Williams Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 100 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Maisie Williams.
Famous Quotes By Maisie Williams

I've had a fast track to who I want to be. I know all of my friends are struggling to what to pick in college, and I've been given a fast pass to kick start my future. — Maisie Williams

When I first watched 'Coraline,' I thought, 'If that ever got adapted ... ' If it was done by real actors, I think that would be a really fun thing to do, just because it's a kind of whole new universe. — Maisie Williams

On 'Game of Thrones', the people that I've met, of the people behind the scenes, was not even a scratch of the vast crew that actually does work on that show. — Maisie Williams

Before I was born, my mom and my dad, they used to rescue dogs, so at one point, they had 13 dogs. And they were all from different litters. It wasn't like they were bred. They were all from different people. And they were all different ages. When I grew up at my dad's house, I think we had seven at one point. — Maisie Williams

As soon as someone finds out something you're insecure about or that bothers you, they will use that against you, which is awful. — Maisie Williams

I look at other people my age in this industry, other famous people my age, and they've just got famous friends. Which is cool, but I love being normal and just chilling at mine. — Maisie Williams

On my actual 16th birthday, on the actual day, I went home and I had chicken korma and Peshwari naan bread and pilau rice, and that was fantastic. — Maisie Williams

When I'm dancing, I don't know where the confidence comes from, but I just pretend I'm someone else, I think, and then I go out and dance. — Maisie Williams

I haven't done Vine in a long time, and when I first started, I just did stuff that I thought was funny. — Maisie Williams

I follow Elle Fanning's career. I really like to follow actors who are a similar age to me. Just to see what they're up to. — Maisie Williams

I'll never do a film because it's a massive budget and I'm gonna get lots of publicity for it and it will bring something else. — Maisie Williams

People ask me, 'Isn't it scary living on your own?' but in this industry, being at events, doing interviews, and doing promotion and constantly chatting about yourself, sometimes it's really nice to just sit in silence or take a day where you can sleep in until 3 P.M. and then stay up as late as you like. — Maisie Williams

Sleep is my best friend when we're shooting 'Game of Thrones' because there are very long days and intense scenes. — Maisie Williams

Boys can just wear a suit on the red carpet and that's fine, but for girls it's all about the way you look, and there are constant comparisons. — Maisie Williams

For every three scripts that you get through, one will be made, and that doesn't even necessarily mean that they're going to cast you in it. — Maisie Williams

I've never really done acting before, 'cause dancing was my first love. And then, I sort of fell into it from a talent competition and never really looked back. — Maisie Williams

It's helpful to have a handbag that's a bit crazy, or shoes that have kiwis on them or something, because it distracts. — Maisie Williams

I'm used to being part of 'Game of Thrones' and going into something where you're a small part of something else. You don't want to hold anything up because they've got such a well-oiled machine going. — Maisie Williams

I stress out so much about the red carpet and interviews and pictures, and, you know, not getting my skirt tucked in my knickers. — Maisie Williams

I like shocking people just because, like, I can wear a dress, too. Not even for people to go, 'Oh she's grown up,' but to show people that I'm actually a girl. — Maisie Williams

Sexuality in girls isn't explored as much as it should be. Everyone gets freaked out - it's quite a taboo thing for girls to wanna have sex — Maisie Williams

People really want to see what I'm up to, and that's crazy. It's a really lovely feeling. It's kind of scary, but a good scary. It's a lovely position to be in. — Maisie Williams

I can't ever see myself playing the romantic lead because that's not me; I'm not that girl. — Maisie Williams

There's some people that obviously abuse social networking or whatever, but I think it's a fantastic idea. I've never had any bad encounters with any of it. — Maisie Williams

If you put music into your Vine, and it's really jumpy, just do it over again. — Maisie Williams

When you cross over on fandoms, people don't know what to do with themselves. — Maisie Williams

Whether I like it or not, I've become influential to people. — Maisie Williams

I'm a little bit awkward on Twitter; like, I'm never really sure what to say. — Maisie Williams

This whole segregation between famous people and other people is complete rubbish. — Maisie Williams

I seem to be landing a lot of roles with animal interactions, which is amazing. — Maisie Williams

Not a lot of people have jobs that they're really comfortable with, but I'm one of those people. — Maisie Williams

I'm sorry; I ruin people's interviews because I just talk about rubbish. — Maisie Williams

Nobody wants to see a half-finished Vine. — Maisie Williams

It's very different when you're reading a script to when you're watching a movie for the first time. — Maisie Williams

My family are the epicenter of all my decisions. — Maisie Williams

I feel like a lot of people would quite easily stab you in the back once they get what they want. And you see that in people. — Maisie Williams

Sometimes I wish I was more comfortable just saying what I thought and getting my point across. — Maisie Williams

I'd much rather be liked because people realize that I'm standing up for myself. — Maisie Williams

There is no easy way to get around horrible people on the Internet, and it's either just leave it or don't and get sucked into the whirlwind of it all. — Maisie Williams

Basically, me and Ed Sheeran are kind of Twitter friends - well, I say that. He probably just thinks I'm weird. — Maisie Williams

'Game of Thrones' focuses on what's real. — Maisie Williams

I am someone who isn't always perfect. — Maisie Williams

I like the fact that when you're put into a really extreme situation, you put everything else aside. You put your ego aside and get on with it, and I quite like that. — Maisie Williams

