Lisa Carey Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 2 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Lisa Carey.
Famous Quotes By Lisa Carey

A girl is there. Dressed in a dirty rag of a dress, turning to look at him with the large, gold eyes that have studied everything from the rafters. Her hair in the overhead light appears dark for an instant, then when she shifts, fair. She is there in vivid detail, down to a mustache of beaded water above her generous mouth. A dead girl, looking more real and more alive than anyone he has ever seen.
She is not the girl - Oisin knows this with an instant, wrenching disappointment - whom he has been waiting for. — Lisa Carey

Mothers' bodies are not their own. The happiest ones seem to have forgotten what it is like to want themselves back at all. — Lisa Carey