Lil B Quotes & Sayings
Enjoy the top 38 famous quotes, sayings and quotations by Lil B.
Famous Quotes By Lil B

Make sure you comfort everybody, because you have so much power. The influence you do have, make sure you use that for the right things that's going to propel you, and propel your company. It's not always about making profit. I know y'all know how to make profit, and I know that's what it's about! But I'm very happy that I can come here and tell you I'm someone that has not been driven by the profit. You can succeed with the people. — Lil B

I'm very gay, but I love women. I'm not attracted to men in any way ... But yes I am gay, I'm so happy. I'm a gay, heterosexual male ... I got major love for the gay and lesbian community, and I just want to push less separation. — Lil B

Don't let people's stereotypes or stigmas or words - don't let that put you in a box. Don't let that ruin your day. — Lil B

But basketball was always something I was good at, that I was passionate about. I just didn't have the confidence to play in front of people at the time, at that early age. Now, I feel like I'm ready to play in front of people and play on the big stage. — Lil B

When you want to read the book, come read the book. When you want to come talk to me and be my friend, come talk to me. — Lil B

It's a blessing to have the support that I do. The support from the people. To get all the love from them, is just amazing and it keeps me going day by day. — Lil B

I want the world to see, you can have a million stones thrown at you and you can still be positive. — Lil B

Based means being yourself. Not being scared of what people think about you. Not being afraid to do what you wanna do. Being positive. When I was younger, based was a negative term that meant like dopehead, or basehead. People used to make fun of me. They was like, "You're based." They'd use it as a negative. And what I did was turn that negative into a positive. I started embracing it like, "Yeah, I'm based." I made it mine. I embedded it in my head. Based is positive. — Lil B

I'm extremely happy about music altogether, and the history that I've made. How I changed the world, music-wise, music over the internet and stuff like that. — Lil B

Life is so great. Life is so fun. Life is so great in my head because I see the love. I see what life could be. As long as I can fulfill it and fulfill my days, it will be fruitful and come about. — Lil B

Imma go to Starbucks in the morning for some coffee, if it ain't no girls there i won't buy no damn coffee! — Lil B

I'm a real positive person. Non-violent. Love everybody. I'm definitely an asset to the world. — Lil B

My people, you gotta think before you move, you gotta speak before you cry, you gotta live before you die. — Lil B

I work hard to show my mother that her child has a purpose. — Lil B

I have a positive core, and what I'm doing for music and Earth and the people is more living and less critical thinking. — Lil B

I want people to smile when they hear my name. I love everyone. I want to help make it a better time for the kids after me. — Lil B

I love people, 'cause people are so smart. People have done a lot of great things. — Lil B

I don't like men. They're saying they're going to bash my head in. — Lil B

We're a new generation of people. We need to be happy. We need to love each other. We need to accept each other for who we are and stop judging each other. Live life and love. Stop judging just to keep yourself secure. Look deeper. There's always something deeper than what it is. — Lil B

Not everybody has time to pay attention fully, or not everybody has the time to read a book. Some people refuse to read books, and I'm just an unread book. Open me! — Lil B

I have a funny sense of humor. If I was a comedian and I was up on stage, people would think that's funny, because I'm a funny comedian. I'm an entertainer. — Lil B

I hope that I can turn some of my fans that might be homophobic or supporters that might be homophobic and say, "You know what, we're all one people. This is love." — Lil B

Wanna move out the hood and defeat that cancer
I ask how she stay on her feet like dancers
How she keep on adding paint to a life-size canvas. — Lil B

Well, you know what? If that guy can do it, I can be myself too, and if that rapper can be himself and be free and be happy and still hold masculinity and love people and love flowers and just be happy being alive, well then, I can do that too. — Lil B

The irony of loneliness is that everybody shares it from time to time. — Lil B

Throughout the years I feel if God promotes me to stay alive and have more years to live on Earth, which I pray and I would love to, people are going to see my personality, and they're going to see more of me and be able to understand me more. — Lil B

I have a huge support base of people that love me around the world: millions of fans and supporters and growing. — Lil B

Less opinion, more perspective. — Lil B

You are what you choose to identify with. You have the choice. A mouse raised by pigeons. — Lil B

I support the world and love everybody. It's about spreading love and breaking down barriers, not building up hate. — Lil B

I go to sleep happy. I wake up excited because I give the truth. — Lil B

I live art, I respect people, and I've found what I want to do in life - I've found what makes me happy. — Lil B

Last time I failed is when I fell in love with distractions. — Lil B