I hope there are going to be plenty of more roles to come. — Maisie Williams

People say, 'Do you ever miss being a normal teenager?' — Maisie Williams

I think people think I'm a lot younger than I am because of how I look on screen. — Maisie Williams

I do ballet and pointe work. I also do tap, commercial jazz and technical jazz, freestyle street dancing. — Maisie Williams

In the U.K., we're surrounded by American accents. Anything we watch in television. We have 'How I Met Your Mother' and all these other shows here, so it's not something that's really alien to us. — Maisie Williams

I like 'Glee' a lot. It's kind of like my guilty pleasure. — Maisie Williams

17 is the weirdest age, because you can't figure out if you want to grow up or be a child. — Maisie Williams

You know sometimes when you're in a really bad mood and you're not sure why? That's how I get sometimes. — Maisie Williams

I don't wanna be liked just because I'm pretty. — Maisie Williams

If you're having a down time at school and people are bullying you, they don't know you. They don't have the right to have an opinion on you. — Maisie Williams

I'm so excited to be working on 'Doctor Who,' as it's such a big and important part of British culture. — Maisie Williams

I think a lot of people on Twitter say, 'Oh you're really cute. I want to adopt you,' and things like that, yeah. — Maisie Williams

Someone once told me that if you respect a person, listen to their opinion. And if you do not respect someone, then do not listen to their opinion. And that works both ways. — Maisie Williams

I once had someone say to me in an interview, 'You are more ugly on the screen than in real life.' — Maisie Williams

No one is born evil; it's just the choices that they make. — Maisie Williams

I don't have to be making a lot of money or living in a fancy house. — Maisie Williams

It's not like I've ever been the popular pretty girl at school or anything. I was always such a weirdo. — Maisie Williams

People throw insults at you, and sometimes they hit a nerve - and it's about not showing that, because they will pick on that. Don't feed the trolls! — Maisie Williams

People are like, 'What's Game of Thrones about?' I'm like, 'It's in the title.' For real, this is a game for the Iron Throne. No matter what character you are, you're sucked into that at some point. — Maisie Williams

Sometimes you miss friends, and it's hard for them, as well, when you're just gone for a long time. I can't just go and see them any time I want because when I'm free, they may not be free, but I definitely wouldn't change it, ever. But, when you find really great friends, that doesn't matter, and I'm lucky to have some people who really, really look after me and look out for me. I definitely wouldn't ever change it. — Maisie Williams

People just get kicks out of making other people sad. — Maisie Williams

I still study dance, and it's definitely something I want to incorporate in the future. It's always been my first love. — Maisie Williams

I don't think Twitter is a platform to build your confidence on at all. Not at all. — Maisie Williams

I'm never going to do something that I don't want to do, because I've been given the opportunity to not have to do that. — Maisie Williams

It's huge in the U.K., if someone's doing well, to put them down. That's what we do all the time. It's kind of like a cultural thing. — Maisie Williams

I get a lot of fan mail and stuff, and usually it's for me to sign stuff. — Maisie Williams

I didn't want to escape my life and become a big actress and live my dreams. That was never the way it was; it was just these amazing opportunities that happened. — Maisie Williams

I'm never really going to be the normal teenager. — Maisie Williams

People don't always do what they say they're going to do. — Maisie Williams

I watch vlogs on YouTube. I watch Jenna Marbles a lot - I think she's really funny - and a lady called Daily Grace. — Maisie Williams

In my opinion, nothing changes after you get married. If ain't broke, don't fix it. — Maisie Williams

I just think something about being in front of a live audience when you've finished a big dance that you've been working on for so long - I don't think anything can really beat that. — Maisie Williams

Oh, the cat I worked with on 'Game of Thrones' was so badly behaved! It would never do anything it was supposed to do. I was like, 'Get your game together, cat. You're so bad.' — Maisie Williams

I've done 20 takes of a Vine before it goes out. — Maisie Williams

Don't say anything online that you wouldn't want your mother to read. — Maisie Williams

Being in South Africa, that messed up my body a little bit. I broke out in spots, and I got really dehydrated, and the water was really different. It was really strange, because you're on the other side of the planet, and you think, 'Oh, water is the same everywhere,' and it is, but it still felt strange. — Maisie Williams

Going out is the typical thing when you turn 18, but it's not really much fun when you have a recognisable face. — Maisie Williams

When I was in primary school, my best friend was a boy and we always goofed around, climbed trees, got holes in my trousers and muddied all my tops and things like that; a complete nightmare for the washing, but great fun. — Maisie Williams

The power of Twitter still never ceases to amaze me. — Maisie Williams

I talk to myself quite a lot, and when things get stressful, I just tell myself to breathe. — Maisie Williams

I have this really bad habit of doing things on the Internet and forgetting that the whole world is going to see it. — Maisie Williams

People go down bad paths and they make bad decisions, but it's always justified in their head. — Maisie Williams

I'm a Taylor Swift fan, definitely. — Maisie Williams

You hear horror stories about scary mothers who just want their kids to be famous. I could be waitressing in a restaurant, and my mum would be happy as long as I was happy. — Maisie Williams

I know things aren't perfect for women in the U.K. and in America, but there are women in the rest of the world who have it far worse. — Maisie Williams

If I started being braggy, my family would be like, 'Shut up, Maisie! Who cares? Get off the sofa.' — Maisie Williams

Doing the sword fighting is like picking up a dance routine ... I think dancing really helps with the picking up of it. — Maisie Williams

When I come home, I'm just Maisie, and everywhere I go, I'm just Maisie! — Maisie Williams