Lou Priolo Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 4 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Lou Priolo.
Famous Quotes By Lou Priolo
An important part of leaving and cleaving has to do with abandoning parental beliefs, lifestyles, values, and traditions that are not clearly delineated in the Scriptures. Unless both husband and wife agree, such extra-Biblical standards should not be automatically carried over from one family to another. — Lou Priolo
Living day in and day out with guilt over sin that has not been properly confessed and forsaken expends a certain amount of emotional energy; it saps your emotional strength and causes you to become emotionally exhausted (i.e., depressed). — Lou Priolo
The ability to discern the thoughts and motives of your heart (especially when experiencing intense emotion) is an essential skill for the believer. Recognizing thoughts and imaginations of the heart is a prerequisite of bringing them 'captive to the obedience of Christ'. — Lou Priolo
Fear is sinful when it is rooted in selfishness rather than love. — Lou Priolo